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I might be totally blind, but it looks like the old one to me?

Are you running installed?  If you are, this is a bug - the about dialog should magically find the icon (does the icon show up properly in other places e.g. the top left corner of the browser window or in the Applications->Office->Labyrinth men entry in the main GNOME menubar?).  If you're using it uninstalled, this is a known problem.  Unfortunately, I forgot about it while rolling the release :(  I'll fix it in SVN soon.

If "running installed" means clicking my GNOME menu icon after having installed the .deb, then yes.
There is no icon anywhere (GNOME menu, window border, about dialogue)

No messages when running from the command line.

Wierd. labyrinth.desktop has Icon=labyrinth and /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/labyrinth.??? are present.
The .glade file doesn't have an icon specified but afaik doesn't have to have (?)

If I cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/labyrinth.png to /usr/share/pixmaps/ it works in both the
GNOME menu as well as the about dialogue.

-- R.

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