On 14/9/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Well, put Bob, and Cotty.
>What it comes down to is we are all friends here. If you have a friend 
>who doesn't want to hear about some controversial topic, what do you do? 
>I usually don't mention it around him. It is simply called being polite. 
>At the same time, I think many of us (me near the top of the list) could 
>work a little at being more polite about how we ask someone to be polite 
>to us. And on the other hand we could all be a little less sensitive to 
>perceived criticism. But we all have to realize that everyone on the 
>list is human and therefore not perfect.

Bob, I suppose he's not too bad, this Greywolf chap, eh? I'll let him buy
me a drink I suppose...



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