on 06/02/2011 18:19 Arjen de Korte wrote:
Citeren Kevin <bakd...@gmail.com>:

Seems to have gone a bit quiet. Are we at a dead end now?

No, I just don't have a lot of spare time on my hand lately.

That's ok. I quite understand. Thank you for all your help so far.

You could try if changing
{ "shutdown.reboot", 0, 0, "UPS.APCGeneralCollection.APCDelayBeforeReboot", NULL, "10", HU_TYPE_CMD, NULL },


{ "shutdown.return", 0, 0, "UPS.APCGeneralCollection.APCDelayBeforeReboot", NULL, "1", HU_TYPE_CMD, NULL },

Thank you. I will try that and see what happens.

I know it's very old code, but if it helps at all I know that this modified shutdown function in hidups works:

void upsdrv_shutdown(void)
        /* XXX: replace with a proper shutdown function
        fatalx("shutdown not supported"); */

        /* 1) set DelayBeforeStartup */
        if (getval ("ondelay"))
                ondelay = atoi (getval ("ondelay"));

/* setvalue(UPS_WAKEDELAY, ondelay); */ /* commented out this line for APC CS 500 */

        /* 2) set DelayBeforeShutdown */
        if (getval ("offdelay"))
                offdelay = atoi (getval ("offdelay"));

        /* setvalue(UPS_GRACEDELAY, offdelay); */
        setvalue(0xff86007c, 1); /* changed this line for APC CS 500 */

helps. Looking in the apcupsd sources seems to indicate that this isn't a timer at all, but instead just a flag that forces a reboot cycle.

Given the brokenness of the APC HID PDC implementation (the apcupsd project uses about half a dozen ways to shutdown), I doubt that the support status of APC is going to improve a lot. If you have not already tried the apcupsd project, I'd suggest to try that too. Since NUT is not focussed on one specific make, we probably can never give the same support. This is also due to the fact that none of the active developers has access to one of these devices.

Thanks again, I will have a look.


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