On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:49 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> 25/10/2013 02:37, Ken Springer:
>> Just a question, does viable equate something that will be successful in
>> the long run?
> It is already successful. We have users, LyX continues to advance, although 
> at a frustratingly slow pace these days. But in some sense, the fact that we 
> continue to advance in a time where the number of active and enthusiastic 
> developers is low is a proof that LyX is a robust project. Having 3 more 
> active developers (I mean good enough to avoid generating random code that 
> will take years to clean up) is the most we need probably.
> What I mean is that I do not want personally to create some kind of killer 
> app, but provide a trusty tool for a small to medium circle of users ready to 
> make some investment in learning time. Having people who trust LyX enough to 
> entrust their writing work to us _is_ a success.
> JMarc

For me, LyX is in fact a killer app, in the sense that it has killed any need 
or desire to have an affair, a one night stand, or even flirt with any other 
app. I write long, structured papers that contain mathematics, figures, 
cross-references, and bibliographic citations, and LyX has been the perfect 
partner and document processor. It does everything I need, produces beautiful 
pdf's, and it's solid as a rock.

A heartfelt thank you to JMarc and the other LyX developers.


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