Hi, Justin.

  Thanks for the answers. I would like to learn more.

1. How does `PixarAnimationStudios/USD` involve? I looked around the
   blueprintjs repository [1], the main `README.md`, the
   `package.json`, and the icon files. They don't seem to be related.
2. For icons created by our "committers", which are under Apache
   License, what do we have to do for them? Do we need to declare the
   license for them somewhere?
3. For icons from 3rd parties, we should include the trademark
   attribution in the `NOTICE` file, is that correct? Do you have some
   examples for reference?

  Thanks for your help, it means a lot.

Best Regards,

Klesh Wong

1. https://github.com/palantir/blueprint

On 6/27/22 14:33, Justin Mclean wrote:
] that have
Apache 2.0 license.

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