>You did not mention which role you intend to take in this, I guess youI 
>don't intend to take on a role.  I see the value in doing, not in 
>theoretical arguments how things should be done.
>Over and out.
I thought I was indicating that I might take on any of a number of 
different roles (could wear one of more of those "hats") and being 
retired have the time but that I simply wasn't interested unless we 
could assemble a proper "team". Not going to try to do all the user 
parts of it at the same time as doing the analyst parts. I was trying to 
indicate that as far as I was concerned, it's lack of "user commitment" 
at least as much as lack of developer resources. Not at all strange with 
these projects. Users "want things" but aren't willing to put in the 
time to make more than the vaguest of requests.

This might seem harsh, but take a "bug fix" request (I don't mean a hang 
or loop which is an OBVIOUS bug). I am not seeing such things reported 
as .......

a) Here is the specification (clause in design document) that the 
program is not implementing properly (if there is no such specification, 
then this isn't a "bug report" but a "request for enhancement").
b) I want this fixed (priority for me) and am willing to be user tester 
for this bug.

In the case of an "enhancement request" the commitment to be part of the 
user group that with the help of a business analyst (if needed) draws up 
the business specification -- what this enhancement would do in detail. 
And of course later for user testing.

I am not taking as "serious" requests as vague as "provide facilities 
for keeping data/producing reports as needed for jurisdiction X". Not 
unless you are asking something like "Mike, I have a user group (could 
be just a group of one) willing to do the work of creating the 
"requirements document". We need a
business analyst to help us do that. Would you help us with that?

Michael D Novack, FLMI
gnucash-devel mailing list

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