
On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 14:40 +0100, Raphael J. Schmid wrote:
>         The new website design is live and can be found at
>         http://www.gnome.org/~dscorgie/labyrinth.html
> I might be totally blind, but it looks like the old one to me? 

Have you tried refreshing it (ctrl-R)?  It should be a nice blue theme
with 5 or so tabs available at the top.  The old one was a single html

>         Are you running installed?  If you are, this is a bug - the
>         about dialog should magically find the icon (does the icon
>         show up properly in other places e.g. the top left corner of
>         the browser window or in the Applications->Office->Labyrinth
>         men entry in the main GNOME menubar?).  If you're using it
>         uninstalled, this is a known problem.  Unfortunately, I forgot
>         about it while rolling the release :(  I'll fix it in SVN
>         soon.
> If "running installed" means clicking my GNOME menu icon after having
> installed the .deb, then yes.
> There is no icon anywhere (GNOME menu, window border, about dialogue)
> No messages when running from the command line.
> Wierd. labyrinth.desktop has Icon=labyrinth
> and /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/labyrinth.??? are present.
> The .glade file doesn't have an icon specified but afaik doesn't have
> to have (?) 
> If I cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/labyrinth.png
> to /usr/share/pixmaps/ it works in both the
> GNOME menu as well as the about dialogue.

You probably need to run gtk-update-icon-cache (with sudo).  It's not in
the .deb.  If that doesn't work, I'm stumped, unfortunately :(


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