With 4.0.8 the sample given http://wiki.caucho.com/CXF works.
I can now create a soap service and call it. I can also generate wsdl 
with /adlsoap?wsdl request and could generate java classes from wsdl 
with cxf's wsdl2java. These 2 steps could be added to the wiki :)

Now there are some details:

- I still need to unzip package 3.1.9 to find the resin-support.jar 
which is needed, I suppose this could be added also in 4.0.8 package ?

- I would like to put cxf libraries in a subfolder of lib, so I added 
this to web-app conf :
     <library-loader path="WEB-INF/lib/soap"/>
but it did not work.


Riccardo Cohen
Architecte du Logiciel
+33 (0)
Membre du réseau http://www.reflexe-conseil-centre.org

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