Or as was suggested earlier.  Have your clients remove the .exe from the end
of the file.  Then send it as an attachment with an email saying that it is
an .exe file.  The receiver can then add the .exe back on when it is saved.
Saving the file will usually cause it to be scanned by the AntiVirus program
on the PC so you are doubly safe.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of NetQuick Mail
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] rules.ima

I'd suggest you try convincing them to send just straight ZIP files.  It
would be safer for all concerned.  After all you risk is their risk.

Kevin Childers
NetQuick Customer Support.
(910) 486-7845 / (888) 228-0312
Fayetteville Internet Communications
APCNet - FayNet - NetQuick - QuickWAN

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Welch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 5:25 PM
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] rules.ima

> I am in the magazine publishing industry, and some of our advertisers &
authors send us self-extracting compressed files. I hope our host doesn't
decide to block .exe files.
> I am not an imail owner, but rather a domain administrator at an imail
host. I have been watching the virus-catching threads with interest. It
bothers me that hosts would block particular files as attachments. This
should be on the end user's head, it is not the host's responsibility or
right to block any of my incoming files. I might need and want them.
> One could also argue that they have no right to block spam. After all, how
are my employees going to find out how to visit web sites involving doing
strange things with animals? (In spite of the serious nature of my initial
thoughts, I am not without a sense of humor.)
> Charlie Rhodes wrote at 10:04 AM 12/05/2001 -0500:
> >Here is a list of attachment types we block.  It gives us some false
> >positives, but not too many.
> >"wsh"
> >"vbx"
> >"shs"
> >"scr"
> >"exe"
> >"bat"
> >"vbs"
> >"cab"
> >"nws
> >"asp"
> >"dll"
> >"eml"
> >"cmd"
> >"xml"
> >"pif"
> >"sys"
> >"asd"
> >"chm"
> >"ocx"
> >"vbe"
> >"wsf"
> >"js"
> Michael Welch
> ------------------------
> "A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn."
> unknown
> Michael Welch, [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.homepower.com
>      Managing Editor, Home Power magazine
>      Office Coordinator, Redwood Alliance
>      (Not HP mag numbers) 707-822-7884 fax: 707-822-3481
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