On Feb 9, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Robert Fewell <14ubo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am still plodding on with this and it is progressing slowly, have
> uploaded another patch to the bug which also indicates roughly what is left
> to do. I am not sure of any time scales but the menu options can be
> disabled or the whole lot can be removed if it is holding other things up.
> Assuming it is still viable, I will continue and progress it as time
> permits.

Is this mostly working? If so, let's get it into trunk and ditch the old 
register. That will at least let us get rid of the project Ridley deprecated 
libraries. It will also get more people banging on it, which will bring any 
problems to light.

Pending that and Phil's budgeting, I'm thinking we can release 2.5.0 next week.

John Ralls

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