A good answer, Bob.
It's been a little while since i've seen the link referred to. It is
useful for old timers to review once in a while, as well...  <g>

keith whaley

Bob Walkden wrote:
> Hi,
> a theoretical physicist* called Ralf Stubner used to be a regular
> here, and once a month he sent out a message containing this:
> http://www.tfkp.physik.uni-erlangen.de/~ralf/photo/PDML/Welcome.html
> It has fallen into disrepair, but something similar could be quite
> useful either as a page on pdml.net or pug.komkon.org or elsewhere
> with links between them.
> Bob
> *I don't mean that Ralf was theoretical (I have no evidence either
> way - perhaps he was a matter of faith). I mean the physics he studied
> were theoretical. And probably not all of them, just the particular
> ones.
> Sunday, September 14, 2003, 12:51:56 PM, you wrote:
> > As someone who is (or was) new to this list and who was shown some of the
> > ropes of this list, I think it would be a fine idea if some guidelines were
> > published to avoid having a repeat of what happened to me. No doubt during
> > the years more unwritten guidelines have developed. Just as many lists have
> > rules, why not have a set of guidelines. It won't harm anyone, but will
> > guide members through to fine postings.
> > Just a Pentax thought...
> > :-)
> > Paul Delcour

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