On 04/23/2006 07:43 PM, Carlos Rodrigues wrote:

Yes, that's probably it. The value displayed is rounded to one decimal point.

I'll too need to take a look at those logs (taken when the UPS is
fully charged), posting them to the list is a good idea.

On 4/23/06, Peter Selinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Could the reason be that the UPS reports voltage to more than one
decimal, and the value used by the driver to calculate the load is
actually more accurate than the value displayed?

I tried answering my own question by looking at lonely wolf's logs,
but could not retrieve it. -- Peter

Carlos Rodrigues wrote:
Now, that's strange. It should read 100%. In fact, just to be sure I
faked the voltage here and it reads 100%...

Can you give me more details about your setup? Version, architecture
and stuff...
nut was retrieved with "svn co svn://svn.debian.org/nut/trunk". Last tests have been performed using revision 410. I have uploaded on my web site the last versions of the rpms I have packaged and used (source and binaries). All tests have been performed on a fully updated Centos 4.3 running on AMD Athlon XP 2600+. The UPS is connected via a [green] DB-9 serial cable received with the UPS (actually the only cable included in the box ; no power cables, not even for connecting the UPS to 220V ).
Testing method:
- start upsilon (which leaves a daemon named rupsd running)
- use upsilon to retrieve the status (a snapshot of the screen as reported by upsilon is available at http://wdl.lug.ro/ablerex)
- stop upsilon
- run megatec -DDD -a ablerex 1> megatec.debug 2>&1 - start upsd (with no arguments)
- use upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED] to retrieve status
compare the results

Please let me know if you need more details or any other tests and I will do my best to supply them if possible.


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