I found some people using org.codehaus.stax2.XMLInputFactory2 or 
com.sun.xml.stream.ZephyrParserFactory, and tried it, it gave the same 
error. As I don't see these libraries is in the libs, this suggests that 
"FactoryConfigurationError" could also mean "class not found" ?

I tried to download jwsdp from sun site and copied all jars in lib, but 
it did not change.

I'll try in resin v4 because it seems easyer...

Scott Ferguson wrote:
> In this case, though, it just looks like we need to find the right 
> classname for the XMLInputFactory, since it looks like the one I gave 
> isn't right for the JDK.
> -- Scott
>> Daniel López wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Not sure if it helps, but I have an application that exposes a SOAP
>>> interface using CXF 2.1.9 and I just tested it to work under Resin 3.1.5 
>>> and it fails under Resin 4.0.7 with a weird error.
>>> It's just a proof-of-concept application that I have, so I can't tell 
>>> how well the combination really works, but at least I know those 
>>> versions can work together.
>>> S!
>>> D.
>>> El 20/07/2010 8:29, Riccardo Cohen escribió:
>>>> Thanks a lot Scott for your answer. This is the result:
>>>>> That looks like an error in the XML parser. You might try changing
>>>>> the javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory property to
>>>>> "com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLInputFactoryImpl".
>>>> When I add
>>>> <system-property
>>>> javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory="com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLInputFactoryImpl"/>
>>>>  in the conf of the webapp, the client seems to like it, and launches
>>>> the request, but now the server has an err500 :
>>>> javax.xml.stream.FactoryConfigurationError at
>>>> javax.xml.stream.FactoryLoader.newClass(FactoryLoader.java:138) at
>>>> javax.xml.stream.FactoryLoader.newInstance(FactoryLoader.java:76) at
>>>> javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory.newInstance(XMLInputFactory.java:157)
>>> at javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory.newInstance(XMLInputFactory.java:143)
>>>> at
>>>> org.apache.cxf.staxutils.StaxUtils.createXMLInputFactory(StaxUtils.java:167)
>>>>> Also, you should avoid 3.2.x. Those are very old 4.0.x beta
>>>>> releases.
>>>> I know but when I tried version 4.0.8 it claimed that it needs java
>>>> 1.6 which is not available on my macosx leopard intel 32bits :) (I've
>>>> just bought snow leopard and may move to 4 soon)
>>>> Is there any other "very simple" way to do soap client/server with
>>>> Resin ? (my customer needs soap, if not I would have used
>>>> hessian...)
>>>> Thanks
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Riccardo Cohen
Architecte du Logiciel
+33 (0)
Membre du réseau http://www.reflexe-conseil-centre.org

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