> Bear in mind that upsmon runs as user "nut" on Ubuntu, as does the
> NOTIFYCMD script. At one point, you said that the script is in /root, which
> is not commonly readable by other users. Does the script work if you move
> it to, say, /usr/local/bin?
> (With Ubuntu 16.04, there should be some error messages from upsmon in
> 'journalctl' referencing permissions.)
> ​I have tried running from /etc/nut, now moved in /usr/local...will keep
you informed​

> Under the Bugs heading, the man page says "Instant commands are not yet
> supported in Dummy Mode..." - one of the use cases was automated developer
> testing of NUT, and there isn't much use in simulating all of the commands
> in that case. "load.off" is probably worth implementing at some point for
> user testing.
> So for your use case, the timers would probably be the easiest way with
> the current code.

​Ok, I am testing it, thank you​
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