Hi everyone,

I have a problem since I have installed the last version of R 4.3.2 (spanish 
R does not work!

For example:

x <- 1:20                               #this is ok
y <- 10 + rnorm(n=20,mean=0,sd=1)       #this is ok
plot(x,y,pch=20,col="red")              #this is ok, but I have to run some 
times this
model <- lm(y~x)                        #this is ok
summary(model)                          #this is ok
abline(model)                           #R does not plot the regression line in 
the window where I have the points.

(And this code in RStudio works well).

(I have installed the last version of XQuartz.)

I do not know what is the problem.
Perhaps, because is the Spanish version?
How can I install the English version?

Any help?
Thank you in advance.

Best regards.
María-Ángeles Casares-de-Cal
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