
I have Homebrew installed.

I'm not familiar with @INC, but happy to learn.

I just ran gnc-fq-update without issues.

I still have the output from that update if you need it, or if you need output from any other commands, just let me know.

I'm still on GnuCash 5.5, my Perl is 5.30 and it appears to be at /usr/bin/perl.



On 4/25/24 9:15 PM, john wrote:
Are there any Mac users who have Homebrew installed and know what @INC is?

At least two users with the first problem but without knowing the second have 
gotten themselves cross-threaded trying to install Finance::Quote because 
Homebrew' screws up their perl installation so that cpan ignores the installed 
modules and since Homebrew doesn't (at least without help) provide SSLeay, 
Net::HTTPS, and IO::Sockets::SSL and macOS doesn't put OpenSSL's headers in 
/usr/include they have to perform all sorts of unnatural acts to get 
gnc-fq-update to work.

We need some simple instructions for the wiki for how to work around the 
problem so that gnc-fq-update uses the system perl (that's after all the only 
one the app bundle can see, it doesn't read the user's shell environment) and 
gets the dependencies from /System/Library/Perl instead of trying to build them.

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