
what does "getenforce" say? 
You cannot verify that SELinux doesn't cause the issue by trying to write a file to /tmp with the specific user. SELinux is more complex than this - trust us.


Am 26.05.2016 um 14:13 schrieb Juan Manuel Clavero Almirón <juanm.clav...@ibsalut.es>:

thank you for your answer but, as I said before, both users ‘otrs’ and ‘apache’ can write a file in that location via the command line.


Any other idea?


Kind regards,

Juan Clavero


De: Leonardo Certuche [mailto:leonardo.certu...@itconsultores.com.co]
Enviado el: miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016 14:26
Para: User questions and discussions about OTRS. <otrs@otrs.org>
Asunto: Re: [otrs] can't write temp files on CentOS




Probably "Step 7: File Permissions" from https://otrs.github.io/doc/manual/admin/4.0/en/html/manual-installation-of-otrs.html can help you solve your issue

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