Le 17/09/2019 à 14:27, Ted Lemon a écrit :
On Sep 17, 2019, at 7:06 AM, Alexandre Petrescu <alexandre.petre...@gmail.com <mailto:alexandre.petre...@gmail.com>>

This draft-shytyi-opsawg-vysm-03 describes a YANG model for uCPE.
A Customer Premises Entity is for enterpise and home networks.

Is this draft appropriate here?

It’s a bit off-charter.  It’s not necessarily a wrong thing to pursue
 here, but you’d need to talk us into doing it, and more importantly
 there’d need to be people here interested in working on it.  It’s
likely that most people reading this have no idea what the draft is
about, so if you want to try to pursue it here, the first thing I’d
suggest you do is tell the WG what problem you are trying to solve.

Hi Ted,

Thanks for the reply. As I do not author the draft, and my colleague is not subscribed to this list, I paste here his reply to your question:

It is not really clear if the draft is appropriate to the homenet wg.
One can state that this draft presents a tool/solution (service yang
model) for orchestator to manage the different uCPE equipment. uCPE
eqipment is not regular cpe/homenet device.

uCPE is a host that hosts guest OSs. uCPE is like PC with virtualbox
where the VMs are running (VMs such as homenet router,cisco router,
firewall, SD-WAN.)


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