Am 19.12.23 um 02:30 schrieb john:

On Dec 18, 2023, at 13:14, Frank H. Ellenberger <> 

I don't know if we really want all translators of all languages in the AUTHORS 

ISTM it should be all or nothing: If we're not going to include all of the 
current translators  we should remove everybody whose only contribution is 
translation. But the translator-credits mechanism isn't great: Users see only 
the people who helped translate into the current UI language, so if the 
language is set to US English they see no-one at all.

John Ralls

IIRC Authors and Translators had separate tabs in GTK2's About.

How about adding a linking sentence like:
For translation contributors see the list at the beginning of each .po file.

An automatic greping of the list is not trivial as it sits between file description (0-2 lines) and the general translator comment (0-n lines).

Not all mentioned with "translation" in Authors are listed in the respective po file. Perhaps they contributed e.g. localized account templates? Is it really worth to grep the logs for them?

Just my 2c
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