
As most likely know, I have a older box I use for backups.  The hard
drives are encrypted which likes the CPU to have AES support.  The
Phenom CPUs don't seam to support AES from what I've seen.  The specs
for the mobo says the mobo does support the FX-6300 CPU tho which has
AES support.  Since the biggest thing I use that system for is my
backups, would it be better to have the FX-6300 CPU which supports AES
or the Phenom 1090T?  Mobo only shows it supports the FX-6300 and no
other FX series CPU.  Could be that it doesn't support anything else,
could be the list hasn't been updated.  I dunno. 

Given the FX-6300 has a higher clocks speed, 3.8GHz versus 3.2GHz for
the Phenom, I'd think the FX would be a upgrade, quite a good one at
that.  More L2 cache too.  Both are 6 cores according to what I found. 
Anyone know something I don't that would make switching to the FX-6300 a
bad idea?

You may have to click on CPU support to see it.  Sometimes it goes to it
directly, sometimes not.  :/ 



:-)  :-) 

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