On Jun 16, 2017, at 2:20 AM, Andrea de Lutti <adelu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Using 'guestimation' (low: -0.866667, high: -1.083333)!
> Initial battery charge undetermined
> Driver failed to start (exit status=1)

The "low" and "high" voltages should correspond to the battery voltage when it 
is discharged (LB) and charged, respectively. For a 12V (nominal) battery, they 
should not be less than zero :-)

There is a check for whether the nominal battery voltage is 1, but it should be 
looking for -1. (This has been fixed in nutdrv_qx, but was not backported to 

As Manuel suggested, you can use the "defaults.battery.voltage.low" and 
"defaults.battery.voltage.high" options in ups.conf - there is a bit of a 
chicken-and-egg problem here, but you can still put in approximate values (say, 
10.4 and 13.0) in order to run the calibration, and then adjust them to the 
actual reported values.

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