Op 21-02-13 18:40, Mike Evans schreef:
On Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:16:53 +0100
Geert Janssens <janssens-ge...@telenet.be> wrote:

Op 21-02-13 15:18, Mike Evans schreef:
Lovely charts Geert.  Two of the features I added in the Net Worth
line chart are obsoleted/broken.  Optional grid and optional data
markers no longer work as advertised so I'll have to look at them
or remove them.  Not really sure if either are necessary anyway.
Thanks, most of the credit goes to Andy Clayton though, who did most
of the work. I mostly tuned and updated it.

About the options, that got dropped, I didn't notice them, sorry. It
shouldn't be too hard to add them again. I'll fix it in a next round.
All the charts could possibly use an alternate black and white
stylesheet for printing, is this easier to achieve using jqplot?
This is not new because of jqplot though.
It depends, but I don't think I understand exactly what you would
like to achieve here. Can you elaborate a bit ?

Charts don't print very well on a B&W laser. They didn't before to be
fair. For B&W the lines, text, borders etc., need to be black
(obviously) with a different line style (dash type) for each data line.
Basically a user should be able to toggle between B&W and colour in the
chart preferences.  Just curious as to how hard this would be to

I don't know how many people would need this, so it probably isn't a
high priority anyway.

Mike Evans

I think is possible, but not straightforward. The base colours are in a css file. This could easily be overridden in a custom css file specifically for printing.

But the line/bar/pie segment colors are chosen by the java script code. The jqplot code is flexible enough that you can even override these by setting options for the jqplot object, but it could be more difficult to only do that for printing.

Overriding line styles is similar to overriding the data colors: you can do it by setting javascript options. Again, it may be more complicated to do this only for printing.

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