> Starting the driver with debug level 5 seems happier, but continue to cycle

It is meant to 'cycle', it's working correctly.
When you run the driver normally (i.e. not in debug mode), you don't
see all that output (plus, after having established a connection with
the device, the driver goes into the background), but it's doing
exactly the same thing.

> nutdrv_qx....
> rroot@artu:~# upsdrvctl start
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.2
> Network UPS Tools - Megatec/Q1 protocol USB driver 0.11 (2.7.2)
> Can't chdir to /var/run/nut: No such file or directory
> Driver failed to start (exit status=1)
> but with blazer_usb seems better....
> root@artu:~# upsdrvctl start
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.2
> Network UPS Tools - Megatec/Q1 protocol USB driver 0.11 (2.7.2)
> Supported UPS detected with megatec protocol
> Rating information unavailable
> Vendor information unavailable
> No values provided for battery high/low voltages in ups.conf
> Using 'guestimation' (low: -0.866667, high: -1.083333)!
> Battery runtime will not be calculated (runtimecal not set)
> but
> root@artu:~# upsc Elit@artu
> Error: Connection failure: Connection refused

Also, remember that, if you launch upsd and then you change the
content of ups.conf (for example, changing the driver of your UPS from
'nutdrv_qx' to 'blazer_usb'), you need to reload its configuration
(upsd -c reload) or restart it (mandatory, if it's running in debug

So, let's try this:
1. stop all NUT-related services,
2. make sure to have the right things in your ups.conf (i.e. your UPS
configured for driver 'blazer_usb'),
3. launch upsd,
4. launch the driver,
5. now check the values with upsc: what happens?

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