
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:


Thank you for the revised Japanese localization. I ran an experiment
using it and UTF-8 conversion. There were a lot of warning messages
during the UTF-8 conversion.

Warning: Unknown charset: iso-5726-5
 at /usr/share/mhonarc/MHonArc/ line 58
Warning: Unknown charset: iso-7316-0
 at /usr/share/mhonarc/MHonArc/ line 58

The result looks ok to me, but not perfect. Let me know what you

I don't know the reason why your tool raises a lot of warnings though, it seems that the result of the conversion has no problem. My Japanese resource is working fine, thanks ! I guess what your feeling as 'not perfect' has roots in non-Japanese characters on the above list. I mean the list name is 'debian-japanese', however, many of messages are not in (correct) Japanese.

Also, I looked for the axis-user-jp archive and can't find it
anywhere. Are you sure it is being archived? If so, please send me
(directly) a copy of an axis-user-jp message so I can look at the

It's not 'axis-user-jp', but 'axis-user-ja'. I think that 'axis-user-ja' is merged with 'axis-user' on your system at this point. It should be separated.

I want to add a few small revises to the Japanese resouce later.


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