Hi Ross,

Thank you for testing this. Comment inline.

On 25/06/18 11:03 PM, rco...@e1b.org wrote:
I think there is a problem.

Working in Eclipse 4.7, whenever I do an Ivy->"resolve", the project loses
all its Ivy-provided libraries, and then, of course, all sorts of compile
errors appear.   But if I then do an Ivy->Refresh, suddenly all my
IvyDE-provided lib Icons return, and all the compile errors go away.
This was mentioned as an issue in one of the vote mails. At that time though it was noted as the icons disappear so it didn't look like a major issue. If the IDE is losing Ivy provided libraries too, then it does sound a bit more important one. However, I haven't yet been able to reproduce this. I'll wait for a few others to try this binary in this voting mail to see if this is reproducible consistently and how serious this is.


are no IvDE log errors at start up or at when I resolve.   My eclipse is
up-to-date, and I don't run any exotic plugins.   I tried cleaning the
caches but this did not help.  I tried re-adding Ivy support to project,
but this had no effect.  The only thing that might be considered exotic
about the project/resolve is that it contains 5 Ivy modules -- which
caused no problems for 2.2.

Obviously, not having the resolve work properly is a kind of a problem --
though I suppose there is the work-around of always doing a refresh after
the resolve.    I didn't have any problems with 2.2, so I'll stick with
that for now, and I'll understand if people with some longstanding issue
really want this fix.    So put me down for +0.



From:   "Jaikiran Pai" <jai.forums2...@gmail.com>
To:     "Ant Developers List" <d...@ant.apache.org>,
Cc:     ivy-user@ant.apache.org
Date:   06/25/2018 01:53 AM
Subject:        [VOTE] Release 2.3.0-rc1 of Apache IvyDE

I'm initiating a newer vote mail for 2.3.0-rc1 release of Apache IvyDE
project. This addresses the blocker issue that Nicolas identified, the
last time a vote was initiated for this version.

The newly updated tag is here

with sha1 3581a61ec159ede16005f36e58e5e258d32090fa

You can download the distribution from this URL:
at rev 27709

The Eclipse p2 repository is here:

at rev 27707

The 2.3.0-rc1 release of IvyDE consists of the following changes:

* FIX: xml bomb in workspace causes hang in Ivy code during Search or
Synchronize operations (
* FIX: Deadlock in classpath container
* FIX: Typo in IvyResolveJob
* FIX: User-selected configurations not checked in the viewer
* FIX: Fix ClassCastException
* FIX: Fix the issue where the IvyDE preferences couldn't be saved

* NEW: Support for OSGi 'Bundle-Classpath' directive
* NEW: Basic support for the workspace resolver to find OSGi bundles
managed by Ivy in the workspace
* NEW: Support for storing credentials securely

Do you vote for the release of these binaries?


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