On Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:16:53 +0100
Geert Janssens <janssens-ge...@telenet.be> wrote:

> Op 21-02-13 15:18, Mike Evans schreef:
> > Lovely charts Geert.  Two of the features I added in the Net Worth
> > line chart are obsoleted/broken.  Optional grid and optional data
> > markers no longer work as advertised so I'll have to look at them
> > or remove them.  Not really sure if either are necessary anyway.
> Thanks, most of the credit goes to Andy Clayton though, who did most
> of the work. I mostly tuned and updated it.
> About the options, that got dropped, I didn't notice them, sorry. It 
> shouldn't be too hard to add them again. I'll fix it in a next round.
> > All the charts could possibly use an alternate black and white
> > stylesheet for printing, is this easier to achieve using jqplot?
> > This is not new because of jqplot though.
> It depends, but I don't think I understand exactly what you would
> like to achieve here. Can you elaborate a bit ?
> Geert

Charts don't print very well on a B&W laser. They didn't before to be
fair. For B&W the lines, text, borders etc., need to be black
(obviously) with a different line style (dash type) for each data line.
Basically a user should be able to toggle between B&W and colour in the
chart preferences.  Just curious as to how hard this would be to

I don't know how many people would need this, so it probably isn't a
high priority anyway.

Mike Evans

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