Plugins release..

2007-01-16 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Hi people,

Just was checking the plugins release and I noticed a couple of things that 
could be improved (this
is not specifically about the release, but more technical).

A couple of things were missing from the release, which could be handled a 
different way :

- The parent pom of trinidad plugins could org.apache/apache/3 (think that is )
  This fixes the license things automatically.
- if you put a NOTICE.txt and LICENSE.txt in every root of an artifact 
(plugins can be used
individually, so I think they need to be there anyway), you can simply use the 
resources plugin to
include them from the root of the plugin, instead of having them in 
src/main/resources. In any case,
the NOTICE could be different for every plugin (eg could imagine adding javacc 
to the notice of the
javacc plugin)
- The current signing of the plugin (when doing releases) is uncommented. You 
can also put that in a
profile, so you don't have to change the pom each time (probably could also be 
done in a
profiles.xml, but to be honest, I never used that)
- Add some documentation how a release are made by the trinidad project (also 
for the non plugin
releases). (if it is already there, sorry didn't look too close :)

If I can find some time I can do some of the changes myself and send patches / 
commit myself
(whatever is preferred, in the commit myself scenario I will give myself karma 
for trinidad).
I can also do it in a branch, so you can review if you are happy with the 
changes I have in mind..


Re: Plugins release..

2007-01-17 Thread Martin van den Bemt
To make things clear : The showstoppers or on the release vote thread and 
this mail should be
separate, they are just things to make life easier (at least that was my 

About the mentor part : If you think I am not listening in, you could (for 
safety) ping my apache
address, although I must add that being a mentor is doing more than vote on the 
incubator general
list (the preferred way is that the mentors already have voted before you move 
the vote to general).
I will start improving on my mentorship by reading the list on regular basis, 
instead of irregular
basis :)

Pinging me when something important happens isn't a bad idea though in case I 
get swamped with
Jakarta issues (which requires a lot of reading)


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Hello Martin,
 thanks for valuable feedback, appreciate that.
 See inline for some comments
 On 1/16/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi people,

 Just was checking the plugins release and I noticed a couple of things
 that could be improved (this
 is not specifically about the release, but more technical).

 A couple of things were missing from the release, which could be
 handled a different way :

 - The parent pom of trinidad plugins could org.apache/apache/3 (think
 that is )
   This fixes the license things automatically.
 done, uploading the new homepage later today
 - if you put a NOTICE.txt and LICENSE.txt in every root of an
 artifact (plugins can be used
 individually, so I think they need to be there anyway), you can simply
 use the resources plugin to
 include them from the root of the plugin, instead of having them in
 src/main/resources. In any case,
 the NOTICE could be different for every plugin (eg could imagine
 adding javacc to the notice of the
 javacc plugin)
 I used resources plugin to archive that; for javacc I added Sun's
 BSD-style license to our license txt as well; also I added a comment
 to the notice.txt file
 the incubator_notice.txt is now also part of meta-inf folder.
 - The current signing of the plugin (when doing releases) is
 uncommented. You can also put that in a
 profile, so you don't have to change the pom each time (probably could
 also be done in a
 profiles.xml, but to be honest, I never used that)
 is that really a show stopper ?
 other podlings aren't doing this as well; currently it is only me
 doing the release or trying to
 (only my gpg-key part of KEYS file)
 - Add some documentation how a release are made by the trinidad
 project (also for the non plugin
 releases). (if it is already there, sorry didn't look too close :)
 what do you mean? We have a wiki page, containing some infos on the release
 (fixed issues etc)
 If I can find some time I can do some of the changes myself and send
 patches / commit myself
 (whatever is preferred, in the commit myself scenario I will give
 myself karma for trinidad).
 I can also do it in a branch, so you can review if you are happy with
 the changes I have in mind..
 Go ahead and yourself karma for trinidad.
 Also I don't mind if you work on my matzew-m1-plugins branch. As
 mentioned, I already addressed lot's of the issues
 One more thing from my side to you as a mentor:
 I already did a vote thread here in trinidad, should I do a CC to your
 private email address to ensure that a vote like this is on your radar
 ? ;)
 Thanks again for taking the time to help/guide us.


Name change..

2007-02-03 Thread Martin van den Bemt
There isn't any notice on the name change on the status page. I assume that the 
name change is there
to stay ? Would also be nice if someone still has some idea on what date the 
name change actually

Since the rest is still called adffaces (list names, incubator page, etc) I am 
not sure if we need
to change those names to trinidad before graduation

Thoughts ?

We can also bring this discussion to general to ask for opinions, although I 
think the overhead
created with changing the name in every area isn't probably worth it. (assuming 
Oracle still is ok
that the name ADF Faces is used?)


Re: Name change..

2007-02-03 Thread Martin van den Bemt

Martin van den Bemt wrote:
 We can also bring this discussion to general to ask for opinions, although I 
 think the overhead
 created with changing the name in every area isn't probably worth it. ()

That sentence should read assuming Oracle still is ok that the name ADF Faces 
is used during


Re: Name change..

2007-02-03 Thread Martin van den Bemt
We'll leave it as is and I will update the status page, since according to the 
status page the name
change is still unresolved.. (i'll look at the incubator report to see when 
this exactly happened)


Adam Winer wrote:
 On 2/3/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There isn't any notice on the name change on the status page. I assume
 that the name change is there
 to stay ? Would also be nice if someone still has some idea on what
 date the name change actually

 Since the rest is still called adffaces (list names, incubator page,
 etc) I am not sure if we need
 to change those names to trinidad before graduation
 When we graduate, we'll just be on the myfaces list, at least to start.  It
 wasn't clear to me that it'd be worth the effort of getting new mailing
 lists, asking everyone subscribed to move over, etc., just to discard
 that mailing list once we're out.

 Thoughts ?

 We can also bring this discussion to general to ask for opinions,
 although I think the overhead
 created with changing the name in every area isn't probably worth it.
 (assuming Oracle still is ok
 that the name ADF Faces is used?)
 No problems as far as I know.
 -- Adam (@ Oracle corp.)

Re: When's Trinidad/ADFFaces graduation?

2007-02-04 Thread Martin van den Bemt
For graduation votes the following needs to happen :

- Vote on this list for graduation
- Vote on incubator general
- The MyFaces PMC needs to vote to accept Trinidad (or the board if trinidad 
goes TLP)

Before we start a vote however, I would still want to walk through this 

Please don't start answering all things above yet, since it is something I want 
to figure out, since
 people on the incubator PMC would probably do the same and it's better that we 
hit the problem
areas than when the vote on general happens.

I will try to get the mail out to the dev in the coming week.


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Hi Mike,
 see some comments inline.
 On 2/4/07, Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Speaking of incubator issues,  what's holding up graduation of
 Trinidad at this point?

 From what I've seen, the community is active and understands the
 Apache way.
 I agree
 The status page appears to have checked off all of the outstanding tasks.

 The only relevent thing in the last board report (which is missing
 from the status page, by the way) was cleanup of notices and licenses
 for compliance with the ASF and there's no indication that any
 further incubating tasks are pending.
 I overhauled the source files to met compliance w/ the ASF during the
 last month. all JARs now also contain the NOTICE.TXT and LICENSE.TXT
 As far as I know, the only thing that might be holding up graduation
 is a dry-run through a release, and that doesn't have to wait until
 there's a real release ready.
 Martin van den Bemt (our mentor) and me are working on that. I am
 fighting with a maven profile (see my next email)

 I'd be +1 on accepting Trinidad under MyFaces at this point.
 I am definitely +1 on that as well.
 (binding like yours from MyFaces PMC standpoint)
 How did you guys handle that with Cayenne ? Did you guys voted in your
 dev list on that?`Or just *asking* for graduation on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 list ?

Is trinidad ready for graduation ?

2007-02-10 Thread Martin van den Bemt
In short : according to me they are.. Any feedback and additions appreciated.. 
On note : I like to
see that at least the plugins get a release before we start a vote on dev (and 
I expressed below
that you are targetting to have a release of core before leaving the incubator, 
 although that could
be a misunderstanding)

If everyone agrees on dev, we start a vote on the incubator general list and 
after that on the
MyFaces private list. Exit strategy probably needs to be discussed with the 
MyFaces crowd (like
mailinglists) and they probably need to have votes on people on the trinidad 
ppmc list that are not
yet on the MyFaces PMC (but that's up to the MyFaces PMC). I'll subscribe to 
the private myfaces
list (in case you didn't know : I can as a member, which doesn't actually mean 
that I am on that PMC
or have a binding vote there).

The very long version :

To determine if Trinidad is ready to leave the incubator I took
 and tried to
answer all the questions. The first 3 on that page are actually the last ones, 
since I am treating
them more as general conclusions.


* All code ASL'ed
Looking at it is solved. 
Most important is that
before the release everything is ok, so that check needs to be done before a 
release (eg by using
RAT, is working on a maven2 plugin atm).

* No non ASL or ASL compatbile dependencies in the code base
Don't see any problems here (just checked the deps in the poms).

* License grant complete

* CLAs on file.
Yep. Even people who submitted patches were asked to file a CLA.

* Check of project name for trademark issues
Was tried, but since no one as access to the trademark database, it has hard to 

Meritocracy / Community

* Demonstrate an active and diverse development community
The community is very active, people send in patches that get applied, user 
community is a bit
behind, but that should grow ones Trinidad is released.

* The project is not highly dependent on any single contributor (there's at 
least 3 legally
independent committers and there is no single company or entity that is vital 
to the success of the

The main contributors are all employed by Oracle (based on the *commits* since 
end of December).
These are matzew, jwaldman and awiner.
gcrawford   - Oracle
jfallows- Not oracle anymore
mmarinschek - Irian (?)
slessard- DMR Consulting Inc (?)
baranda - ?
Mentors / champions
craigmcc- Sun
mvdb- Ordina (I don't count myself as a committer though)
mgeiler - ? (not oracle afaik)

Looking at the above list, it could mean a worry, which will be a lot less 
worry looking at the rest
of the exit list.

* The above implies that new committers are admitted according to ASF practices

Absolutely. There were 3 committers added during incubation, one not Oracle and 
2 Oracle people.
From my perspective all 3 deserved to be committer (with that amount of 
activity, people should be
voted in as a committer to be honest), so no favours were made just because 
someone is from Oracle.
Currently some other people are on the radar to become committer (non Oracle).

* ASF style voting has been adopted and is standard practice

In every way.

* Demonstrate ability to tolerate and resolve conflict within the community.

Haven't noted much conflicts to be honest, but I am happy with the oversight 
that is done and how
commits that get feedback get resolved quickly. I use the word feedback, since 
I haven't noticed any
strong -1 on a commit, since there is respect for each others knowledge, ego's 
don't tend to play
up, which is a good thing.

* Release plans are developed and excuted in public by the community.

This is done and currently the project is making it easier to do release (cut 
down the manual work
of the release). The project has some problems getting a release out the door, 
which is partially
solved by adding another mentor, so the project actually can get 3 binding 
votes on a release. The
goal is to release the plugins and the core before leaving incubation. 
Currently there is on the wiki, which 
after the releases are
done can be formalised as a permanent part of the website.

* Engagement by the incubated community with the other ASF communities, 
particularly infrastructure@
(this reflects my personal bias that projects should pay an nfrastructure 

This is the case, since there is my synergy with the MyFaces community and most 
people from Trinidad
are also actively involved there. So infrastructure is less of a problem, since 
that is handled (in
the future) by the MyFaces PMC.

* Incubator PMC has voted for graduation
* Destination PMC, or ASF Board for a TLP, has voted for final acceptance

The goal of this mail to get those votes :)

Alignment / Synergy

* Use of other ASF 

Re: [release] fun with maven

2007-02-13 Thread Martin van den Bemt
I just stage to my home directory on people..


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 There is no real staging repo!
 .../ is nothing
 more than a temporary folder that is currently used for preparing the
 core 1.1.5 release. So please use a different staging dir for Trinidad
 to minimize the risk of unwanted affects on the current core release
 sure, I'll use a different dir for that, just to clear the maven thing
 Since there is no real staging repo, I was about to put the *release*
 to that
 (since it is not official).
 Doing a vote based on that, and asking the Incubator PMC for approval
 on the stuff in the staging repo.
 (Yes, I'll create a trinidad-stage-repo)
  I read your diary, but you are on a different *environment*. I am
  using profiles in the pom.xml etc.
  can you post your settings.xml ?

 Nothing special in my settings.xml. gpg-plugin workes fine without any
 Does manual signing with gpg work fine on your machine?
 To sign works fine here. Ok, perhaps I just try to deploy the
 prepared stuff to something .  since the -Psign-artifact seams
 to work w/o special things in settings or pom

  On 2/13/07, Manfred Geiler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   First of all, please do not deploy tomahawk into
   .../ right now.
   We are currently preparing core 1.1.5 in this dir which will later be
   moved to
   Please create a new staging folder for tomahawk
   Specifiying the passphrase with -Dpassphrase=VALUE worked fine for
   See (Point 4,
   BTW, you are doing a release:perform before the vote? Why that?
   On 2/13/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
since I got some feedback here regarding how to move forward
 with the
release, I was able to do this nice command (see also svn checkins,
triggered by that tool):
mvn release:prepare -Prelease,staging -Dpassphrase=myPhrase

ok, that went through
next try was
mvn release:perform -Prelease,staging -Dpassphrase=myPhrase

That presents me a nice error in this format.
[INFO] One or more required plugin parameters are
for 'gpg:sign'
[0] inside the definition for plugin: 'maven-gpg-plugin'specify
the following:
on the command line, specify: '-Dpassphrase=VALUE'
Fair enough, my friend needs a passphrase. Well I should add it
 to the
pom or the command line. But that tool seems to ignore it... (see
Does anyone know how to solve that ?
Matthias Wessendorf
further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com
  Matthias Wessendorf
  further stuff:
  mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com


Re: [release] vote ??

2007-02-13 Thread Martin van den Bemt
We can do both, but I will focus on the binary..


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 I was able to prepare the relase, based on the given feedback. Maven
 created already a TAG for that (see [1]).
 Should we vote on the tag (meaning source files) or on a binary artifact ?
 I think here, in the Trinidad DEV list we should vote on the source files.
 After that, when moving to [EMAIL PROTECTED], we should as them for
 approval, based on a binary release.
 Thanks for any kind of feedback.

Re: [release] vote ??

2007-02-13 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Btw this is not just an incubator requirement.. It's a requirement for all 
projects to vote on
binaries.. Normally discussion about code is held in the are we ready for 
release vote, after that
on binaries.


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 I think the process here is a bit different than in a real Apache project.
 We need to get approval from Incubator PMC on binaries that are
 exactly the same that we put into a real m2-repo. A podling can't
 simply put together a release. it needs an approval on some binaries
 and when that approval is there, the release process is ended.
 Runing the release:perform after asking the incubator PMC would change this
 On 2/13/07, Manfred Geiler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 release:perform ends the release process - after the vote!

 Just do a mvn clean deploy -Psign-artifacts (after you have checked
 that distributionManagement points to the correct staging dir)


 On 2/13/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  so that means doing a release:perform to a staging repo (where
 ever that is)
  to continue ?
  On 2/13/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We can do both, but I will focus on the binary..
   Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
I was able to prepare the relase, based on the given feedback.
created already a TAG for that (see [1]).
Should we vote on the tag (meaning source files) or on a binary
 artifact ?
I think here, in the Trinidad DEV list we should vote on the
 source files.
After that, when moving to [EMAIL PROTECTED], we should as them for
approval, based on a binary release.
Thanks for any kind of feedback.

  Matthias Wessendorf
  further stuff:
  mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com


Re: [vote] release of plugins (1.0.0-incubating)

2007-02-16 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Will look at this Saturday (which it already is, but it is actually bed time I 
I am behind on mail since Wednesday :(


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 I finally managed to get some release artifacts published to a stage
 repo. I used my private Apache account for that ([1]).
 Please take a look at the 1.0.0-incubating artifacts and vote if we
 should take these file to ask the Incubator PMC for approval
 [ ] +1 (Binding) for PPMC members only
 [ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
 and why..

Re: [vote] release of plugins (1.0.0-incubating)

2007-02-19 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Sorry for the delay (board report time)..

- Source jar contains target directory (probably need to do an exclude of that 
- Source jar src/site don't contain licenses
- Javadoc jar don't contain any notices and license (since javadoc is generated 
the html doesn't
need apache headers)

Not blocking :

In the MANIFEST.MF file I am missing the version of the plugin (for the 
trinidad core a lot more
important) and also the build version is 1.5. Don't know if that is the target 
/ needed ? (afaik
trinidad core is 1.5)

If you fix the source and javadoc I am +1 :)

Sorry for the tough crowd. On the other hand : if you get it right once, you 
should be able to get
it right everywhere :)


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 I finally managed to get some release artifacts published to a stage
 repo. I used my private Apache account for that ([1]).
 Please take a look at the 1.0.0-incubating artifacts and vote if we
 should take these file to ask the Incubator PMC for approval
 [ ] +1 (Binding) for PPMC members only
 [ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
 and why..

Re: [vote] release of plugins (1.0.0-incubating)

2007-02-20 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Sources and javadoc probably don't reuse that information and to be honest I 
don't know how well the
source-plugin and javadoc-plugin is configurable with this (have to dig into 


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Thanks for your feedback.
 I will add the src/site thing. But in the meantime, I have these question:
 Why is the source-plugin adding the target/ ?
 Why is this:
  !-- also include license and notice files in all the jars --
 not applied to the javadoc/sources plugin ?
 On 2/19/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry for the delay (board report time)..

 - Source jar contains target directory (probably need to do an exclude
 of that specifically)
 - Source jar src/site don't contain licenses
 - Javadoc jar don't contain any notices and license (since javadoc is
 generated the html doesn't
 need apache headers)

 Not blocking :

 In the MANIFEST.MF file I am missing the version of the plugin (for
 the trinidad core a lot more
 important) and also the build version is 1.5. Don't know if that is
 the target / needed ? (afaik
 trinidad core is 1.5)

 If you fix the source and javadoc I am +1 :)

 Sorry for the tough crowd. On the other hand : if you get it right
 once, you should be able to get
 it right everywhere :)


 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
  I finally managed to get some release artifacts published to a stage
  repo. I used my private Apache account for that ([1]).
  Please take a look at the 1.0.0-incubating artifacts and vote if we
  should take these file to ask the Incubator PMC for approval
  [ ] +1 (Binding) for PPMC members only
  [ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
  [ ] +0
  [ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
  and why..


Re: [vote] release of plugins (1.0.0-incubating)

2007-02-20 Thread Martin van den Bemt
I don't mind having it in the the META-INF directory btw..


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Hey Martin,
 is there a need that we need to have the NOTICE, LICENSE and
 INCUBATOR.TXT in $basedir} ?
 When moving them to src/resource/meta-inf they are in the META-INF of
 the -source jar and the *real* jar.
 But still not inside the javadoc-JAR. Any idea ?
 On 2/20/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for your feedback.

 I will add the src/site thing. But in the meantime, I have these
 Why is the source-plugin adding the target/ ?
 Why is this:

   !-- also include license and notice files in all the jars --

 not applied to the javadoc/sources plugin ?


 On 2/19/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry for the delay (board report time)..
  - Source jar contains target directory (probably need to do an
 exclude of that specifically)
  - Source jar src/site don't contain licenses
  - Javadoc jar don't contain any notices and license (since javadoc
 is generated the html doesn't
  need apache headers)
  Not blocking :
  In the MANIFEST.MF file I am missing the version of the plugin (for
 the trinidad core a lot more
  important) and also the build version is 1.5. Don't know if that is
 the target / needed ? (afaik
  trinidad core is 1.5)
  If you fix the source and javadoc I am +1 :)
  Sorry for the tough crowd. On the other hand : if you get it right
 once, you should be able to get
  it right everywhere :)
  Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
   I finally managed to get some release artifacts published to a stage
   repo. I used my private Apache account for that ([1]).
   Please take a look at the 1.0.0-incubating artifacts and vote if we
   should take these file to ask the Incubator PMC for approval
   [ ] +1 (Binding) for PPMC members only
   [ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
   [ ] +0
   [ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be
   and why..

 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com


Re: [vote] release of plugins (1.0.0-incubating)

2007-02-21 Thread Martin van den Bemt
It seems like a precondition in this thread : your name must start with the 
letters ma :)
Hmm missing the vote of the other Martin ;)
Oh something useful : also add the names of the people who voted in the vote 
result, so people on
general know who voted (and use the contents of the vote result as the basis of 
the vote mail on


Martin van den Bemt wrote:
 The javadoc things sucks.. We probably can get it work (to add notice, etc), 
 but at a high cost I
 think (at least I couldn't get the simplest solution working, which is adding 
 files to
 src/main/javadoc) (another note : for once I didn't look at the sourcecode 
 how stuff works).
 So from me +1 (I didn't check every single artifact, just a snapshot) of 
 what was in the staging
 And about the vote : you have to start it on general :) Just do a VOTE RESULT 
 first here (specify
 who voted, if the person is on the PPMC or/and on the Incubator PMC (and also 
 result the votes of
 people who don't have a binding vote (since they are worth something).
 If Craig also casts his vote and one other person (like Robert) we can really 
 release this baby and
 start with releasing the core :)
 Yeeha :)
 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 btw. the javadoc jar issue is triggered by a bug inside of the plugin.

 do you bring the vote up to [EMAIL PROTECTED], once you voted +1 :)


 On 2/20/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, Martin I fixed those things

 Once we get the approval from the Incubator PMC guys, I'd like to
 test/use this tool for doing the copy:


 On 2/19/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry for the delay (board report time)..

 - Source jar contains target directory (probably need to do an
 exclude of that specifically)
 - Source jar src/site don't contain licenses
 - Javadoc jar don't contain any notices and license (since javadoc
 is generated the html doesn't
 need apache headers)

 Not blocking :

 In the MANIFEST.MF file I am missing the version of the plugin (for
 the trinidad core a lot more
 important) and also the build version is 1.5. Don't know if that is
 the target / needed ? (afaik
 trinidad core is 1.5)

 If you fix the source and javadoc I am +1 :)

 Sorry for the tough crowd. On the other hand : if you get it right
 once, you should be able to get
 it right everywhere :)


 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

 I finally managed to get some release artifacts published to a stage
 repo. I used my private Apache account for that ([1]).

 Please take a look at the 1.0.0-incubating artifacts and vote if we
 should take these file to ask the Incubator PMC for approval

 [ ] +1 (Binding) for PPMC members only
 [ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
 [ ] +0
 [ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be
 and why..



 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com


Volunteers for the Incubator board report ?

2007-03-06 Thread Martin van den Bemt
I am not volunteering, but it is board report time again...


Re: [vote] release of core (1.0.0-incubating)

2007-03-15 Thread Martin van den Bemt
+1 :)


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Hey Martin,
 I just did an upload of those checksum files to:
 so, now I would count your vote as a +1
 The other thing (commons-logging), I'd like to check for the next
 release, ok?
 On 3/14/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/14/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry people for the late response..
  -1.. Missing md5/sha1 checkum for tar.gz and zip (the dist_trin_core).
  If they are added and are ok, I am changing to +1..

 haha! you got me :-)

  Maybe wise to add a text that the binary dist is a complete
 distribution including sources (most of
  the time you see a separate release for source). No issues here with
 it all being in one dist though

 yes, I used the pattern from Tobago, so I followed it ;)

  Also I rather see incubating-example unpack in it's own directory
 (no blocker btw, just personal
  preference, since it messes up my unpacked dist package).
  Another question : Why is commons-logging version 1.0 included and
 not a later version ?

 well,... lemme check, perhaps dependency of a dependency ?

 I'll fix the md5/sha1 thing tomorrow and upload a new dist.


  Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
   I managed to get some release artifacts published to a stage
   repo. I used my private Apache account for that ([1]). Also there is
   a distribution available at [2].
   Please take a look at the 1.0.0-incubating artifacts and vote if we
   should take these file to ask the Incubator PMC for approval
   [ ] +1 (Binding) for PPMC members only
   [ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
   [ ] +0
   [ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be
  and why..

 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com


Re: [RESULT] (was Re: [VOTE] [RETRY] approve the release of Trinidad's Core (1.0.0-incubating))

2007-03-25 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Incubator releases are destined for /www/


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Hey Martin,
 should we mirror the distribution of Trinidad and its examples?
 I haven't followed the discussion on [EMAIL PROTECTED] regarding how to
 tread incubating releases.
 Personally, I am fine in not! mirror them.
 Same with publishing them to ibiblio.
 Reason: Incubation is all about committed users...
 The JARS for maven, I'll deploy at the incubator repo.
 On 3/25/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the release of trinidad core was approved,
 I'll follow up with the *need* procedure to *publish* the release.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mar 24, 2007 8:10 PM
 Subject: [RESULT] (was Re: [VOTE] [RETRY] approve the release of
 Trinidad's Core (1.0.0-incubating))

 The votes of Trinidad's Core (1.0.0-incubating) release have
 been tallied:

 +1 Robert Burrell Donkin (Incubator PMC, binding)
 +1 Carsten Ziegeler (Incubator PMC, binding)
 +1 Martin van den Bemt (Mentor and Incubator PMC, binding)

 There were 3 binding Incubator PMC +1 votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
 I will follow up this email with an official release announcement.


 On 3/24/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
   Dear Incubator PMC
   Several issues were found by Robert, with the previous release files
   and have been
   1.) bad signatures for trinidad-api-1.0.0-incubating.jar and
 - Resolution: Update to newer GPG Maven Plugin. A verify looks
   gpg: Signature made Wed Mar 21 07:21:31 2007 WEST using DSA key ID
   gpg: Good signature from Matthias Wessendorf
   2.) missing signature for trinidad-api-1.0.0-incubating-tests.jar
   and trinidad-impl-1.0.0-incubating-tests.jar
 - Resolution: Update to newer versions of GPG Maven Plugin.
   A verify looks good, too.
   3.) missing LICENSE, NOTICE and DISCLAIMER in the following files:
 - Resolution: Update to newer version of Remote-Resource-Plugin.
   4.) is missing DISCLAIMER
 - Resolution: added missing file, to be included by the assembly
   5.) Missing license header in:

 - Resolution: added missing header
   6.) In the trindad-impl-1.0.0-incubating-sources RAT reveals that
   are lots of javascript files in META-INF/adf/jsLibs/ and some
   configuration files in META-INF without headers. are these generated?
 -Answer: Yes, some are generated and some are obfuscated, during
   The whole point of obfuscating is to eliminate unnecessary
   content in our downloads.
   (when sending the JavaScript files to the client/browser).
   New versions of the release files can be found at:
 staging repo)   (the
   Please cast your votes:
   [ ] +1 Release is approved
   [ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com


Re: Next steps? (was Re: Is trinidad ready for graduation ?)

2007-04-07 Thread Martin van den Bemt

Thing to decide now is TLP or as subproject of MyFaces.

Main thing is focus to decide on what to do :

- People on MyFaces equally care about and work on Trinidad
- People on Trinidad equally care about MyFaces

MyFaces == the code base, not the TLP project. People working on Trinidad 
wouldn't necessarily be
interested in working on the MyFaces code base.

Giving oversight in an umbrella project will get harder and harder over time, 
which in the end does
end up in a fragmented PMC. Which means that people on the PMC just have focus 
on eg MyFaces,
tomahawk, Tobago or Trinidad. If you are a on the PMC you should care about all 
of these subprojects.

In short : I favor TLP.


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 on our march reports, Jukka was asking:
 Things to do before graduation?
 checking the checklist (briefly) it looks like we are set ...
 On 3/26/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/19/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Martin,
  your email states that this group should at least manage to get the
  release of the plugins out. I did. Currently this group is waiting for
  an approval to release the CORE as well.

 was approved and already released :-)

  One item, we need to check is
  Project ready to comply with ASF mirroring guidlines
  I will look at MyFaces, how we do it there, shouldn't be that big deal.

 posted to /www/, as suggested here

  @GUMP: we use(d) continuum (was reseted currently)
  that should be ok?!
  What is your current thinking about this group?
  Start a vote? Fix the missing items? Wait for approval for CORE ?

 So, what is the next step ?
 A vote here on this list ?

 I think, we also need to run a vote on the MyFaces PMC, to accept
 Trinidad as one of their subprojects. I'll do that vote as well, when
 time comes ;-)


  On 2/10/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In short : according to me they are.. Any feedback and additions
 appreciated.. On note : I like to
   see that at least the plugins get a release before we start a vote
 on dev (and I expressed below
   that you are targetting to have a release of core before leaving
 the incubator,  although that could
   be a misunderstanding)
   If everyone agrees on dev, we start a vote on the incubator
 general list and after that on the
   MyFaces private list. Exit strategy probably needs to be discussed
 with the MyFaces crowd (like
   mailinglists) and they probably need to have votes on people on
 the trinidad ppmc list that are not
   yet on the MyFaces PMC (but that's up to the MyFaces PMC). I'll
 subscribe to the private myfaces
   list (in case you didn't know : I can as a member, which doesn't
 actually mean that I am on that PMC
   or have a binding vote there).
   The very long version :
   To determine if Trinidad is ready to leave the incubator I took
 and tried to
   answer all the questions. The first 3 on that page are actually
 the last ones, since I am treating
   them more as general conclusions.
   * All code ASL'ed
   Looking at it
 is solved. Most important is that
   before the release everything is ok, so that check needs to be
 done before a release (eg by using
   RAT, is working on a maven2 plugin atm).
   * No non ASL or ASL compatbile dependencies in the code base
   Don't see any problems here (just checked the deps in the poms).
   * License grant complete
   * CLAs on file.
   Yep. Even people who submitted patches were asked to file a CLA.
   * Check of project name for trademark issues
   Was tried, but since no one as access to the trademark database,
 it has hard to determine.
   Meritocracy / Community
   * Demonstrate an active and diverse development community
   The community is very active, people send in patches that get
 applied, user community is a bit
   behind, but that should grow ones Trinidad is released.
   * The project is not highly dependent on any single contributor
 (there's at least 3 legally
   independent committers and there is no single company or entity
 that is vital to the success of the
   The main contributors are all employed by Oracle (based on the
 *commits* since end of December).
   These are matzew, jwaldman and awiner.
   gcrawford   - Oracle
   jfallows- Not oracle anymore
   mmarinschek - Irian (?)
   slessard- DMR Consulting Inc (?)
   baranda - ?
   Mentors / champions
   craigmcc- Sun
   mvdb- Ordina (I don't count myself as a committer though)
   mgeiler - ? (not oracle afaik)
   Looking at the above list, it could mean a worry, which will be a
 lot less worry looking at the rest
   of the exit list

Re: Next steps? (was Re: Is trinidad ready for graduation ?)

2007-04-07 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Just a disclaimer : this is not an attack on you personally or a statement the 
the MyFaces Project
is broken, just like to prevent that it becomes broken :)

Mike Kienenberger wrote:
 I'm in favor of MyFaces for Trinidad.   I would like to see Trinidad
 as the basis for Tomahawk JSF 1.2.

So in this sense you are saying that we just incubated Tomahawk for JSF 1.2 ?

When Trinidad becomes TLP it is for them to decide if they want that to happen 
(based on your
proposal), if they go to the MyFaces TLP, it is not just their call.
Which in the end (you gave an example of that) will end up in not a decision 
being made at all.

If you think the Tomahawk developers / community have more in common than with 
the MyFaces
developers, you should probably join Trinidad ;). Not the other way around..

 However, if there is no interest in merging Tomahawk and Trinidad,
 then going with a TLP would be better.

Even if there is interest, a TLP would not prevent a merge of the two, unless 
Trinidad doesn't want
to or the MyFaces PMC doesn't want to. If all Tomahawk developers would like to 
merge with Trinidad
and Trinidad wants to and the MyFaces PMC doesn't, there are other issues :)

 Right now, Tobago is in the state you described below -- You're either
 using Tobago (and no other component set), or you're using Tomahawk
 and other component sets.   It's next to impossible to have oversight
 over both projects since Tobago is mutually-exclusive of other
 component sets.   At one point, the Tobago people were interested in
 making Tobago more compatible with Tomahawk and other component sets,
 but discussion on how that would happen ever materialized beyond my
 initial questions.

This is something that needs to be solved at MyFaces. If you wait too long, it 
cannot be fixed
anymore (eg no one left to care about Tobago).


Re: VOTE graduation (was Re: Next steps? (was Re: Is trinidad ready for graduation ?))

2007-04-12 Thread Martin van den Bemt
+1 to start graduating :)


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 Hello Trinidad PPMC members and Trinidad community,
 [X] graduate as a TLP

Re: Next steps? (was Re: Is trinidad ready for graduation ?)

2007-04-12 Thread Martin van den Bemt
 And a jakarta-style JSF components project.
 Let's assume we start the myfaces commons stuff in the near future,
 this JSF components TLP could have the following subprojects:
 -commons (non-renderkit-goodies)
 Martin, you are the man that know best about Jakarta, what are your
 thoughts on that?

I won't bore you with the details that don't matter in this discussion and I 
won't state here that I
know best, just because I am VP of Jakarta.
First of all :
- Jakarta is very big with about 109 projects and almost everyone at the ASF is 
committer, yes even
you Matthias.
- Jakarta has big PMC. In our scenario committers are not automatically on the 
PMC (there are
projects doing that).

Besides the benefits of being on the PMC (legal protection, binding votes on 
release, etc) you also
have the obligation to give oversight to the project you are on the PMC for. 
Let's sketch a MyFaces
scenario, with me as a potential committer.

- I send a lot of patches for Trinidad
- You get sick and tired of me and start a committer vote, so I can start 
applying patches myself.
- I am a committer on the MyFaces TLP now. Even though I don't care about the 
JSF impl, I am
committer there (ignoring svn karma rules that may have been set up)
- If I end up on the PMC I am only interested in representing Trinidad (in fact 
I am just a Trinidad
committer), so in fact I am not representing and giving oversight to the 
complete MyFaces TLP project.
- The disconnect has happened between oversight and what is happening in the 
- Multiply above by many times and also don't assume people end up on the PMC 
and add a highly
moving community to the mix (which means, important people become inactive and 
some new blood enters.
- If a lot of old timers become inactive without looking for replacements and 
keeping the PMC in a
good size, projects are going to have a hard time, new people don't have a 
possibility to make new
releases (not enough votes) or don't know how to properly create releases, etc 

Not saying this is going to happen to MyFaces, just a scenario that is at 
Jakarta and also happens
at smaller projects.
So any symptoms of that are going to emerge at MyFaces, my advice is to fix the 
situation with going
TLP for that subproject or making the PMC healthy again.

Another problem with umbrella projects is that the board is not aware of any 
problems, dead code,
etc, unless the chair or community writes that in the board report. So in fact 
you are
(unintentionally) hiding possible problems. Hence the huge size of most Jakarta 
board reports to
prevent hiding.


Re: [Infrastructure] Moving to myfaces - JIRA

2007-04-28 Thread Martin van den Bemt
The key cannot be renamed..


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

Re: [Infrastructure] Moving to myfaces

2007-04-28 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Your impression is kind of correct...
Which states that the private list needs to be cc'ed, the problem with JIRA is 
that it is not a mail
 , so it's hard to cc the private list.. You can trigger response in a couple 
of ways : 1) add
threads to the issue pointing to the decision being made (although you move the 
work to the
infrastructure team to investigate if the request is legit) or 2) Ask the chair 
to confirm the
request in Jira 3) Let the PMC Chair make the request. On a couple of occasions 
I had to confirm an
infra request to spark action.


Mike Kienenberger wrote:
 I agree that it would be good to run the details by the entire MyFaces PMC.
 However, my (possibly incorrect) understanding is that the PMC chair
 does not need to be the one making the request or giving the final ok
 -- it should be a PMC decision (or lazy concensus) and any PMC member
 can make the request.  Matthias is a member of the MyFaces PMC.
 If I'm wrong, please stop me before I misinform again!  :-)
 On 4/28/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have Manfred give his ok to this.. Infrastructure requests need to
 come from the PMC..


 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
  Question, what's with John Fallows ?


Re: [Infrastructure] Moving to myfaces - JIRA

2007-04-28 Thread Martin van den Bemt
Moving all tickets seems the best I think (you can do a mass update). Maybe 
infra has a nice trick
for a key change and if so, I am very interested ;)

Can we do this at Apachecon ? I am jira admin and can help out..


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 We need a new jira, and an export.
 something like that possible ?
 Or, we create a new, empty jira, and I can move all tickets.
 On 4/28/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The key cannot be renamed..


 Matthias Wessendorf wrote: