On February 13, 2005 at 14:48, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:

> Thank you for the revised Japanese localization. I ran an experiment
> using it and UTF-8 conversion. There were a lot of warning messages
> during the UTF-8 conversion.
>  Warning: Unknown charset: iso-5726-5
>   at /usr/share/mhonarc/MHonArc/Char.pm line 58
>  Warning: Unknown charset: iso-7316-0
>   at /usr/share/mhonarc/MHonArc/Char.pm line 58
>  [...]

Looks like the mail has bad, or unusual, charset settings.

If you are serious about moving to UTF-8, it may be better to
take the TEXTENCODE route of mhonarc.  The TEXTENCODE resource
page of the docs provides more information about TEXTENCODE and
how it compares to CHARSETCONVERTERS.


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