---- laceandb...@aol.com wrote: 
If this is a new event/idea someone's come up with, why not have it  the 
same day as the already long established UK National Lacemaking Day, 2nd  
Saturday in September (this year the 12th) and make it International Lacemaking 
Day instead?  June 21st is already taken for Father's Day.

October 1 has been used as a US National Lace-in-Public day for more than 10 
years now.  I remember honoring it when I lived in Pittsburgh (moved away from 
there 10 years ago), but don't remember for how long before I moved away.  And 
June 21st is the Summer Solstice, is it not?  That's usually Earth Day in the 

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA

Parvum leve mentes capiunt
(Little things amuse little minds)

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