Michael wrote:
> On Saturday, 13 April 2024 12:12:04 BST Dale wrote:
>> Michael wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 13 April 2024 08:58:50 BST Dale wrote:
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> As most likely know, I have a older box I use for backups.  The hard
>>>> drives are encrypted which likes the CPU to have AES support.  The
>>>> Phenom CPUs don't seam to support AES from what I've seen.  The specs
>>>> for the mobo says the mobo does support the FX-6300 CPU tho which has
>>>> AES support.  Since the biggest thing I use that system for is my
>>>> backups, would it be better to have the FX-6300 CPU which supports AES
>>>> or the Phenom 1090T?  Mobo only shows it supports the FX-6300 and no
>>>> other FX series CPU.  Could be that it doesn't support anything else,
>>>> could be the list hasn't been updated.  I dunno.
>>>> Given the FX-6300 has a higher clocks speed, 3.8GHz versus 3.2GHz for
>>>> the Phenom, I'd think the FX would be a upgrade, quite a good one at
>>>> that.  More L2 cache too.  Both are 6 cores according to what I found.
>>>> Anyone know something I don't that would make switching to the FX-6300 a
>>>> bad idea?
>>>> https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Motherboard/GA-770T-USB3-rev-10/support#suppo
>>>> rt-> cpu
>>>> You may have to click on CPU support to see it.  Sometimes it goes to it
>>>> directly, sometimes not.  :/
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Dale
>>>> :-)  :-)
>>> I can't find where the link you provide mentions FX-6300, an AM3+ socket
>>> CPU, being compatible with GA-770T-USB3-rev-10, an AM3 socket MoBo.  The
>>> FX-6300 would definitely be a noticeable upgrade (higher base and boost
>>> frequency, plus AES crypto), assuming you can find a MoBo to fit it on. 
>>> You'll probably find the cost of buying just the CPU of unknown
>>> provenance, which may well have been cooked with overclocking, will more
>>> or less equal the cost of buying a suitable MoBo + CPU + RAM already
>>> assembled.  Or even a whole PC ready to run:
>>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/166707210724
>>> You could get a better result if you start with a budget in mind and then
>>> fish for the best performance combo you can bag with it.
>> Your right.  I misread that somehow.  Good thing I asked.  I could have
>> ordered a CPU that won't fit.  It's a FX-4130 I should be looking at. 
>> No idea where I got the FX-6300 from.  As you point out, it's not listed
>> on the specs page.  Still, the FX-4130 shows a faster clock and other
>> stuff I mentioned except it has 4 cores instead of 6.  I got it right
>> except for the model of the CPU.  According to this page it supports AES
>> for encryption as well. 
>> https://www.amd.com/en/support/cpu/amd-fx-series-processors/amd-fx-4-core-bl
>> ack-edition-processors/fx-4130#!
>> Now that I got the right model of CPU, still be a improvement?  I'm
>> mostly wanting to use this mobo I already have.  I just wish the
>> encryption was faster.  The loss of two cores may slow it down a lot,
>> despite having AES built in. 
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> I think the FX-4130 should give a noticeable improvement on crypto and a 
> small 
> improvement on single thread processing (higher frequency and larger cache).  
> On the other hand it'll suffer on parallel tasks.
> TBH I'd rather spend the $10 or so for a used FX-4130 on a more modern MoBo 
> plus CPU, than throw good money after bad.

I found a CPU for like $20 shipping and all but as you rightly and
correctly point out, you don't know what that poor thing has been
through.  Overclocking, poor cooling and any number of other things. 
Most people don't build them like I do.  I build a tank.  Lots of fans,
massive CPU cooler etc etc.  I might get a perfectly good CPU that
hasn't been abused at all, then again I might not.  The 1090T in there
now is one I bought used.  I ran stress-ng on it and it never missed a

I think I'll stick with this for now.  Once I build a new rig, whenever
I can get back on track with that, this current rig will be used sort of
like a NAS box and backup rig.  It has AES support.  It works fairly
well.  The encryption still slows the speed down some but that's the way
it is. 



My biggest thing right now, finding a mobo with plenty of PCIe slots. 
They put all this new stuff, wifi and such, but remove things I do need,
PCIe slots.  First thing I'd do, disable wifi.  I just don't need it. 
Only use wifi for my cell phone and printer.  I got my CPU picked out,
Ryzen 7900X.  Memory will depend on the mobo mostly.  I'll get back to
it eventually.  Maybe they will have what I need by then. 

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