On Monday, 25 בAugust 2008, Omer Zak wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 19:56 +0300, Oron Peled wrote:
> > On Monday, 25 בAugust 2008, Amos Shapira wrote:
> > > Since there are always swings around about "best linux support" which
> > > I didn't follow, what's the order of the day? Should go with nVidia,
> > > AMD or maybe Intel? Any specific card families/models?
> [... snipped ...]
> > * My second choice today would be ATI cards:
> >     1. As someone else mentioned older (e.g: r300) chipsets have
> >        pretty good support in the FOSS driver (including
> >        simple 3D, compiz etc.)
> >     2. AMD/ATI released hardware specs last year and started
> >        cooperating with FOSS community, which is significant for
> >        the newer cards (http://www.x.org/docs/AMD)
> >     3. Because of (2.), there is better support for modern cards
> >        on the pipe. Specifically, David Airlie (one of X.org developers
> >        from Red Hat) already announced not long ago about major
> >        improvements in r500/r600 chipsets. This is bleeding edge
> >        source in his git repository, but it is reasonable to expect
> >        this code to land within 6-12 months in fast paced distros
> >        (Debian testing, Fedora, etc.)
> Sorry, but the 2nd and 3rd reasons to choose ATI exist in the future
> rather than today.
> If Amos Shapira can wait a year, then let him buy ATI a year from now.
> But if he needs a solution today, then several of the above promises are
> not relevant for him.

Bzzt. You oversimplify:
 * Scenario I:
   - Let's assume Amos buys today an old ATI (r300/r400 based)
     because he cannot wait.

   - He gets reasonable 3D today (One of my Pentiums began
     doing compiz a year ago, after a regular update [ATI 9100IGP]).

   - Items {2,3} *still* apply, because some of the future
     updates would improve even those old cards. For example,
     some of the updates Airlie work on, involve adding kernel
     modesetting support for the old r300/r400 as well.
     (this would help in monitor hotplugging, xrandr, etc.)

 * Scenario II:
   - Amos buys today an ATI r500/r600 cards.
   - Can use FOSS drivers today (no 3D acceleration etc.)
   - Or can use proprietary drivers today.
   - But because of items {2,3} he would get an *improved*
     FOSS drivers within the next year (cleanup, release engineering,
     distribution roll out).

So with ATI we have an "installment plan" ("Tashlumim")
in two steps:
 * Get working (but limited) solution today (either old
   cards or proprietary drivers or no 3D acceleration)
 * Get better support for the *same* hardware on the
   next upgrade of your distro.

Where's the second step for nVidia cards?


Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
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