
On 11/14/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Cool! Working great here with Ubuntu 6.10.

Good to hear :)
When do we get to see the new website?

The new website design is live and can be found at http://www.gnome.org/~dscorgie/labyrinth.html

And, oh, might be a bug, I can't seem to find
any icon. Help > About just has a red cross.

Are you running installed?  If you are, this is a bug - the about dialog should magically find the icon (does the icon show up properly in other places e.g. the top left corner of the browser window or in the Applications->Office->Labyrinth men entry in the main GNOME menubar?).  If you're using it uninstalled, this is a known problem.  Unfortunately, I forgot about it while rolling the release :(  I'll fix it in SVN soon.


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