Op 21-02-13 15:18, Mike Evans schreef:
Lovely charts Geert.  Two of the features I added in the Net Worth line
chart are obsoleted/broken.  Optional grid and optional data markers no
longer work as advertised so I'll have to look at them or remove
them.  Not really sure if either are necessary anyway.
Thanks, most of the credit goes to Andy Clayton though, who did most of the work. I mostly tuned and updated it.

About the options, that got dropped, I didn't notice them, sorry. It shouldn't be too hard to add them again. I'll fix it in a next round.
All the charts could possibly use an alternate black and white
stylesheet for printing, is this easier to achieve using jqplot?  This
is not new because of jqplot though.
It depends, but I don't think I understand exactly what you would like to achieve here. Can you elaborate a bit ?

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