On 04/22/2006 07:41 PM, Carlos Rodrigues wrote:

Right now megatec just calculates a linear approximation. It doesn't
give accurate values, but it is enough to have a fuzzy idea of the
charge left (like saying "it's almost noon" instead of "it's 12:45"),
and I'm not seeing how to plot a more accurate charge that fits all
the models that megatec is supposed to support (especially given I'm
no electrical engineer).

Now, I've introduced these values to megatec, and I've commited it to
SVN. Can you (not Charles) check if they are acceptable now?
Still no go:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# megatec -a ablerex
   Network UPS Tools - Megatec protocol driver 1.4 (2.1.0)
   Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2006

   Megatec protocol UPS detected [Ablerex MS3000RT MS02035C].
   This UPS has an unsupported combination of battery voltage/number of
   batteries. The "battery.charge" value will be bogus.

I have uploaded a new dump of "megatec -DDD -a ablerex" to http://wdl.lug.ro/ablerex

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