[Scidb-users] Revision 1512

2018-08-20 Thread Gregor Cramer
I've just released revision 1512. Based on my tests this is the first stable 
release since a longer time:

- Many, many bugfixes.
- User handling of Save/Replace dialog improved, but not yet finished.
- Layout management is finished.

Next bigger step is the integration of fast opening search algorithm. This 
will also include the feature of an ECO/Variation dialog.


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Scidb-users mailing list

Re: Fix for REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW ownership error message

2018-08-18 Thread Dave Cramer
On Sat, 18 Aug 2018 at 17:48, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Dave Cramer  writes:
> > This is a simple fix why push back ?
> What was being pushed back on, I think, was the claim that this needed to
> be back-patched.  I'd be inclined not to, since (a) the message is not
> wrong, only less specific than it could be, and (b) people tend to get
> annoyed by unnecessary behavior changes in released branches.

I was referring to:

 "Materialized views are a type of relation so it is not wrong, just one of
many instances where we generalize to "relation" based in implementation
details ins team of being explicit about which type of relation is being

As being push back.

I don't have an opinion on back patching this.

Dave Cramer


Re: Fix for REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW ownership error message

2018-08-18 Thread Dave Cramer
On Sat, 18 Aug 2018 at 17:30, Jonathan S. Katz  wrote:

> On Aug 18, 2018, at 5:26 PM, David G. Johnston 
> wrote:
> On Saturday, August 18, 2018, Jonathan S. Katz 
> wrote:
>> It’s cosmetic, but it’s a cosmetic bug: it incorrectly tells the user
>> that they
>> must be the owner of the “relational” when in reality it’s the
>> materialized view.
> Materialized views are a type of relation so it is not wrong, just one of
> many instances where we generalize to "relation" based in implementation
> details ins team of being explicit about which type of relation is being
> affected.
So why bother having the error message in the code at all then ? Clearly it
was the intent of the author to use this language, unfortunately there was
no test to prove that it works.

This is a simple fix why push back ? Additionally it clarifies exactly what
the problem is for the user as Jonathan points out.


Re: Fix for REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW ownership error message

2018-08-17 Thread Dave Cramer
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 19:35, Alvaro Herrera 

> On 2018-Aug-17, Dave Cramer wrote:
> > The only place this is used is in aclcheck_error
> > msg = gettext_noop("permission denied for materialized view %s");
> > break;
> Yes, but do we pass RefreshMatViewStmt->relkind to that routine?  I
> don't see that we do.  Maybe I misread the code.

Actually the code path that gets executed is:

msg = gettext_noop("must be owner of materialized view %s");

as I have the patch applied and now see:

\c - test
You are now connected to database "test" as user "test".
test=> refresh materialized view b;
ERROR:  must be owner of materialized view b

Dave Cramer

Re: Fix for REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW ownership error message

2018-08-17 Thread Dave Cramer
Dave Cramer


On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 18:30, Alvaro Herrera 

> On 2018-Aug-17, Jonathan S. Katz wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I Initially pointed out here[1] that running REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW
> as a
> > non-superuser or table owner yields the following message:
> >
> > ERROR: must be owner of relation blah
> >
> > The error message should say "...owner of materialized view..."
> >
> > The attached patch corrects this by setting the "relkind" for the
> > REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command to be "OBJECT_MATVIEW" so that the
> aclcheck
> > returns the appropriate error message. The updated patch can be tested
> as such:
> >
> > CREATE TABLE a (x int);
> > \c - bar
> > ERROR:  must be owner of materialized view b
> >
> > I'm happy to generate the backpatches for it but wanted to receive
> feedback
> > first.
> Maybe add your test to some regress/ file?

> As it is cosmetic, my inclination would be not to backpatch it.
> However, I don't quite see how this patch can possibly fix the problem,
> since the new struct member is not used anywhere AFAICT.
> The only place this is used is in aclcheck_error
msg = gettext_noop("permission denied for materialized view %s");


Re: docs: note ownership requirement for refreshing materialized views

2018-08-17 Thread Dave Cramer
Dave Cramer

On Thu, 16 Aug 2018 at 18:27, Jonathan S. Katz <
jonathan.k...@excoventures.com> wrote:

> On Aug 16, 2018, at 1:05 AM, Jonathan S. Katz <
> jonathan.k...@excoventures.com> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 2018, at 9:15 PM, Michael Paquier  wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 09:06:34PM -0400, Jonathan S. Katz wrote:
> I played around with this feature a bit and did see this was the case.
> Also while playing around I noticed the error message was as such:
> ERROR: must be owner of relation blah
> But it’s not a relation, it’s a materialized view. I attached a patch
> that I think should fix this. Kudos to Dave Cramer who was
> sitting next to me helping me to locate files and confirm assumptions.
> A relation may be a materialized view, no?  The ACL check happens in
> RangeVarCallbackOwnsTable by the way (look at ExecRefreshMatView in
> matview.c).
> Comment on the RangeVarCallbackOwnsTable func (abbr):
> * This is intended as a callback for RangeVarGetRelidExtended().  It
> allows
> * the relation to be locked only if (1) it's a plain table,
> materialized
> * view, or TOAST table and (2) the current user is the owner (or the
> * superuser).  This meets the permission-checking needs of CLUSTER,
> * TABLE, and REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW; we expose it here so that it
> can be
> * used by all.
> */
> So it’s sharing the permission checking needs amongst all of those
> commands.
> As a user I could be confused if I saw the above error message, esp.
> because
> the behavior of REFRESH .. is specific to materialized views.
> With encouragement from Dave, let me demonstrate what the proposed patch
> does to fix the behavior. The steps, running from my “jkatz” user:
> CREATE TABLE a (x int);
> \c - bar
> ERROR:  must be owner of materialized view b
> vs. the existing error message which I posted further upthread.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

So it seems this patch is being ignored in this thread.
AFAICT, in aclcheck_error() the only way to get to the following sub case

msg = gettext_noop("must be owner of materialized view %s");

is if the patch is applied ?



Re: Stored procedures and out parameters

2018-08-16 Thread Dave Cramer
On Thu, 16 Aug 2018 at 13:54, Shay Rojansky  wrote:

> Peter,
> I think this is all coming from Microsoft.  The JDBC driver API was
>> modeled after the ODBC API, and the ODBC specification also contains the
>> {call} escape.  Microsoft SQL Server is also the only SQL implementation
>> to handle this stored function/procedure stuff totally differently: They
>> only have procedures, but they return values, and they are invoked by an
>> EXEC command.  (They don't support transaction control AFAIK.)  The .NET
>> stuff is obviously also from Microsoft.
>> So from Microsoft's perspective, this makes some sense: They only have
>> one invokable object type, and their invocation syntax is different from
>> everyone else's.  So they made a compatibility wrapper in their client
>> libraries.
>> Everyone else, however, has two invokable object types and standard ways
>> to invoke them.  And they all seemingly faced this problem of how to jam
>> these two into this one hole provided by the JDBC spec and ended up with
>> slightly different, and incompatible, solutions.
>> I think, if you want to write a portable-sans-Microsoft JDBC
>> application, you can just run CALL or SELECT directly.  If you want to
>> write something that is compatible with Microsoft, you can map {call} to
>> a function invocation as before, which is actually more similar to a
>> procedure in MS SQL Server.
> Am going to repeat some of Vladimir's responses here...
> I don't really know (or care much) about the history of how language
> database APIs evolved to where they are, I'm more concerned with what the
> introduction of stored procedures will do... The problem we're describing
> seems to go beyond JDBC or .NET. Looking at psycopg, for example, there's a
> callproc() function that internally translates to SELECT * FROM (
> http://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-python/call-stored-procedures/)
> - at the very least there are going to be some very confused users when
> callproc() becomes a way to only invoke functions, whereas calling
> procedures requires something else. I don't think there's anything really
> Microsoft-specific about any of this (except maybe in the history) - just
> like JDBC and psycopg, there's simply a single standard way in the database
> API for invoking server-side things, and not two ways.
> It's true that users will always be able to simply avoid the standard API
> altogether and do SELECT * FROM func() or CALL proc(), but it really isn't
> ideal to force users down this road, which once again, hurts portability
> and general adoption.
> Andres,
> > Are you actually suggesting we effectively drop procedure soupport?
> The ideal solution here is to allow functions to be invoked with CALL,
> rather than rolling back the entire feature (which obviously nobody wants).
> This would allow drivers to simply change their API implementation to
> translate to CALL instead of SELECT * FROM. I have no idea what the risk of
> that is, what it would entail etc. - I'm just expressing the driver writer
> perspective here with Vladimir. Hopefully some satisfactory solution can be
> found here.

I think this is the best solution. Without looking too deeply at the
details it seems to me that calling functions would require some wrapper
code around the function?



Re: How can I see IDENTITY columns?

2018-08-08 Thread Dave Cramer
Oh, ok,

that seems like a bug, at least a feature that should be there..

Dave Cramer

On 8 August 2018 at 15:52, Rob Richardson  wrote:

> I have now downloaded pgAdmin 4 v3.1.  It has the same problem.
> I run this command:
> CREATE TABLE public.identity_sample
> (
> identity_sample_key bigint NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS
> )
> WITH (
> )
> Then, I run
> select attrelid, attname, attidentity from pg_attribute where attname
> = 'identity_sample_key'
> and get two records, one of which has an attidentity column that contains
> 'd'.  The other record's attidentity column is null.
> Then, in pgAdmin, I refresh the schema and select the identity_sample
> table.  In the SQL tab, I see this:
> -- DROP TABLE public.identity_sample;
> CREATE TABLE public.identity_sample
> (
> identity_sample_key bigint NOT NULL,
> CONSTRAINT identity_sample_pkey PRIMARY KEY (identity_sample_key)
> )
> WITH (
> )
> TABLESPACE pg_default;
> I copy that into a new SQL window, uncomment the DROP TABLE line, and
> execute it.  Then, I repeat the select query on pg_attribute.  Again, I get
> two records, but this time the attidentity column is null for both records.
> On Wednesday, August 8, 2018, 2:39:00 PM EDT, Dave Cramer <
> davecra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The attribute table now has an attidentity column.
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/catalog-pg-attribute.html
> Curious why are you using with oid's
> Dave Cramer
> On 8 August 2018 at 14:16, Rob Richardson  wrote:
> I just learned about IDENTITY columns in PostgreSQL 10. I am working on
> upgrading a database for an upcoming major revision of my company's
> software package, and I want to make all of the columns defined as "serial"
> or "bigserial" IDENTITY columns. I found a nice web page with a function
> that will do that. The problem I am running into is that I can't see
> IDENTITY columns in pgAdmin. I've tried both in pgAdmin 4 and in BigSQL's
> version as shipped with its implementation of PostgreSQL 10.3. After
> running the function, pgAdmin shows me the following CREATE script for my
> table:
> CREATE TABLE public.alarm_comments
> (
> key bigint NOT NULL,
> alarm_key smallint,
> alarm_comment character varying(256) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
> updated_by character varying(16) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
> updated_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) 
> with time zone,
> CONSTRAINT alarm_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (key)
> )
> WITH (
> )
> TABLESPACE pg_default;
> ALTER TABLE public.alarm_comments
> OWNER to postgres;
> psql, on the other hand, shows me this:
> Stripco for Conversion=# \d alarm_comments
> Table "public.alarm_comments"
> Column |   Type   | Collation | Nullable |
> Default
> ---+-- +---+- 
> -+--
> --
>  key   | bigint   |   | not null | generated 
> by
> default as identity
>  alarm_key | smallint |   |  |
>  alarm_comment | character varying(256)   |   |  |
>  updated_by| character varying(16)|   |  |
>  updated_date  | timestamp with time zone |   |  | 
> ('now'::text)
> ::timestamp(6) with time zone
> Indexes:
> "alarm_comments_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (key)
> I need to be able to see the IDENTITY in pgAdmin, since that's what we use
> for all of our database administration. If I can't see that a column is an
> IDENTITY column, then I may not be able to use IDENTITY columns at all.

Re: How can I see IDENTITY columns?

2018-08-08 Thread Dave Cramer
The attribute table now has an attidentity column.

Curious why are you using with oid's

Dave Cramer

On 8 August 2018 at 14:16, Rob Richardson  wrote:

> I just learned about IDENTITY columns in PostgreSQL 10. I am working on
> upgrading a database for an upcoming major revision of my company's
> software package, and I want to make all of the columns defined as "serial"
> or "bigserial" IDENTITY columns. I found a nice web page with a function
> that will do that. The problem I am running into is that I can't see
> IDENTITY columns in pgAdmin. I've tried both in pgAdmin 4 and in BigSQL's
> version as shipped with its implementation of PostgreSQL 10.3. After
> running the function, pgAdmin shows me the following CREATE script for my
> table:
> CREATE TABLE public.alarm_comments
> (
> key bigint NOT NULL,
> alarm_key smallint,
> alarm_comment character varying(256) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
> updated_by character varying(16) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
> updated_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) 
> with time zone,
> CONSTRAINT alarm_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (key)
> )
> WITH (
> )
> TABLESPACE pg_default;
> ALTER TABLE public.alarm_comments
> OWNER to postgres;
> psql, on the other hand, shows me this:
> Stripco for Conversion=# \d alarm_comments
> Table "public.alarm_comments"
> Column |   Type   | Collation | Nullable |
> Default
> ---+--+---+--+--
> --
>  key   | bigint   |   | not null | generated 
> by
> default as identity
>  alarm_key | smallint |   |  |
>  alarm_comment | character varying(256)   |   |  |
>  updated_by| character varying(16)|   |  |
>  updated_date  | timestamp with time zone |   |  | 
> ('now'::text)
> ::timestamp(6) with time zone
> Indexes:
> "alarm_comments_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (key)
> I need to be able to see the IDENTITY in pgAdmin, since that's what we use
> for all of our database administration. If I can't see that a column is an
> IDENTITY column, then I may not be able to use IDENTITY columns at all.

Re: [swinog] Battery powered wifi link (20km, multihop)

2018-08-08 Thread Matthias Cramer
Hoi Nico

Mit einem Pärchen Antennen wie diesen an jedem Hop ist das sicher machbar.


Als Baterien kannst du z.B. 100AH Autobateriene einsetzen, damit bekommst du 
über 70h Betriebsdauer mit zwei Antennen...

Du musst jedoch dafür sorgen das du zwischen den Antennen freie Sicht hast, 
sonst wird das nicht wirklich funktionieren.

Wir haben vor vielen Jahren mal einen WiFi Link zwischen Otelfingen und 
Regensdorf ohne zwischenhop gemacht (~8km), das hat
mehrere Jahr stabil funktioniert. War jedoch anderes Equipment.

Gruss Matthias

On 08/08/18 15:43, Nico Schottelius wrote:
> Hey Swinog,
> does anyone have experiences with long distance (~20km) wifi powered
> by battery?
> With have the situation that we basically want to connect Schwanden to
> Linthal by wifi for at least 12 hours.
> The idea is to go via several hops, some of them not having any power
> resource.
> So my questions to the list are:
> - What kind of equipment have you used for similar cases or can you recommend?
> - Are there any battery recommendations?
> - Other creative ideas on how to get a direct link with >= 100 Mbit/s
>   connectivity?
> Best,
> Nico
> --
> Your Swiss, Open Source and IPv6 Virtual Machine. Now on 
> www.datacenterlight.ch.
> ___
> swinog mailing list
> swinog@lists.swinog.ch
> http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog

Matthias Cramer / mc322-ripe   Senior Network & Security Engineer
iway AGPhone +41 43 500  
Badenerstrasse 569 Fax   +41 44 271 3535 
CH-8048 Zürich http://www.iway.ch/
GnuPG 1024D/2D208250 = DBC6 65B6 7083 1029 781E  3959 B62F DF1C 2D20 8250

swinog mailing list

Re: jndi jdbc url with ssl authenticat in tomcat ... fails org.xml.sax.SAXParseException columnNumber: 79; The reference to entity "ssl" must end with the ';' delimiter

2018-08-04 Thread Dave Cramer
Pretty sure this is a tomcat error .

The connection string looks fine

Dave Cramer


On 30 July 2018 at 11:32, Didier Wiroth  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to configure a postgres jndi resource in tomcat that needs to
> connect via ssl and client certificate for authentication.
> Unfortunately ... without success.
> The user is: esrde_aoo and authenticates with a certificate (no password!).
> Here is the tomcat 8.5.31 (running on jre 1.8.0_152-b16) resource
> configuration:
> name="jdbc/pgrde"
> url="jdbc:postgresql://test.localhost:5432/esrde?user=
> esrde_aoo=true=org.postgresql.ssl.
> NonValidatingFactory=d:/apps/ssl/rde/esrde_aoo.crt&
> sslkey=d:/apps/ssl/rde/esrde_aoo.key"
> username="esrde_aoo"
> />
> I tried many many different combination ... it always fails at the second
> parameter.
> org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.fatalError Parse Fatal Error at
> line 21 column 79: The reference to entity "ssl" must end with the ';'
> delimiter.
>  org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: 
> file:/D:/apps/web-data/tam/conf/db-context-ora12.xml;
> lineNumber: 21; columnNumber: 79; The reference to entity "ssl" must end
> with the ';' delimiter.
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.
> createSAXParseException(ErrorHandlerWrapper.java:203)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.
> fatalError(ErrorHandlerWrapper.java:177)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.
> XMLErrorReporter.reportError(XMLErrorReporter.java:400)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.
> XMLErrorReporter.reportError(XMLErrorReporter.java:327)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLScanner.
> reportFatalError(XMLScanner.java:1472)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLScanner.
> scanAttributeValue(XMLScanner.java:913)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.
> XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanAttribute(
> XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.java:1548)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.
> XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanStartElement(
> XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.java:1315)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.
> XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDriver.next(
> XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.java:2784)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.
> XMLDocumentScannerImpl.next(XMLDocumentScannerImpl.java:602)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.
> XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl
> .java:505)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.
> XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:841)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.
> XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:770)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XMLParser.
> parse(XMLParser.java:141)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.
> AbstractSAXParser.parse(AbstractSAXParser.java:1213)
> at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$
> JAXPSAXParser.parse(SAXParserImpl.java:643)
> at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.parse(
> Digester.java:1521)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.processContextConfig(
> ContextConfig.java:527)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.contextConfig(
> ContextConfig.java:465)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.init(
> ContextConfig.java:728)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.lifecycleEvent(
> ContextConfig.java:310)
> at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.fireLifecycleEvent(
> LifecycleBase.java:94)
> at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setStateInternal(
> LifecycleBase.java:395)
> at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.init(
> LifecycleBase.java:108)
> at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
> LifecycleBase.java:140)
> at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
> ContainerBase.java:754)
> at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
> ContainerBase.java:730)
> at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
> StandardHost.java:734)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory(
> HostConfig.java:1140)
> at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig$DeployDirectory.
> run(HostConfig.java:1875)
> at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.
> call(Executors.java:511)
> at java.util.concurren

Re: patch to ensure logical decoding errors early

2018-08-01 Thread Dave Cramer
On 1 August 2018 at 10:13, Petr Jelinek 

> Hi,
> On 31/07/18 20:58, Andres Freund wrote>
> >> diff --git a/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> b/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> >> index 3cd4eef..9f883b9 100644
> >> --- a/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> >> +++ b/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> >> @@ -143,8 +143,7 @@ StartupDecodingContext(List *output_plugin_options,
> >>   * (re-)load output plugins, so we detect a bad (removed) output
> plugin
> >>   * now.
> >>   */
> >> -if (!fast_forward)
> >> -LoadOutputPlugin(>callbacks,
> NameStr(slot->data.plugin));
> >> +LoadOutputPlugin(>callbacks, NameStr(slot->data.plugin));
> >
> > So this actually was broken by 9c7d06d60680c7f00d931233873dee81fdb311c6
> > and worked before? Petr, Simon?  Isn't the actual bug here that
> > CreateInitDecodingContext() passes true for fast_forward?  Dave, could
> > you confirm this is the case?  If so, this'll end up actually being an
> > open items entry...
> >
> Indeed.

See attached patch which fixes it, and adds a test for it.

Description: Binary data

Re: patch to ensure logical decoding errors early

2018-08-01 Thread Dave Cramer
On 31 July 2018 at 14:58, Andres Freund  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2018-07-31 14:51:12 -0400, Dave Cramer wrote:
> > This patch does 2 things
> >
> > 1) Ensure that when the slot is created
> > with pg_create_physical_replication_slot if the output plugin does not
> > exist it will error.
> *logical, I assume?
> Yes, logical.

> > diff --git a/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> b/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> > index 3cd4eef..9f883b9 100644
> > --- a/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> > +++ b/src/backend/replication/logical/logical.c
> > @@ -143,8 +143,7 @@ StartupDecodingContext(List *output_plugin_options,
> >* (re-)load output plugins, so we detect a bad (removed) output
> plugin
> >* now.
> >*/
> > - if (!fast_forward)
> > - LoadOutputPlugin(>callbacks,
> NameStr(slot->data.plugin));
> > + LoadOutputPlugin(>callbacks, NameStr(slot->data.plugin));
> So this actually was broken by 9c7d06d60680c7f00d931233873dee81fdb311c6
> and worked before? Petr, Simon?  Isn't the actual bug here that
> CreateInitDecodingContext() passes true for fast_forward?  Dave, could
> you confirm this is the case?  If so, this'll end up actually being an
> open items entry...

Ya, I think that is really the issue. I will redo my patch

> >   /*
> >* Now that the slot's xmin has been set, we can announce
> ourselves as a
> > @@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ CreateInitDecodingContext(char *plugin,
> >   ReplicationSlotSave();
> >
> >   ctx = StartupDecodingContext(NIL, InvalidXLogRecPtr, xmin_horizon,
> > -
> need_full_snapshot, true,
> > +
> need_full_snapshot, true,
> >
> read_page, prepare_write, do_write,
> >
> update_progress);

Hmmm, I guess I should read my patches more carefully before sending them

> Huh?

Dave Cramer

patch to ensure logical decoding errors early

2018-07-31 Thread Dave Cramer
This patch does 2 things

1) Ensure that when the slot is created
with pg_create_physical_replication_slot if the output plugin does not
exist it will error.

2) Currently when the decoding context is created and the output plugin
does not exist the protocol will respond with CopyDone. This patch will
return an error instead and abort the copy connection.

Dave Cramer

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: why doesn't pg_create_logical_replication_slot throw an error if the encoder doesn't exist

2018-07-31 Thread Dave Cramer
On 26 July 2018 at 16:49, Andres Freund  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2018-07-26 16:40:18 -0400, Dave Cramer wrote:
> > Since nothing else can be done we should throw an error early.
> I can't immediately think of a reason not to do that, but I personally
> don't care enough to write a patch...

Fair enough. I will.

> Greetings,
> Andres Freund

Dave Cramer

why doesn't pg_create_logical_replication_slot throw an error if the encoder doesn't exist

2018-07-26 Thread Dave Cramer
Since nothing else can be done we should throw an error early.

Dave Cramer

Reviving the "Stopping logical replication protocol" patch from Vladimir Gordichuk

2018-07-24 Thread Dave Cramer
Back in 2016 a patch was proposed that seems to have died on the vine. See

for the history and https://commitfest.postgresql.org/10/621/ for the
commitfest entry.

I've rebased the patches and attached them for consideration.

JDBC tests here
all pass


Dave Cramer

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: [GTALUG] I have 6 GWU523 IOGEAR wireless adapters NIB for sale

2018-07-22 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
If I make it down to Toronto this week I'll donate them

Dave Cramer

On 22 July 2018 at 14:13, Karen Lewellen via talk  wrote:

> Additionally,
> freegeeks Toronto  who builds machines and sells them might give you a tax
> receipt for them.
> Likewise do not forget about the various freecycle groups, tied to yahoo
> groups where the cards might be snapped up.
> many small companies and individual members with the centre for social
> innovation,
> www.socialinnovation.ca
> Would appreciate them as well.
> One soul's older technology is another's serious need.
> If you want help reaching any of these write me off list.
> Karen
> On Sun, 22 Jul 2018, James Knott via talk wrote:
> Hard to say.  Do you go to the GTALUG meetings?  If so, perhaps you
>> could do what I did years ago, to get rid of some old 5.25" floppies.  I
>> took them to an amateur radio club I was a member of and sold them for a
>> donation to the club.  Or just give them away to whoever wants them.
>> I've done that too.
>> On 07/22/2018 09:51 AM, Dave Cramer wrote:
>>> Had to start somewhere... What do you think they are worth.
>>> I'm contemplating tossing them..
>>> Dave Cramer
>>> On 21 July 2018 at 15:47, James Knott via talk >> <mailto:talk@gtalug.org>> wrote:
>>> On 07/21/2018 01:43 PM, Dave Cramer via talk wrote:
>>>> See subject...
>>>> $20 each
>>> Isn't that a bit expensive for something that's only 802.11g?  For
>>> the
>>> same money, you can get one that does 802.11n.
>>> http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=27_104
>>> 8_1053_id=050678
>>> <http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=27_10
>>> 48_1053_id=050678>
>>> ---
>>> Talk Mailing List
>>> talk@gtalug.org <mailto:talk@gtalug.org>
>>> https://gtalug.org/mailman/listinfo/talk
>>> <https://gtalug.org/mailman/listinfo/talk>
>> ---
>> Talk Mailing List
>> talk@gtalug.org
>> https://gtalug.org/mailman/listinfo/talk
> ---
> Talk Mailing List
> talk@gtalug.org
> https://gtalug.org/mailman/listinfo/talk
Talk Mailing List

Re: [GTALUG] I have 6 GWU523 IOGEAR wireless adapters NIB for sale

2018-07-22 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
Had to start somewhere... What do you think they are worth.

I'm contemplating tossing them..

Dave Cramer

On 21 July 2018 at 15:47, James Knott via talk  wrote:

> On 07/21/2018 01:43 PM, Dave Cramer via talk wrote:
> > See subject...
> >
> > $20 each
> Isn't that a bit expensive for something that's only 802.11g?  For the
> same money, you can get one that does 802.11n.
> http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=27_
> 1048_1053_id=050678
> ---
> Talk Mailing List
> talk@gtalug.org
> https://gtalug.org/mailman/listinfo/talk
Talk Mailing List

[GTALUG] I have 6 GWU523 IOGEAR wireless adapters NIB for sale

2018-07-21 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
See subject...

$20 each
Dave Cramer
Talk Mailing List

Re: Building a notification system.

2018-07-16 Thread Dave Cramer
On 15 July 2018 at 23:25, Anto Aravinth  wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 8:02 AM, Christopher Browne 
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 15, 2018, 5:30 AM Anto Aravinth, 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I'm playing around with postgresql with SO datasets. In the process, I
>>> have dumped 60M questions data onto the postgresql. I'm trying to build a
>>> notification system on top of this, so that, when a user edits a question,
>>> I need to show a notification to the user when he/she logs in next time. So
>>> literally, trying to create the clone of SO (with very minimal feature)
>>> I'm not sure, how to get started with this. Read about NOTIFY:
>>> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-notify.html
>>> Not sure that fits my use case, thanks for your help in this.
>> I do not think that the NOTIFY command implemented in postgreSQL is
>> terribly likely to be  useful for your application.
>> That command is useful for distribution of notifications to applications
>> that are continuously connected to the database, which is not likely true
>> for web app connections, particularly in view of your comment about
>> notifying users "when they log in next time."
>> Instead, you need a table that captures a log of undelivered
>> notifications of changes to questions.  It should capture useful attributes
>> such as..
>> - Who made the change
>> - Who is to be notified
>> - The time of the change
>> - Perhaps the nature of the change, which could be pretty open ended
>> - A reference to the question, e.g. its ID
>> - Some lifecycle attribute such as "viewed-on" or "acknowledged-on"
>> When a user logs in, it should be easy to query that table, providing the
>> list of unexamined updates.
Also look at Logical Decoding for implementing Change Data Capture

Dave Cramer


Re: [HACKERS] Client Connection redirection support for PostgreSQL

2018-07-13 Thread Dave Cramer
> One thing where I can see a feature like this being quite helpful is
> planned failovers, reducing the time to reconnect (for existing
> connections) and rediscover (for new connections, which need to
> write). But that'd require that the redirect needs to be able to be sent
> in an established connection too.
Somewhat related to this feature is the notion of giving a hint as to
whether a connection is read only.

Currently we can create a read only transaction which at this point pgpool
through some machinations which are less than favourable IMO
can connect to a secondary. This even works with the JDBC driver which has
setReadOnly facility on connections.

However it would be far better to have a startup parameter which indicated
that we wanted to connect to a read only database. At that point
pools could redirect to a secondary. Given the proliferation of cloud based
implementations I can see this being a useful feature.


Dave Cramer

[sustainable_tompkins-l] Master Gardener Volunteer Program of Tompkins County is NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

2018-07-10 Thread Jennie Rebecca Cramer
The Master Gardener Volunteer Program of Tompkins County is NOW ACCEPTING 
APPLICATIONS for our 2018-2019 cohort
Do you love plants and people? Master Gardener Volunteers are working to make a 
more livable, equitable, and vibrant Tompkins County through gardening. Master 
Gardeners are students, teachers, moms, dads, grandparents, working folks, 
retired people, and anyone else you can imagine. All you need is a love for 
gardening, some time to volunteer, and a willingness to complete the training.
Master Gardener trainees should have a basic knowledge of, or interest in, 
gardening; enthusiasm for acquiring and sharing horticultural knowledge and 
skills; good communications skills; and a willingness and free time to 
participate in volunteer educational activities. Master Gardener training is 
offered every other year and will be held again from September 2018-May 2019. 
Workshops are interactive and hands on. They will be held one Saturday each 
month from 8:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in Ithaca as well as in surrounding Counties. 
Transportation to the out of town workshops is available from our Extension 
Volunteers complete a written application, followed by an interview with 
members of our horticulture staff. Priority for selection is given to Tompkins 
County residents. Scholarships and a sliding scale are available to remove any 
financial barriers to participation. This year we are also offering two 
scholarships that are exclusively for members of community gardens.  In return, 
you commit to volunteering 80 hours over the following two years.  Master 
Gardeners love to be part of a community of enthusiastic gardeners committed to 
community service.
If you are interested in becoming a Tompkins County Master Gardener, please 
fill out an application at 
http://ccetompkins.org/gardening/master-gardener-volunteers and return it to 
the contact listed below by August 13, 2018.  Interviews will be conducted 
during the last two weeks of August. For more information, contact Horticulture 
Program Manager Jennie Cramer at jr...@cornell.edu<mailto:jr...@cornell.edu> or 
Cornell Cooperative Extension | Master Gardener 
What is the Master Gardener Volunteer Program?The Master Gardener Volunteer 
(MGV) Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in 
partnership with their county Cooperative Extension office to expand 
garden-based educational outreach throughout the community by providing home 
and c...

Jennie Cramer
Horticulture Program Manager
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Tompkins County
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY 14850
(607)272-2292, extension 146

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." -Audrey Hepburn


For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
visit:  http://www.sustainabletompkins.org/
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at t...@cornell.edu.

Re: Unlocking Proprietorial Systems for Artistic Practice | By Marc Garrett.

2018-07-07 Thread Florian Cramer
> And yet ... by nearly every agreed-upon measure, the "cultural,
> political and economic systems in place" have contributed to what can be
> called--with equal understatement--a significant reduction in global
> poverty rates. A 74% reduction since 1990 by some estimates.

Let me guess - your source is Hans Rosling?

Here's a different take on the matter:

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#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Re: pg_recvlogical use of SIGHUP

2018-07-06 Thread Dave Cramer
> On 6 July 2018 at 14:11, Andres Freund  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2018-07-06 13:49:37 -0400, Dave Cramer wrote:
>> > There is some undocumented (nothing in the docs) code that allows for
>> > closing reopening the output file for pg_recvlogical.
>> >
>> > Since this doesn't change the name of the file in the process I'm
>> wondering
>> > how one might actually use this "feature" ?
>> You can rename the file, then sighup, no? Renaming while the file is
>> open will continue to write into the renamed file, but sighup'ing will
>> use the original name.
> That is the missing piece, thanks!
> I'll prepare a patch for the docs

See attached patch.

Description: Binary data

Re: pg_recvlogical use of SIGHUP

2018-07-06 Thread Dave Cramer
On 6 July 2018 at 14:11, Andres Freund  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2018-07-06 13:49:37 -0400, Dave Cramer wrote:
> > There is some undocumented (nothing in the docs) code that allows for
> > closing reopening the output file for pg_recvlogical.
> >
> > Since this doesn't change the name of the file in the process I'm
> wondering
> > how one might actually use this "feature" ?
> You can rename the file, then sighup, no? Renaming while the file is
> open will continue to write into the renamed file, but sighup'ing will
> use the original name.

That is the missing piece, thanks!
I'll prepare a patch for the docs

Dave Cramer

pg_recvlogical use of SIGHUP

2018-07-06 Thread Dave Cramer
There is some undocumented (nothing in the docs) code that allows for
closing reopening the output file for pg_recvlogical.

Since this doesn't change the name of the file in the process I'm wondering
how one might actually use this "feature" ?

I could see it being useful if we were to be able to change the file name
and create a new file based on some form of template ?

Am I missing something ?

Dave Cramer

Re: How can we submit code patches that implement our (pending) patents?

2018-07-06 Thread Dave Cramer
On 4 July 2018 at 21:15, Tsunakawa, Takayuki  wrote:

> From: Craig Ringer [mailto:cr...@2ndquadrant.com]
> > I'm assuming you don't want to offer a grant that lets anyone use them
> for
> > anything. But if you have a really broad grant to PostgreSQL, all someone
> > would have to do to inherit the grant is re-use some part of PostgreSQL.
> Your assumption is right.  No scope is the same as no patent; it won't
> help to defend PostgreSQL community against rival companies/communities of
> other DBMSs.  Or, I think we can set the scope to what OIN states.
> Fortunately, anyone can join OIN free of charge.
> > I guess there's a middle ground somewhere that protects substantial
> > derivatives and extracts but stops you using some Pg code snippets as a
> > freebie license.
> Are you assuming that developers want to use PG code snippets for
> non-PostgreSQL or even non-DBMS software?  I believe that accepting
> patented code from companies would be practically more useful for
> PostgreSQL enhancement and growth.  PostgreSQL is now a mature software,
> and it can be more corporate-friendly like other software under Apache
> License.
> Certainly there is history of people using PG code for non-PostgreSQL or
at least commercial derivative work. Greenplum for example.

Dave Cramer


Comment refers to non existent function IncreaseRestartDecodingForSlot

2018-06-29 Thread Dave Cramer
While trying to figure out this code I found


What function should it be referring to ?


Dave Cramer

Re: Supporting tls-server-end-point as SCRAM channel binding for OpenSSL 1.0.0 and 1.0.1

2018-06-24 Thread Dave Cramer
On 29 May 2018 at 22:48, Michael Paquier  wrote:

> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 10:33:03PM -0400, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> > Hmm. I think Peter went through this in commits ac3ff8b1d8 and
> 054e8c6cdb.
> > If you got that working now, I suppose we could do that, but I'm actually
> > inclined to just stick to the current, more straightforward code, and
> > require OpenSSL 1.0.2 for this feature. OpenSSL 1.0.2 has been around for
> > several years now. It's not available on all the popular platforms and
> > distributions yet, but I don't want to bend over backwards to support
> those.
> I think that this mainly boils down to how much Postgres JDBC wants to
> get support here as some vendors can maintain oldest versions of OpenSSL
> for a long time.  The extra code is not that much complicated by the
> way, still it is true that HEAD is cleaner with its simplicity.
I'm unclear what this has to do with JDBC ? JDBC doesn't use OpenSSL

Alvaro ?

Dave Cramer


Re: [Standards] Network IO best practices

2018-06-11 Thread Cramer, E.R. (Eelco)
I’m also working on a project involving Go and XMPP but I’m creating a server 
component (XEP-0114). I’m reusing most of this project 
https://github.com/sheenobu/go-xco but I forked a fork of that project that 
adds some features (like asynchronous sending and receiving of messages). It 
works quite well for me and it might be helpful to you.


On 10 Jun 2018, at 16:10, Sam Whited 
mailto:s...@samwhited.com>> wrote:

On Sun, Jun 10, 2018, at 00:09, Daniel Corbe wrote:
The chosen language here is Go and the few XMPP libraries that exist in our
world are hilariously incomplete.   So I’m stuck implementing a library for
my application from scratch.

FWIW, I have an incomplete (though hopefully not hilariously so) XMPP 
implementation at https://godoc.org/mellium.im/xmpp that you can possibly reuse 
pieces of or use for inspiration. The JID implementation is complete and 
compliant to the best of my knowledge with RFC 7622. The main XMPP 
implementation doesn't currently have a good API for receiving and sending 
stanzas (so right now it's a bit of a manual process), so it's less useful but 
there are lots of other little child packages and lots of logic that might 
still be useful to you

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Re: libpq compression

2018-06-05 Thread Dave Cramer
On 5 June 2018 at 13:06, Peter Eisentraut 

> On 6/5/18 03:09, Michael Paquier wrote:
> > I just had a quick look at this patch, lured by the smell of your latest
> > messages...  And it seems to me that this patch needs a heavy amount of
> > work as presented.  There are a couple of things which are not really
> > nice, like forcing the presentation of the compression option in the
> > startup packet to begin with.
> Yeah, at this point we will probably need a discussion and explanation
> of the protocol behavior this is adding, such as how to negotiate
> different compression settings.
> Unrelatedly, I suggest skipping the addition of -Z options to various
> client-side tools.  This is unnecessary, since generic connection
> options can already be specified via -d typically, and it creates
> confusion because -Z is already used to specify output compression by
> some programs.
As the maintainer of the JDBC driver I would think we would also like to
leverage this as well.

There are a few other drivers that implement the protocol as well and I'm
sure they would want in as well.
I haven't looked at the patch but if we get to the point of negotiating
compression please let me know.


Dave Cramer


Re: Code of Conduct plan

2018-06-04 Thread Dave Cramer
On 4 June 2018 at 17:53, Tom Lane  wrote:

> Alvaro Herrera  writes:
> > On 2018-Jun-05, Gavin Flower wrote:
> >> If we are all adults, then we don't need a CoC.
> > "We're all adults" is wishful thinking.  Some old people are just kids
> > who aged but didn't actually mature.
> I'm sure we'd all be ecstatic if the CoC committee never actually has
> anything to do.  The point of this exercise is to make new people ---
> particularly women and others who have often felt disadvantaged in
> technical communities --- feel safe and welcome here.
> Also: we *have* had cases where women who had been contributors left
> because of harassment, and I'd like to ensure that doesn't happen again.
Dave Cramer


Re: New committers announced at PGCon 2018

2018-06-01 Thread Dave Cramer
On 1 June 2018 at 17:05, Tom Lane  wrote:

> The core team is pleased to announce the appointment of seven
> new Postgres committers:
> Etsuro Fujita
> Peter Geoghegan
> Amit Kapila
> Alexander Korotkov
> Thomas Munro
> Michael Paquier
> Tomas Vondra
> Congratulations to all!
> regards, tom lane
> +7

Congratulations to all!

Dave Cramer


Something wrong with Apple Watch and iPhone

2018-05-19 Thread Tom Cramer
Good evening,
I am not sure what happened, but my apple watch is no longer in sync
with my iPhone.  I accidently left it without charging for several
days and when I returned and was able to charge it, it must have
somehow gotten reset or something.  It no longer knows who I am via
Siri, and my text messages come through but it's as if the contacts
aren't synced because I get phone numbers instead of names.  What
might have happened and how can I get it back to be in sync with my
phone and contacts?

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mk...@ucla.edu.  Your list owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 

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Re: [Scidb-users] Feature Request: increase all font sizes

2018-05-18 Thread Gregor Cramer
On Friday 18 May 2018 15:47:03 Gregor Cramer wrote:
> In revision I've implemented feature request #80: optionally increase all
> font sizes. This is very useful for visually impaired people, and for many
> elder people. Now this is implemented in revision 1485.
> Use Control-plus/minus for increasing/decreasing all fonts. Starting scidb-
> beta with option "--reset.fonts" will reset all font sizes to default
> values.

One correction is needed: use Control-Shift-plus/minus for 
increasing/decreasing the font sizes.

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Scidb-users mailing list

[Scidb-users] Feature Request: increase all font sizes

2018-05-18 Thread Gregor Cramer
In revision I've implemented feature request #80: optionally increase all font 
sizes. This is very useful for visually impaired people, and for many elder 
people. Now this is implemented in revision 1485.

Use Control-plus/minus for increasing/decreasing all fonts. Starting scidb-
beta with option "--reset.fonts" will reset all font sizes to default values.


Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Scidb-users mailing list

Re: [Scidb-users] Mega Database 2018

2018-05-14 Thread Gregor Cramer
Newest compiler version 8.1 seems to be buggy, see this error message:

../mstl/m_memblock.ipp:134:22: error: no matching function for call to 

../mstl/m_memblock.ipp:45:1: note: candidate: 
‘mstl::memblock::~memblock() [with T = db::Mark]’

The compiler is detecting funtion mstl::memblock::~memblock() (snd 
line), but complains that this function is missing (fst line).

I recommend to use an older compiler version, for example

./configure --gcc-version=7.3

or use clang instead:

./configure --gcc-version=clang


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Scidb-users mailing list

Re: [Scidb-users] Mega Database 2018

2018-05-14 Thread Gregor Cramer
Hi Bogdan,

unfortunately I cannot install GCC 8.1, but I hope that in June I can upgrade 
to better hardware with more disk space.

I've committed version 1481, please try whether it will compile.


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[Scidb-users] Mega Database 2018

2018-05-14 Thread Gregor Cramer
Based on my tests revision 1480 is converting Mega Database 2018 properly into 
sci/si4 format. This implies that cdb2sci and cbhtosi4 should also convert 
this database properly.


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engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Scidb-users mailing list

[Scidb-users] Fix of http timeout -- Mega Database 2018

2018-05-13 Thread Gregor Cramer
I've committed revision 1479, this version should fix the problem with timeouts 
(Scidb is hanging) if Internet is slow.

With revision 1479 now Mega Database 2018 can be opened properly, but export 
to sci/si4 is not yet working, I'm still testing this problem.


Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Scidb-users mailing list

Re: [Sepsis Groups] Focused exam

2018-04-25 Thread Cramer, Tami - CRH
In Version 5.4 they have added the new Data Element "Repeat Volume Status and 
Tissue Perfusion Assessment Performed".  With this the volume status and tissue 
perfusion assessment must include any 1 of the following 3:

1. MD/APN/PA documentation that a Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock focused exam was 
completed (same as in the last Specification Manual)
2.  MD/APN/PA documentation indicating that a review of at least 5 of the 
following 7 parameters was performed, ie SaO2, capillary refill, 
cardiopulmonary assessment, peripheral pulses, skin color or condition, urine 
output, or VS.
3.  Documentation that 1 of the following was measured, ie CVP, ScvO2, Cardiac 
Echo, or Fluid Challenge or Passive Leg Raise. 

These changes seem to have "lightened" the requirements for the reassessment 
but it does not appear that a focused exam is gone altogether. 

-Original Message-
From: Sepsisgroups [mailto:sepsisgroups-boun...@lists.sepsisgroups.org] On 
Behalf Of Conaway, Pamela
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 4:32 AM
To: Fiona Winterbottom; sepsisgroups@lists.sepsisgroups.org
Subject: Re: [Sepsis Groups] Focused exam

Dignityhealth.org made the following annotations
STOP, THINK, READ. This is an external email. Exercise extra caution responding 
to it, opening attachments and following links.

The focused exam will not be necessary beginning with July 2018 discharges.  
This information can be found on Quality Net in the July 2018 inpatient quality 
reporting specifications.

-Original Message-
From: Sepsisgroups [mailto:sepsisgroups-boun...@lists.sepsisgroups.org] On 
Behalf Of Fiona Winterbottom
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 2:12 PM
To: sepsisgroups@lists.sepsisgroups.org
Subject: [Sepsis Groups] Focused exam

Good Afternoon, I was recently at a large conference where the audience was 
told that the focused exam was no longer necessary.
Could someone clarify this with supporting data of where this can be found?

-Original Message-
From: Sepsisgroups [mailto:sepsisgroups-boun...@lists.sepsisgroups.org] On 
Behalf Of sepsisgroups-requ...@lists.sepsisgroups.org
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2018 9:22 AM
To: sepsisgroups@lists.sepsisgroups.org
Subject: Sepsisgroups Digest, Vol 285, Issue 1

THIS EMAIL IS FROM AN EXTERNAL SENDER! DO NOT click links or provide your User 
ID or Password if the sender is unknown.

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: 
Contents of Sepsisgroups digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Question re: documentation of attestation that focused
  exam was completed (Pamela Green)
   2. Re: Sepsisgroups Digest, Vol 284, Issue 3 (Pender.Linda)
   3. OB patients (richard.rutherf...@ventura.org)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2018 18:21:54 +
From: Pamela Green 
To: "Duane, Molly" ,

Cc: Alesha Collins , "Britni N. Fannin"
, Steven May 
Subject: Re: [Sepsis Groups] Question re: documentation of attestation
that focused exam was completed

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Good  afternoon everyone,
We are having a difficult time getting the appropriate documentation to meet 
the bundle compliance even though everything is done correctly! Use of our 
Sepsis  Screening and Evaluation Documentation tool is hit and missed although 
I can see by the labs and treatment protocol that they are doing it.  On the IP 
side it  is the issue with getting them to document to the Sepsis Shift Screen 
and Focus reassessment. With the physicians if they are here when patient is 
admitted to the floor they usually do an admit note that includes a focused 
reassessment so we will catch those.  If it is after hours we are hoping to 
hold the ER physicians accountable to documenting a focused reassessment 

Re: [Elecraft] KXPA100 SSB Distortion

2018-04-23 Thread Kurt Cramer
Does it work correctly into a dummy load. It sounds like RF in the audio,

73 Kurt W7QHD
> On Apr 23, 2018, at 8:32 AM, Ray W2RS via Elecraft  
> wrote:
> My KXPA100 transmits distorted audio on SSB, but works normally on CW and 
> RTTY.  With 100 watts output, drain current is 11.7 A and supply voltage is 
> 13.1 V, down from 13.7 V on receive.  My power supply is a pre-MFJ Astron 
> RS-35A.
> The KX3 with which I drive it operates normally on all bands and modes, with 
> good transmit audio.  Speech compression is off and mic gain is set to 20. 
> Should I send the amp back to Elecraft for service, or is there another 
> problem?
> 73 Ray W2RS
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
> Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
> Message delivered to vwrace...@gmail.com

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
Message delivered to arch...@mail-archive.com

Re: pgadmin4 in Cloud Foundry

2018-04-20 Thread Dave Cramer
On 20 April 2018 at 06:02, Murtuza Zabuawala <
murtuza.zabuaw...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Right now it is not possible to pass cert and key via variables.
> Please create a feature request for the same HERE
> <https://redmine.postgresql.org/projects/pgadmin4>
Alternatively you can just use.


Dave Cramer

Re: Built-in connection pooling

2018-04-19 Thread Dave Cramer
On Thu, Apr 19, 2018, 9:24 AM Konstantin Knizhnik, <
k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:

> On 19.04.2018 07:46, Tsunakawa, Takayuki wrote:
> > From: Konstantin Knizhnik [mailto:k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru]
> > Oracle, for example, you can create dedicated and non-dedicated backends.
> >> I wonder why we do not want to have something similar in Postgres.
> > Yes, I want it, too.  In addition to dedicated and shared server
> processes, Oracle provides Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP).  I
> guessed you were inspired by this.
> >
> >
> https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28310/manproc002.htm#ADMIN12348
> It seems to be that my connection pooling is more close to DRCP than to
> shared servers.
> It is not clear from this article what this 35KB per client connection
> are used for...
> It seems to be some thing similar with session context used to
> suspend/resume session.
> In my prototype I also maintain some per-session context to keep values
> of session specific GUCs, temporary namespace, ...
> Definitely pooled session memory footprint depends on size of catalog,
> prepared statements, updated GUCs,... but 10-100kb seems to be a
> reasonable estimation.
> >
> > BTW, you are doing various great work -- autoprepare, multithreaded
> Postgres, built-in connection pooling, etc. etc., aren't you?  Are you
> doing all of these alone?
> Yes, but there is huge distance from prototype till product-ready
> solution. And definitely I need some help here. This is why I have to
> suspend future development of multithreaded version of Postgres (looks
> like it is not considered as some realistic project by community).
> But with builtin connection pooling situation is better and I am going
> to tests it with some our clients which are interested in this feature.
> Konstantin

It would be useful to test with the JDBC driver

We run into issues with many pool implementations due to our opinionated



> --
> Konstantin Knizhnik
> Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
> The Russian Postgres Company

Re: Proposal: Adding json logging

2018-04-15 Thread Dave Cramer
On 15 April 2018 at 11:27, Jordan Deitch <j...@rsa.pub> wrote:

> > > I would suggest that the community consider whether postgres will log
> > multidimensional data. That will weigh into the decision of  json vs.
> > another format quite significantly. I am a fan of the json5 spec (
> > https://json5.org/), though adoption of this is quite poor.
> >
> > What do you mean by multidimensional data? Arrays/maps?
> >
> > I think there is no advantage of multidimensional vs prefixed flat
> logging
> > unless data structure gets really nastily nested.
> >
> > What case where you thinking of?
> Exactly - arrays, maps, nested json objects. It's more organized and
> easier to reason about. As postgresql becomes more and more sophisticated
> over time, I see flat logging becoming more unwieldy. With tools like jq,
> reading and querying json on the command line is simple and user friendly,
> and using json for logging capture and aggregation is widely supporting and
> embraced.

Exactly what are you logging here ??? Why would I need to see a
multi-dimensional array in the log ?

Dave Cramer


Re: [Scidb-users] Assertion failed while saving game

2018-04-09 Thread Gregor Cramer
On Sunday 08 April 2018 22:09:53 froz3nsh...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I got this error when pressing OK on the save game dialog. This happened
> after I had previously saved another game. After this error scidb no longer
> starts (gets a segfault immediately) and the only solution is to remove
> ~/.scidb-beta.
> assertion failed:  == g.sink.cursor
> (func) saveGame
> (file) app_application.cpp:2315
> (what) assertion failed:  == g.sink.cursor
> (type) mstl::assertion_failure_exception
> === Backtrace 
> TclNRRunCallbacks
> TclNRRunCallbacks
> TclNRRunCallbacks
> TclNRRunCallbacks
> Tcl_EvalEx
> Tk_BindEvent
> TkBindEventProc
> Tk_HandleEvent
> Tcl_ServiceEvent
> Tcl_DoOneEvent
> TclNRRunCallbacks
> Tcl_EvalEx
> Tk_BindEvent
> TkBindEventProc
> Tk_HandleEvent
> Tcl_ServiceEvent
> Tcl_DoOneEvent
> Tk_MainLoop
> Tk_MainEx
> __libc_start_main
> ==
> ::util::catchException {::scidb::game::save /mnt/c/scid/bases/my_games.sci
> Normal {EventDate .??.?? Round 11 White {XXX, XXX} WhiteSex m Event {2.
> Bundesliga Ost} Termination Normal BlackFideId 1209507 WhiteTitle IM
> WhiteType human TimeMode normal EventType team BlackSex m WhiteCountry XXX
> Black {XXX, XXX} Result 1/2-1/2 BlackType human BlackTitle FM WhiteElo 2495
> BlackCountry XXX Mode OTB Site {XXX} BlackElo 2293 EventCountry AUT
> Annotator {B B} Date 2018.04.08 WhiteFideId 707244 ECO A24} {} {}
> ::dialog::save::Log {} -replace 1} result
> Save .application.saveReplace_0_sci.top {{White white-name} {WhiteFideId
> white-fideID} {WhiteElo white-rating.elo} {WhiteRating white-rating.type
> white-rating.score} {WhiteTitle white-title} {WhiteCountry white-federation}
> {WhiteSex white-sex} {Black black-name} {BlackFideId black-fideID}
> {BlackElo black-rating.elo} {BlackRating black-rating.type
> black-rating.score} {BlackTitle black-title} {BlackCountry
> black-federation} {BlackSex black-sex} {Date game-date} {Result
Hi Bogdab,

I cannot reproduce this failed assertion, but I think that I have detected and 
fixed the problem after re-opening a database. Is it possible for you to 
reproduce this case and to test the new revision 1471? Also the problem with 
crash after start is fixed.


> game-result} {Round game-round} {Termination game-termination} {Annotator
> game-annotator} {ECO game-eco game-eco-l} {Event event-title} {Site
> event-site} {EventCountry
> event-country} {EventDate event-eventDate} {Mode event-eventMode} {EventType
> event-eventType} {TimeMode event-timeMode}}
> ::namespace inscope ::dialog::save {Save .application.saveReplace_0_sci.top
> {{White white-name} {WhiteFideId white-fideID} {WhiteElo white-rating.elo}
> {WhiteRating white-rating.type white-rating.score} {WhiteTitle white-title}
> {WhiteCountry white-federation} {WhiteSex white-sex} {Black black-name}
> {BlackFideId black-fideID} {BlackElo black-rating.elo} {BlackRating
> black-rating.type black-rating.score} {BlackTitle black-title} {BlackCountry
> black-federation} {BlackSex black-sex} {Date game-date} {Result
> game-result} {Round game-round} {Termination game-termination} {Annotator
> game-annotator} {ECO game-eco game-eco-l} {Event event-title} {Site
> event-site}
> {EventCountry event-country} {EventDate event-eventDate} {Mode
> event-eventMode} {EventType event-eventType} {TimeMode event-timeMode}}}
> 6
> 6
> 6
> 6
> Bogdan

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engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Scidb-users mailing list

Re: [Scidb-users] tcl segfault issue

2018-04-06 Thread Gregor Cramer
Many thanks for your analysis, Bogdan, I did an update in revision 1470, due 
to my tests now it should work with newest library version 8.6.8.


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Scidb-users mailing list

Re: [GTALUG] Alternative to Rogers

2018-04-03 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
At $5 US it's pretty close to 6 CDN?

Dave Cramer

On 3 April 2018 at 09:43, Digiital aka David via talk <talk@gtalug.org>

> When I'm traveling to the US I just load up my Roam Mobility Card before I
> leave. It's a MUCH better deal than using one of the CDN providers with
> roam option.
> https://roammobility.com/plans
> This company uses T-Mobile network. I have not had a issue with coverage(a
> few yrs ago in VT it was pretty spotty, but other wise when I drive to NJ
> there is zero problems)
> At some point in the past you could choose the City where you got a number
> from. Now it's a random location when you signup.
> 512MB  per-day is plenty and if you do use it up it just slows down to 2G
> speeds afterwards. For Emails and GPS it's plenty.
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 8:33 AM, Tim Tisdall via talk <talk@gtalug.org>
> wrote:
>> On 3 April 2018 at 08:08, Dave Cramer via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
>> > So one more time they put the prices up.
>> >
>> > This time the Roam Like at Home. now max of $90. Started at 50, that was
>> > acceptable. then 60, now 90.
>> >
>> > So what options are there for
>> >
>> > 1) internet. 150M plans
>> > 2) US SIM or even a US plan
>> Are you wanting to replace Roger's entirely or just get phone coverage
>> in the US?  Freedom Mobile has a $20/month add-on to roam in the US
>> with 1GB of data.  Their regular roaming fee without that add-on is
>> only $0.25/minute.
>> If you can manage with hopping between wifi hotspots, voip is very
>> effective with voicemail.
>> ---
>> Talk Mailing List
>> talk@gtalug.org
>> https://gtalug.org/mailman/listinfo/talk
> ---
> Talk Mailing List
> talk@gtalug.org
> https://gtalug.org/mailman/listinfo/talk
Talk Mailing List

Re: [GTALUG] Alternative to Rogers

2018-04-03 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
On 3 April 2018 at 08:42, Tim Tisdall <tisd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The only problem with Freedom Mobile is you need a phone that supports
> AWS frequencies, so if your current phone doesn't support that then it
> means buying a new phone.  A few years ago an additional problem was
> losing a signal in dead zones, but that seems to almost never happen

to me any more.

Unfortunately I live in Orangeville. Does Freedom have coverage up here ?

Dave Cramer
Talk Mailing List

Re: [GTALUG] Alternative to Rogers

2018-04-03 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
On 3 April 2018 at 08:33, Tim Tisdall <tisd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 3 April 2018 at 08:08, Dave Cramer via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
> > So one more time they put the prices up.
> >
> > This time the Roam Like at Home. now max of $90. Started at 50, that was
> > acceptable. then 60, now 90.
> >
> > So what options are there for
> >
> > 1) internet. 150M plans
> > 2) US SIM or even a US plan
> Are you wanting to replace Roger's entirely or just get phone coverage
> in the US?  Freedom Mobile has a $20/month add-on to roam in the US
> with 1GB of data.  Their regular roaming fee without that add-on is
> only $0.25/minute.
> If you can manage with hopping between wifi hotspots, voip is very
> effective with voicemail.

I may want to ditch them entirely. Not sure yet. I'm pissed at the moment
so may not be rational.
Talk Mailing List

[GTALUG] Alternative to Rogers

2018-04-03 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
So one more time they put the prices up.

This time the Roam Like at Home. now max of $90. Started at 50, that was
acceptable. then 60, now 90.

So what options are there for

1) internet. 150M plans
2) US SIM or even a US plan

Dave Cramer
Talk Mailing List

Re: [Origami] Origami Sighting - Lexus Comercial

2018-03-26 Thread Scott Cramer

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018, at 4:04 PM, David Mitchell wrote:

> There are also the triakis polyhedra which can be derived through this 
> process, though they appear to be special instances

I believe the -kis polyhedra (triakis, tetrakis, pentakis) are derived by 
raising the centers of the faces of the original polyhedra so as to form 
triangular faces of a constant  dihedral angle. By contrast, some of the 
Archimedean solids have different dihedrals depending on which types of 
polygons meet at an edge.

The website http://dmccooey.com/polyhedra/ has interactive models of hundreds 
of polyhedra in amazingly abstruse categories, and exhaustive data on each. The 
interface could be a little more user friendly, but clicking on the boxes and 
playing around a bit is worth the effort. 


[sustainable_tompkins-l] 3/28: Improving Your Garden Soil

2018-03-26 Thread Jennie Rebecca Cramer
This WEDNESDAY 3/28 from 6-8 p.m. at CCE Tompkins County. Still a few spaces 

Improving Your Garden Soil

  *   Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Learn the tricks of the trade for improving your soils from the Master Gardener 
and Master Composter teams.We’ll talk about tips and tools for working in 
tricky clay soils.Learn techniques for improving your soil fertility, tilth, 
microbial and fungal diversity through tools such as sheet mulching, compost 
and vermicompost, cover crops, compost teas and juices, biochar, broad forking, 
double digging, and more. If the snow melts and reveals the soil below, we’ll 
head outside and demonstrate some of these techniques hands-on and explore the 
compost demonstration site and take a look at different styles of compost bins 
and tumblers and chat about the pros and cons of each.

Lead Instructor Jennie Cramer is our Horticulture Program Manager. She is 
passionate about soil, seeds, botanical medicine, and ecological education. 
Jennie will be joined by several Master Composters to give you as many tricks 
of the trade to working with your soil.

Pre-registration is required. Go to link below to register and pay online, or 
call CCE-Tompkins at 272-2292 and we will register you online with information 
you provide. Pre-registration is required to hold your place in the class, and 
also in the event that a class is postponed or cancelled and we need to contact 


$7-10 sliding scale (pay what you can afford)

Learn More



Jennie Cramer<http://ccetompkins.org/staff/jennie-cramer>
Horticulture Program Manager
(607) 272-2292 ext 146

Jennie Cramer
Horticulture Program Manager
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Tompkins County
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY 14850
(607)272-2292, extension 146

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." -Audrey Hepburn


For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
visit:  http://www.sustainabletompkins.org/
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at t...@cornell.edu.

Re: JDBC connectivity issue

2018-03-23 Thread Dave Cramer
Cool, thanks. I'd love to see this work

Dave Cramer


On 23 March 2018 at 10:24, JCMS22 <jeanlavoi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I forgot to say I am trying to investigate how to make it work as we need
> specific stuff from the DataSource object.
> It might work if you use setServerName rather than setUrl. setServerName
> will append itself the jdbc:postgresql:// so you only give it the server
> name (i.e "url1:port1,url2:port2") and then setPortNumber to 0. By reading
> the code, this might work.
> --
> Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general-
> f1843780.html

Re: JDBC connectivity issue

2018-03-22 Thread Dave Cramer

At this point I'd write small piece of code to test if the url and failover
is working correctly. Sounds like you have a considerably sized stack
making it difficult to debug.
With a small piece of code it should become clear as to how things work or
don't as the case may be

Dave Cramer


On 21 March 2018 at 17:13, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:

> On 03/21/2018 01:56 PM, chris wrote:
>> I did the re install not to change versions but to now know what version
>> I am running
> My previous question was not as clear as should have been.
> So:
> 1) At some place in your software stack there is some sort of
> configuration that links your app via JDBC to a Postgres JDBC driver. If
> you know where that configuration is you should be able to find the driver
> and presumably the version.
> 2) So when you say you did a reinstall do you mean you are now pointing
> the configuration at postgresql-42.2.1.jre7.jar? FYI
> postgresql-42.2.2.jre7.jar is actually the latest:
> https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html
>> On 03/21/2018 02:44 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
>>> On 03/21/2018 01:16 PM, chris wrote:
>>>> I wasnt able to find what version we had installed so we went ahead and
>>>> reinstalled it
>>> Maybe I am missing something, but if you could not find the version you
>>> where using how do you know installing a new driver actually changed the
>>> version you are using now?
>>>> we downloaded the current version JDBC 4.1 Driver 42.2.1.jre7
>>>> We are still having the same problem.
>>>> Thanks
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

[sustainable_tompkins-l] 3/21: Exploring the Soil Microbiome

2018-03-14 Thread Jennie Rebecca Cramer
Please join us at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County

Soil Series #2: Exploring the Soil Microbiome

  *   Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Join Professor Peter Hobbs of Cornell University for an exploration of the 
hardest workers in your garden--the soil microbiota. Explore the fascinating 
world of the soil bacteria and fungi that do the work of creating fertile soil. 
A better understanding of the life in the soil help us to understand how to 
facilitate the growth and resilience of our gardens and orchards. We’ll talk 
about practical techniques for facilitating a healthy microflora in your garden 
for maximum garden sustainability and productivity.  You do not need to attend 
Soil Series #1 to be able to enjoy this session.

Pre-registration is required. Go to the registration page to register and pay 
online, or call CCE-Tompkins at 272-2292 and we will register you online with 
your input. Pre-registration is highly recommended so participants can be 
contacted if the class is postponed due to weather.



$7-10/person self-determined sliding scale (pay what you can afford)

Learn More


Soil Series #2: The Soil Microbiome | CCE Tompkins Event 
Join Professor Peter Hobbs of Cornell University for an exploration of the 
hardest workers in your garden--the soil microbiota. Explore the fascinating 
world of the ...


Jennie Cramer<http://ccetompkins.org/staff/jennie-cramer>
Horticulture Program Manager
(607) 272-2292 ext 146

Jennie Cramer
Horticulture Program Manager
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Tompkins County
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY 14850
(607)272-2292, extension 146

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." -Audrey Hepburn


For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
visit:  http://www.sustainabletompkins.org/
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at t...@cornell.edu.

Re: [Scidb-users] Error importing PGN file

2018-03-11 Thread Gregor Cramer
Hi Bogdan.

is it possible to provide me a download link of the concerned PGN file.


On Thursday 08 March 2018 19:28:37 froz3nsh...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a big PGN file (around 4.35M games) which I am trying to convert to
> .sci format. Originally this is a chessbase cbh database.
> It failes with the following message after importing 325,032 games:
> precondition violation: i1 <= i2
> (func) append
> (file) ../mstl/m_string.ipp:228
> (what) precondition violation: i1 <= i2
> (type) mstl::precondition_violation_exception
> === Backtrace 
>  TclNRRunCallbacks
>  TclNRRunCallbacks
>  Tcl_EvalEx
> Tk_BindEvent
> TkBindEventProc
> Tk_HandleEvent
>  Tcl_ServiceEvent
> Tcl_DoOneEvent
> Tk_MainLoop
> Tk_MainEx
>  __libc_start_main
> ==
> ::remote::busyOperation { Import $parent $base $files $msg $encoding }
> ::
> ::import::import .application /mnt/c/scid/bases/mega/mega.sci
> /mnt/c/scid/bases/mega/mega.pgn {Import PGN files} auto
> ::menu::dbImport .application /mnt/c/scid/bases/mega/mega.sci pgn
> ::
> ::tk::menu::WidgetProc
> .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content.__menu__ invoke active
> ::tk::menu::WidgetProc
> .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content.__menu__ invoke active
> .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content.__menu__ invoke active
> 1
> tk::MenuInvoke .application.nb.database.main.switcher.content.__menu__ 1
> I would mention that Scid vs PC is able to import this file without errors
> (and everything seems fine).
> In the next step I imported the PGN file in Scid vs PC and saved it as a si4
> database, which I then opened in scidb-beta.
> When I attempted to copy the games from the si4 database into an empty sci
> database, I ran into the following error:
> precondition violation: isConsistent()
> (func) used
> (file) ../db/db_namebase.ipp:80
> (what) precondition violation: isConsistent()
> (type) mstl::precondition_violation_exception
> === Backtrace 
> TclNRRunCallbacks
>  Tcl_EvalEx
> Tk_BindEvent
> Tk_HandleEvent
> Tcl_ServiceEvent
> Tcl_DoOneEvent
> Tk_MainLoop
> Tk_MainEx
>  __libc_start_main
> ==
> ::scidb::db::switch /mnt/c/scid/bases/mega/mega.sci Normal
> ::
> ::application::database::Switch /mnt/c/scid/bases/mega/mega.sci
> DoSwitch .application.nb.database.main.switcher 2 434 38
> ::namespace inscope ::database::switcher {DoSwitch
> .application.nb.database.main.switcher 2 434 38}
> Best regards,
> Bogdan

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
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Re: JDBC connectivity issue

2018-03-08 Thread Dave Cramer
You should be using the latest version of the driver. What version are you
using ?

Even though you have a 9.4 database the latest version is the correct
version to use.

Dave Cramer


On 8 March 2018 at 22:14, David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 2:30 PM, chris <chr...@pgsqlrocket.com> wrote:
>> Given that the syntax looks correct for the url, how would we go about
>> debugging that it's not seeing the comma?
> ​First thing I'd do is ensure the version of the driver I'm using supports
> the feature I'm trying to use.
> David J.

Re: Reflections on Florian Cramer & Angela Nagle, discussion

2018-03-07 Thread Florian Cramer
Hello Kristoffer, David,

Actually, I had tried (but may have failed) in my own contribution to the
debate not to make any firm distinction between "subculture" and culture at
large. This is why I had pulled in the "high-brow" examples of Simon
Strauss and Götz Kubitschek, the examples of fascist modernism, or that of
Peter Sotos whose recognition spans underground music/publishing and
institutionally recognized contemporary art. The same is true for Laibach;
however it wasn't my intention at all to frame them as right-wingers. It's
just a historical fact that their highly ironic music and visuals, just
like those of the band DAF/Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft, were
misunderstood, in the 1980s and early 1990s, as pro-fascist by the many
neonazis who went to their concerts.

It is conversely true for the American "Alt-Right" that it doesn't only
manifest as populist meme culture, but has made major efforts to present
itself as an intellectual discourse, for example in the publications of
"American Renaissance", in Richard Spencer's websites that emulate academic
journals and hijack the language of cultural theory (demanding "safe spaces
for white Americans" and the like) and of course in the recent popularity
surge for Jordan Peterson (someone Angela Nagle and I addressed on the
transmediale panel, too).

If my memory doesn't fail me too badly, then both Angela Nagle and me tried
to focus more on the subject matter of transgression. Transgression isn't
exclusive to what is conventionally called "subculture" at all, but a
leitmotif in modernist and contemporary arts, in social, political, sexual
and media activism, to name only the most prominent areas. What both of us
tried to reconstruct is how transgression has never been an exclusive
property of the political left, but has been propagated and practiced on
both extremes of the political spectrum, or - better said - in discourses
whose politics were, often intentionally, ambivalent. Here, we both
referred to Sade as a forerunner (whose ambivalence of enlightenment and
its other had already been analyzed in Adorno's and Horkheimer's "Dialectic
of Enlightenment).

Kristoffer wrote:

>  But this doesn't make them harmless of course, and actually creates a
public sphere even more prone to manipulation through those who can indeed
legitimise certain views over others as well as a scribing power to a form
of quantified affect, where opinions with more followers, more data etc
increasingly looks like valid knowledge.

This is precisely the deadlock - where the only two philosophical
alternatives are either Popperian or analytic philosophy rationalism, where
an argument is only valid when it is logically consistent, or
post-Nietzschean/post-Heideggerian/Sloterdijk-ian affect and "Stimmung".
Politically, this translates into the binary alternative of liberalism (in
the original European meaning of the word, i.e. in the sense of Adam Smith,
Popper and their successors) and populism/fascism.


On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 7:39 PM, Kristoffer Gansing <k...@transmediale.de>

> David Garcia wrote:
> >  A questioner towards the end of the discussion asked if Cramer and
> Nagle could talk more about affect and affective politics.. more about the
> emergence of movements and how sub-cultural energies today mobilised. Which
> the questioner added is  ?also a question of power that is able to
> legitimise these subcultural sentiments in ways that enable them to enter
> into the political mainstream.. I?d like you to address the strategies,
> sentiments within subcultural politics. It was a very good point but sadly
> it arose to close to the end.. Perhaps we can take up this challenge here?
> Thanks to David for taking the time to transcribe and comment on this
> dense discussion. Together with Daphne Dragona, I was responsible for
> organising this and felt that the atmosphere during the event was one of
> great attention and sense of urgency in terms of the audience wanting to
> have more of a say. Due to time constraints and two very talkative
> speakers, this didn't happen as much as it should have but it's nice to see
> the discussion continuing here. Since I was the one asking the question
> David mentions at the end, I can't but to help to step in and elaborate on
> this further. While I agree that one should not ascribe intrinsically
> progressive values to subcultures, I think it is important to situate the
> rise of the academic study and idealisation of subcultures in a historical
> context. Adorno and Horkheimer in all glory but what the British culture
> studies approach did was to take pop culture seriously as a thrust against
> the idealisation of high culture. One might say that th
>  is was snobbish academic appropriation of popular and working class
> cultural movements - but to

Re: [docbook-apps] Using the DocBook XSLT 2.0 stylesheets with Gradle

2018-03-05 Thread David Cramer

On 3/5/18 11:33 AM, Dave Pawson wrote:

ant lets me pick / choose bits|all
Am I odd? Minority? Majority?

You are very odd Dave, but don't change the subject ;-)

In my case a couple of toolchain developers (minority) support a large 
number of authors (majority). The tools developer's job is to make it so 
the authors can create content without knowing much about the magic that 
turns that into pdf/html/xml artifacts. A system for managing 
dependencies like gradle+maven artifacts makes it easy to roll out 
changes without breaking existing doc builds and to hide lots of 
complexity from users.

Of course they need to understand enough to create correct markup, but 
few if any of my authors will ever subscribe to this list, but they're 
still DocBook users.


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Re: [docbook-apps] Using the DocBook XSLT 2.0 stylesheets with Gradle

2018-03-05 Thread David Cramer

On 3/5/18 10:14 AM, Dave Pawson wrote:

I got as far as ant for builds. I can understand most of that.

Bash script... similar? Maybe

gradle? Wozzat.

Why make it deeper than needs be?


The idea is to make it super easy for someone (e.g. an author) who just 
wants to build the doc. They don't want to install a ton of stuff _at 
the right version_ and keep track of it.

From an end-user's perspective, setting up the whole tool chain and 
building the doc at most three steps:

# You only have to do this once (or use apt-get/yum or whatever windows
# users do to install software):
brew install gradle

# Get DocBook xml source from whatever source control system
# it lives in...
git clone  && cd somedoc

# This installs the DocBook toolchain and builds the doc:
gradle somedoc

Even as new versions of the underlying tools come out, "somedoc" 
continues to build because your gradle file indicates what versions it 
depends on. However, you easily can switch to newer versions if you need 


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Re: The untenable technophobia of the Left

2018-03-05 Thread Florian Cramer
Which naive cyberlibertarian has written up this childish nonsense?

work". As it happens, a PRIVATE WhatsApp chat got leaked in which some
> policemen wrote
> that they wanted to kill black people and also Madrid's mayor. Not to be
> outdone, Madrid’s
> mayor, Manuela Carmena, champion of the nation's Left and the new hope of
> its inflexible
> institutionalised representatives (Podemos), declared that she will sue
> the policemen for
> hate crime.

Fortunately she does. Criminal intent and conspiracy isn't protected by
free speech. If other people ever uttered the intent to kill you (whether
or not in a private conversation), you would be glad if you have the legal
means of suing them.


I'm on diaspora*, a non-corporate social network:
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#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

[GTALUG] crossposting... Keeping Open Source Logic IN Government

2018-03-04 Thread Dave Cramer via talk
Apologies for crossposting but I felt this was worth it...

RE: MP David Graham

As you know, the first-time MP David Graham has been advancing awareness
of  free/libre/open source understanding and inclusiveness in Parliament,
through the "Digital Caucus" and via his interventions in Committees. He is
the only software programmer, the only known active Linux user in the

While the GOSLING community is non-partisan in terms of political parties,
it nevertheless seems within bounds for this list to share a call-out to
help keep an MP who strands for the same principles in Parliament by
participating in fund-raising towards his next federal election campaign.

In order to remain as the Liberal candidate through the 2019 election, the
party has placed thresholds that candidates have ‎to meet by certain dates.
The most important of these is that David must have half of the predicted
spending cap for the election in his budget before being allowed to apply
for the nomination. Currently he is about $20,000 short of this goal.

There are tax credits for donations.

One-time contributions only to his association can be made here:
https://secure.liberal.ca/eda/?eda=24038‎ (Laurentides--Labelle riding)

Monthly contributions can be made here (which require a minimum of $5/month
to ALSO to the national party):
https://secure.liberal.ca/victoryfund/?eda=24038 (Laurentides--Labelle

Personal cheques to a maximum of $1,575 (total contribution limit to all
riding associations in the country, regardless of party, in a calendar
year) can be snail-mailed to his team at:

Laurentides--Labelle Federal Liberal Association
1494 ch du 6e Rang
Sainte-Lucie-des-Laurentides, QC
J0T 2J0


Joseph Potvin
Co-Founder, GOSLING
Ottawa-gosling mailing list
Talk Mailing List

why does this query not use a parallel query

2018-03-02 Thread Dave Cramer
Have a query:

explain analyze SELECT minion_id FROM mob_player_mob_118 WHERE player_id =

 Index Only Scan using mob_player_mob_118_pkey on mob_player_mob_118
(cost=0.44..117887.06 rows=4623076 width=4) (actual time=0.062..3716.105
rows=4625123 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (player_id = 55351078)
   Heap Fetches: 1152408
 Planning time: 0.241 ms
 Execution time: 5272.171 ms

If I just get the count it will use a parallel query

explain analyze SELECT count(minion_id) FROM mob_player_mob_118 WHERE
player_id = 55351078;


Dave Cramer

Re: How do we govern ourselves? (was: Mechanical Turkish)

2018-02-22 Thread Florian Cramer
On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 2:27 AM, Brian Holmes 

> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:18 PM, Blake Stimson 
>>  My premise is that the question "how do we govern ourselves? ... with
>>  institutions, under which rules, backed by which constraints?" that
>>  raises can never be asked from the outsider standpoint of institutional

>>  critique but instead can only be asked immanently. This means first and

>>  foremost taking on responsibility in the way that Brian's “grey beard”
>>  culpa wisely and graciously invites.
>> In kindred spirit and in search of specific causes for our failure to

>> effectively the institutional question, I referred him to a recent piece
>> mine [http://www.abladeofgrass.org/fertile-ground/art-social-death/] that
>> tries to think through how a broadly defined cultural left has been
>> prevented from asking institutional questions less by the Kochs et al
>> more by its own relationship to race.
> Blake, I'm glad you took up this thread, and I'm also curious what Florian
> thinks, since he started the ball rolling.

My great apologies for replying so late - I've been under the hood with
work and staying off Nettime for a while. I am probably not the right
person to have any good answer to this question. These are recurring,
structural dilemmas between institutional and self-organized politics. (In
my own work life, I have always been involved in both.) The pitfall of any
form of self-organization is that it typically relies on an assumed, but
never codified political and/or ethical consensus. That consensus can often
turn out to be a fiction or delusion, for example, when in a media activist
project, participants turn out to be on the extreme political right, but
could go along unnoticed because of a fake, shared anti-establishment
politics; or when in a contemporary arts project, people side with or end
up on reactionary positions because they defend the "freedom of art"
against "political correctness". It can also be the opposite, not
tolerating a well-founded conservative position from the extreme left,
which I haven't experienced for quite some time though.

Often, these questions and conflicts are much better addressed and
regulated in public institutions or, as a rule of thumb, larger and better
established institutions. There are sound policies in place that tell where
to draw the line and how to deal with conflict in general, and how to
develop policies.

If we speak of institutional critique, it struck me - for example - how
here in Rotterdam, an internationally established, institutional, white
cube contemporary art space like Witte de With was much more critical and
radical than most alternative and self-organized artist-run spaces in
rethinking its own position in a predominantly non-white city. (This
rethinking will lead to WdW changing its name.)

Blake wrote in his essay, quoting Occupy co-initiator Micah White, that
"protest politics, movement politics, network politics, the politics of
color revolutions, color revolts and 'rehumanizing us as a people,' [...]
have gradually but no less surely forgotten a fundamental fact: that
politics is about taking control of governments and then governing."
Personally, I've drawn the same conclusion and became active in a political
party (the Dutch intersectional civil rights party BIJ1, formerly Artikel
1). A major motivation was that I no longer wanted to stand by and tolerate
the discursive hegemony of the extreme right.

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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Re: [LegacyUG] AFN Numbers

2018-02-20 Thread Pauline B. Cramer

I used the AFN field for AFN numbers.
but I have not been using them recently.

Note: The Legacy Help file says:

*8.2 Displaying Numbers on Names*

*Add Number to End of All Names*

Select the type of number after names.  If you are displaying numbers 
after the names, you can choose from *RIN*, *User ID*, *AFN* (Ancestral 
File Number), and *FamilySearch ID*.


On 2/20/2018 10:21 AM, Michele/Support wrote:

POLL TIME! (Legacy Staff) - The AFN field
I would like to know what you are using the AFN field for. I am compiling
some numbers for the developers so please vote :)

I do not use the AFN field
I use the AFN field for AFN numbers
I use the AFN field for something else

The AFN field is on the Individual's Information screen. It is the first
field in the row...
User ID AFN FamilySearch ID Find a Grave ID

Michele Simmons Lewis, CGR
Legacy Family Tree


LegacyUserGroup mailing list
To manage your subscription and unsubscribe 
Archives at:

[ECOLOG-L] Teaching Assistant positions for summer field-based course

2018-02-16 Thread Michael J. Cramer
Teaching Assistants needed for 10-week summer course at the University of 
Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC) in northern Wisconsin and 
the Michigan Upper Peninsula. This undergraduate course, Practicum in 
Environmental Field Biology, runs from 21 May through 27 July 2018. The 
course includes both teaching and research components to educate 28 
sophomore and junior undergraduate students. The teaching component is 
broken up into 4 week-long modules (Vertebrate Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, 
Insect Ecology, and Forest Ecology), taught by instructors from the 
University of Notre Dame and other collaborating universities. Students 
also work with mentors and TAs to design and carry out independent 
ecological research projects. 

See UNDERC’s web page for specifics about the course: 

TAs will work to assist professors during each teaching module, as well as 
provide guidance on a daily basis to enrolled students.  Additionally, TAs 
will directly mentor 2 student projects during the summer.  The project 
topics will be directed towards the mentor’s strengths in ecology (e.g., 
herpetology, ornithology, forestry, entomology, limnology, etc.).

Modern apartment-style housing will be provided at no cost at UNDERC. Field 
vehicles provided throughout the course. Other amenities (24-hr computer 
lab, wireless internet access in apartments, free laundry facilities) are 
accessible on property.

Qualifications: M.S. in Ecology or related field is preferred, but B.S. in 
Ecology plus 1 year post-graduate work experience in teaching or biological 
research may substitute. Basic knowledge of 4 modules (listed above) and 
univariate statistics preferred.  If applicable, please include a list of 
relevant coursework you have completed. 
Salary is negotiable, based on level of experience. Minimum $5000 for the 
class (10 weeks).

Please submit cover letter (including topics of potential independent 
projects), CV/resume, and the contact information for three references (e-
mail submission preferred) to:

Dr. Michael J. Cramer
Assistant Director, East
Environmental Research Center
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-0970

Review of applications will begin 2 March 2018, and continue until the 
position is filled.

Re: [LegacyUG] MyHeritage - not free

2018-02-15 Thread Pauline B. Cramer
I was reviewing a lot of comments about MyHeritage on the Legacy User 
Group  and ran across the comment Carrie Pillow wrote mentioning "you 
can transfer your raw DNA to MyHeritage for free. You must have an 
account with MyHeritage to do this but you can create a free account 
which allows you to have a tree up to 250 people."

Sorry.  Be wary of anything "free" from MyHeritage.  My husband and I 
first did autosomal testing with 23andMe in about 2013. They also had a 
crude tool for entering family tree history.  I detested the clunky 
format and did not enter much data on it. Later, 23andMe informed us 
they were no longer going to support family tree data, and they had sent 
our DNA and family tree data to MyHeritage.   That was in February of 
2014.  I had previously opened an account on WorldVitalRecords, and in 
February 2014, MyHeritage informed me that WorldVitalRecords had been 
merged with MyHeritage,  so in February 2014, MyHeritage said they had 
given us "a free empty MyHeritage account for one year, which is a gift 
worth $119, for free,  and we would have access to World Vital Records 
and My Heritage both.  The Premium Plus account will not renew 
automatically.  By creating your family tree on our site, you will 
automatically receive your matches for free. "

In February 2015, email from MyHeritage thanked me for purchasing an 
annual bundle of data subscription plus PremiumPlus family site. You 
have been charged US $99.95 ...We have upgraded our existing family site 
Cramer Family Site to PremiumPlus.  I had to request a new password, 
because I had not been using it and had not recorded the password.  The 
next day, they sent another email starting with "An error occurred while 
renewing your MyHeritage Data Subscription.  It was not possible to 
extend your subscription and it expired. " They offered a MyHeritage 
Data subscription that will cots US $71.40 for one year, instead of the 
usual  $119.40.  About two weeks later I requested a new password again 
and tried entering data again, but did not like the user interface.   
Again in Feb 2015,  I requested a new password.  So I remember I put a 
few photos on the tree, but I really did not like the data entry format. 
That was about the last time I remember even looking at the MyHeritage 
website, until I started noticing funny little orange icons turning up 
on my  Legacy Family Tree on my desktop computer.

Apparently my desktop computer was getting messages from MyHeritage 
asking me to verify something someone else had entered on their trees, 
and smart matches found my entries, which I found very annoying, since 
whenever I saw these messages, my mind was always focused on something 
else far away.  I have been a subscriber to Ancestry.com for many years, 
and I have been focusing on AncestryDNA and growing my trees on 
Ancestry.com and on my Legacy Family Tree file,  and looking for my 
1000+ living cousins on AncestryDNA, and how I am connected to them, and 
also on FTDNA and 23andMe.  And I had no interest in working on the old 
trees on MyHeritage.  And I never considered buying DNA analysis from My 
Heritage.  But I noticed people on the Legacy Family Tree user group 
talking about My Heritage DNA testing.

Unfortunately, a few days ago, Februrary 2018, I noticed an email from 
MyHeritage saying I was charged $250.74.  This shocked me because  I 
thought my subscription had expired.  I asked my husband to check 
charges.  He had just paid it that morning.  He also found we had paid 
$238.80 in 2016, etc..  Which was another shocker.  He immediately sent 
an email cancelling the 2018 payment he had just made.  It took a couple 
of years to look at 5 years of paper trail.  We appear to have have 
charged over $750 for something I did not ask for in the first place  
and did not like when I attempted to use it.  I have been using Legacy 
Family Tree for over 15 years, since 2002, but, if Legacy Family Tree is 
now owned by My Heritage, my first impulse is just to give up on genealogy.


On 1/12/2018 1:43 AM, Carrie Pillow wrote:

You can transfer your raw DNA to MyHeritage for free. You must have an 
account with MyHeritage to do this but you can create a free account 
which allows you to have a tree up to 250 people.


LegacyUserGroup mailing list
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Editing videos?

2018-02-14 Thread Tom Cramer
Good afternoon,

Does anyone edit or work with videos as a totally blind person on
either their iPhone or ipad?  If so, what apps do you use, and what
sorts of things have or can you do with the videos independently?  Has
anyone done any tutorials or podcasts from a blindness perspective on
this subject?

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your V iPhone list moderator is Mark Taylor.  Mark can be reached at:  
mk...@ucla.edu.  Your list owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 

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I need an easy way to make a distribution list

2018-02-09 Thread Tom Cramer
Hi there,

I use the native Mail app for email on my iPhone.  I'm needing to find
an easy way of making a distribution list with about eight to ten
people in it.
If it can happen, I would also love it if somehow my iPad Mini could
pick it up as well, so I can use it on either device.  Does anyone on
this page have good ideas?  I'd truly appreciate any help.

The following information is important for all members of the V iPhone list.

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your V iPhone list moderator is Mark Taylor.  Mark can be reached at:  
mk...@ucla.edu.  Your list owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 

The archives for this list can be searched at:
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svn commit: r329004 - head/share/misc

2018-02-07 Thread Jeb Cramer
Author: jeb
Date: Thu Feb  8 00:14:20 2018
New Revision: 329004
URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/329004

  Add myself to committers-src.dot
  Reviewed by:  erj (mentor)
  Approved by:  erj (mentor)


Modified: head/share/misc/committers-src.dot
--- head/share/misc/committers-src.dot  Thu Feb  8 00:09:17 2018
+++ head/share/misc/committers-src.dot  Thu Feb  8 00:14:20 2018
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ jasone [label="Jason Evans\njas...@freebsd.org\n1999/0
 jceel [label="Jakub Klama\njc...@freebsd.org\n2011/09/25"]
 jch [label="Julien Charbon\n...@freebsd.org\n2014/09/24"]
 jchandra [label="Jayachandran C.\njchan...@freebsd.org\n2010/05/19"]
+jeb [label="Jeb Cramer\n...@freebsd.org\n2018/01/25"]
 jeff [label="Jeff Roberson\nj...@freebsd.org\n2002/02/21"]
 jh [label="Jaakko Heinonen\n...@freebsd.org\n2009/10/02"]
 jhb [label="John Baldwin\n...@freebsd.org\n1999/08/23"]
@@ -485,6 +486,8 @@ emaste -> rstone
 emax -> markus
+erj -> jeb
 fjoe -> versus
 gallatin -> ticso
@@ -773,6 +776,7 @@ sam -> benjsc
 sam -> sephe
 sbruno -> hiren
+sbruno -> jeb
 sbruno -> jimharris
 sbruno -> shurd
svn-src-head@freebsd.org mailing list
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svn commit: r329004 - head/share/misc

2018-02-07 Thread Jeb Cramer
Author: jeb
Date: Thu Feb  8 00:14:20 2018
New Revision: 329004
URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/329004

  Add myself to committers-src.dot
  Reviewed by:  erj (mentor)
  Approved by:  erj (mentor)


Modified: head/share/misc/committers-src.dot
--- head/share/misc/committers-src.dot  Thu Feb  8 00:09:17 2018
+++ head/share/misc/committers-src.dot  Thu Feb  8 00:14:20 2018
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ jasone [label="Jason Evans\njas...@freebsd.org\n1999/0
 jceel [label="Jakub Klama\njc...@freebsd.org\n2011/09/25"]
 jch [label="Julien Charbon\n...@freebsd.org\n2014/09/24"]
 jchandra [label="Jayachandran C.\njchan...@freebsd.org\n2010/05/19"]
+jeb [label="Jeb Cramer\n...@freebsd.org\n2018/01/25"]
 jeff [label="Jeff Roberson\nj...@freebsd.org\n2002/02/21"]
 jh [label="Jaakko Heinonen\n...@freebsd.org\n2009/10/02"]
 jhb [label="John Baldwin\n...@freebsd.org\n1999/08/23"]
@@ -485,6 +486,8 @@ emaste -> rstone
 emax -> markus
+erj -> jeb
 fjoe -> versus
 gallatin -> ticso
@@ -773,6 +776,7 @@ sam -> benjsc
 sam -> sephe
 sbruno -> hiren
+sbruno -> jeb
 sbruno -> jimharris
 sbruno -> shurd
svn-src-all@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Postgres install

2018-02-05 Thread Dave Cramer
On 5 February 2018 at 19:01, Benjamin Scherrey <scher...@proteus-tech.com>

> One option you should seriously consider is using Docker to containerize
> your postgres installation. The installation thinks it has root access but
> you don't need any rights beyond the standard user role that way you can
> use the standard builds without changes. This assumes you're running under
> Linux.
>   - - Ben Scherrey
> On Feb 6, 2018 9:42 AM, "Azimuddin Mohammed" <azim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need to install postgres without root privileges. I have a postgres
>> user in our companies AD.
>> Below are my questions n concerns:
>> 1. Is there a website you will refer other the postgres documentation,
>> the one on postgres website is confusing
>> What is confusing ?

> 2. What is the default location of postgress install from a source code?
>> i.e if I run rmp -ivh  where will it install by default? can this
>> be changed ?
> How are you going to do that without root ?

>> 3. Important parameters I need to change  ? I am planning to have
>> different drive location for my data directory or any important parameter,
>> please let me know.
>> There are lots, but changing the data dir is not particularly difficult.

Dave Cramer


>> Thanks in Advance
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Azim

[ccp4bb] definition of "apo" and alternatives?

2018-01-31 Thread Johannes Cramer
Dear collegues,

a while ago, there was a discussion in the board on the term apo-structure
as a way to descibe a native, free, or unbound protein (no ligands). I
think the conclusion was that an apo-form is a halo enzyme lacking a
cofactor and should not be used as a substitute for "unbound".
We were recently asked by a reviewer to change "unbound" to "apo" in a
text. We are weighing our options at the moment. Just comply and change it
or "teach" the reviewer something...
Can anyone share experiences with similar situations? Can anyone point out
a publication on the term?


Re: [ccp4bb] cavities in protein structures

2018-01-30 Thread Johannes Cramer
Hi Claudia,

another program that I used with success is Hollow (
It is really easy to use. You can get is here http://hollow.sourceforge.net/
It finds pockets in a defined area, fills them with water molecules and
generates a pdb with those waters. You can then import it into pymol and
represent it however you think is fitting.


2018-01-30 14:20 GMT+01:00 Vipul Panchal :

> Hi Claudia,
> For the identification of cavities and residues linning them, metapocket
> is one of the preferred choice as it uses prediction from various program.
> Output of the server is pdb file.
> I found caver program represent cavities in a best manner. There is caver
> plugin available for pymol. Output is tunnel like representation with
> different colours. Interestingly, it also provides tunnel length, radius
> and list of residues linning the bottle-neck of each of the cavity. As a
> input for the presentation of cavities, you need to provide list of
> residues lining cavities. Identified by other programs.
> All the best!
> On 30-Jan-2018 6:28 PM, "Boaz Shaanan"  wrote:
> Hi Claudia,
> Another possibility is CastP: http://sts.bioe.uic.edu/castp/index.html
> They also have a Pymol plugin. I have not used this plugin since I'm
> displaying the CastP o/p files in UCSF-chimera which handles them nicely.
> Cheers,
> Boaz
> *Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D. Dept. of Life
> Sciences  Ben-Gurion University of the
> Negev  Beer-Sheva
> 84105
> Israel
> E-mail:
> bshaa...@bgu.ac.il  Phone: 972-8-647-2220  Skype:
> boaz.shaanan  Fax:   972-8-647-2992 or 972-8-646-1710*
> --
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board  on behalf of Claudia
> Binda 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:51 PM
> *Subject:* [ccp4bb] cavities in protein structures
> Hi everyone,
> I need suggestions to calculate and represent cavities of protein
> structures. For years I have been using Voidoo that produces maps in ezd
> format which could be converted in map format (ccp4) using the online
> server http://xray.bmc.uu.se/cgi-bin/gerard/mapman_server.pl. However,
> this does not work anymore. Is there another way to do it? What is the best
> tool to calculate cavities and draw them by Pymol or ccp4mg?
> Thank you
> Claudia
> --
> Claudia Binda
> University of Pavia
> Dept. Biology and Biotechnology
> via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia - Italy
> Phone: +39-0382-985535 <+39%200382%20985535>
> Fax: +39-0382-528496 <+39%200382%20528496>
> E-mail: claudia.bi...@unipv.it
> Web: http://www.unipv.it/biocr 

Re: Mechanical Turkish

2018-01-27 Thread Florian Cramer
Thanks for sharing this. None of the issues described in this write-up can
be blamed on the corporate ownership of the currently popular social media.
If people used Open Source, community-owned and community-run social media
instead (like, for example, Mastodon or diaspora), there would be the same
problems or worse.

This means that ownership and participation is no longer the central issue.
Consequently, the media activism that began in the 1960s/70s - from the
free radio and television to the tactical media movements to the advocacy
of self-organized/autonomous networks - doesn't have answers to these


On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 10:55 PM, Morlock Elloi 

> TL;DR: Fb extracts ethical decisions from its digital precariat humanness
> deposits at the rate of one decision every 22 seconds (that's 0.045
> decisions/sec.)
> (from https://sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/texte/anzeigen/46820/
> Three-months-in-hell )
> Germany has become one of Facebook's most important hubs for content
> moderation - also fueled by a controversial new law that requires social
> media companies to effectively remove hate speech and violence. In Berlin
> and Essen more than 1000 people work as Facebook Content Moderators, most
> of them employed by the outsourcing company Arvato, a subsidiary of
> Bertelsmann, one of Germany's most powerful companies. Yet the work and the
> rules of content moderation is done in secrecy. In a year-long
> investigation, our reporters Hannes Grassegger and Till Krause spoke to
> dozens of current and former content moderators working for Facebook in
> Germany and have written several award-winning reports (»Inside Facebook«)
> that made the working conditions and deletion rules (»The secret rules of
> Facebook«) of Facebook public. Recently they have been contacted by Burcu
> Gültekin Punsmann, a former employee who, for the first time, gives a
> personal account of her work as a content moderator. We have slightly
> shortened and edited her piece for clarity.
> ---
> As a new comer to Berlin in July 2017, I found myself in a job in content
> moderation at Arvato. Curiosity has a been a main driver. I accepted the
> very unappealing job offer and entered into a world I haven't suspected the
> existence of. I was recruited as an outsourced reviewer and became one of
> the thousands of Facebook Community Operations team members around the
> world working in some 40 languages. Berlin, draining well-educated
> multilingual cheap labor from all over the world, has recently developed,
> as I would learn, as new center for Facebook content moderation, as the
> German government toughened the legislation against hate speech.
> I quit the job after a three-month period. I feel the need today to take
> time to reflect on this very intense professional and personal experience.
> This is mainly an exercise of self-reflection and learning. I consider it
> as well as a way to dissociate myself from the very violent content I have
> been handling on a daily basis. I wish through my account to add
> transparency and to contribute to discussions on content moderation
> practices. I don't intend to violate the employee non-disclosure agreement
> I signed. I will not dig into the polices developed by Facebook. Through my
> relatively short work experience, I learned that these policies are
> constantly re-evaluated, highly dynamic and reactive. I couldn't perceive
> well enough, from my vintage point, the factors that impact on these sets
> of policies.
> I enjoyed the training and induction period. I was happy to be in a very
> international context, I was accustomed to in my previous roles in
> international development. The difference here was that everyone was a
> migrant, mostly young, with very diverse backgrounds. This eclecticism has
> definitively attracted me. The paradox of being behind high walls of
> confidentiality while working for a social media platform, which connects
> people and the world, made the job unique and certainly aroused my
> curiosity.
> Facebook and most of the social media platforms have a users/community
> based regulation system: no one is scrutinizing the content before it is
> uploaded. Users have the possibility to report the posts they found
> inappropriate on the platform. The content moderator is basically handling
> these reports, called tickets. With more than 2 billion users worldwide,
> the amount of content generated on Facebook is massive. As far as I know,
> some 6.5 million reports are generated in average every week. The work
> never stops, it continues seven days a week with almost no interruption.
> I have difficulties in conceptualizing the role I acted in. Was I acting
> as a censor and restricting the freedom of speech? I don't think that I
> acted exactly in this role. I respected the freedom to offend and to make
> use of the most creative forms of expression. Working in the Turkish
> market, I handled 

Re: [docbook-apps] Specific chunk.section.depth on one section

2018-01-23 Thread David Cramer
I'm pretty sure webhelp will work like any other chunked output. Even 
for toc generation, I think it relies on hooks that were in the xsls to 
find the file names etc.



On 1/18/18 12:00 PM, Bob Stayton wrote:
A related approach that uses the same mechanism is to write a custom 
stylehsheet that generates a manual toc file from the document, and by 
setting role attributes or using other match criteria you can handle 
your special cases.  Typically that would add an extra step to your 
processing, but not necessarily.  It is possible to generate such a 
file in your main customization the way the olink database is updated 
before the content is processed.

I'm just not sure if Webhelp will follow the manual toc in all aspects 
of processing.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 1/18/2018 8:44 AM, Mats S. E. Broberg wrote:


Thanks. I looked at that one, but as it says,

"... since it requires hand editing of a generated table of contents 
file, it is only useful if done infrequently or with documents that 
have stable structure."

I didn't think it would work well. My doc is updated every other day 
and the content continously expands.

Kind regards,
Mats Broberg

On 01/18/2018 11:26 AM, Kasun Gajasinghe wrote:

Hi Mats,

Webhelp uses the default chunking behavior that comes with Docbook. 
I checked the chunking docs at [1]. It seems your requirement can be 
addressed by a manually edited table of contents file. [1] The 
chunk.section.depth param will be ignored, and the chunking will 
happen with the given toc file.

We however should check how this works with Webhelp though. 
Especially the Table of Contents in the left pane.

[1] http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Chunking.html#ManualChunking

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 2:46 AM, Mats S. E. Broberg 
> wrote:


    I have a (frequently updated) document (DocBook 5.0 'article') that
    I publish to WebHelp and PDF. For the WebHelp version
    chunk.section.depth is set to 1.

    However, one particular (top level) section contains subsections
    with so many images that I want that section to have a
    chunk.section.depth set to 3.

    Is this at all possible?

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,
    Mats Broberg

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*Kasun Gajasinghe*
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Re: [docbook-apps] Specific chunk.section.depth on one section

2018-01-18 Thread David Cramer
Another option (that I don't see mentioned in Bob's book) would be to 
set the chunking depth very deep and then disable it using the stop-chunking?> processing-instruction in most cases:




On 1/18/18 4:26 AM, Kasun Gajasinghe wrote:

Hi Mats,

Webhelp uses the default chunking behavior that comes with Docbook. I 
checked the chunking docs at [1]. It seems your requirement can be 
addressed by a manually edited table of contents file. [1] The 
chunk.section.depth param will be ignored, and the chunking will 
happen with the given toc file.

We however should check how this works with Webhelp though. Especially 
the Table of Contents in the left pane.

[1] http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Chunking.html#ManualChunking

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 2:46 AM, Mats S. E. Broberg 
> wrote:


I have a (frequently updated) document (DocBook 5.0 'article')
that I publish to WebHelp and PDF. For the WebHelp version
chunk.section.depth is set to 1.

However, one particular (top level) section contains subsections
with so many images that I want that section to have a
chunk.section.depth set to 3.

Is this at all possible?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Mats Broberg

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For additional commands, e-mail:

*Kasun Gajasinghe*
Senior Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com ,
/Linked-in: /http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe/
/Blog: //http://blog.kasunbg.org/ 
GitHub: //http://github.com/kasunbg/

[CODE4LIB] Reminder: call for participation on IIPC survey on web archive training needs

2018-01-17 Thread Tom Cramer
So far nearly 100 people from a dozen countries have taken the brief, 
16-question survey on on web archive training needs. Have you? If not, please 
do! The results of the survey will be used to guide the development of an 
international curriculum to train people in web archiving.

How do you get training on the skills, tools and knowledge needed to do so 
effectively? What kind of training would you most like to have? What audiences 
and needs are most important to start with?

This effort is being organized by the Training Working 
of the International Internet Preservation Coalition 
(IIPC). (You can read more about us here: 
http://netpreserve.org/about-us/working-groups/training-working-group/) The 
goal of this effort is to give people the critical “how to” information and 
skills they need for practical, effective web archiving. This will lead to more 
and better archives, and a larger and stronger field.

The survey will be available until the end of January 2018. The survey is 
targeted for individual responses, not institutions, so please respond even if 
a colleague might also be taking it.

Many thanks,
The IIPC Training Working Group

Re: social media critique: next steps?

2018-01-15 Thread Florian Cramer
One could argue that today's mainstream social media critique has finally
caught up with the critical media theory of 10-15 years ago. The major
arguments have already been made in, among others, Wendy Chun's "Control
and Freedom" from 2005. Today's social media critique is a simplified,
moralizing version of that earlier theory, much like Neil Postman's
"Amusing Ourselves to Death" was a simplified, moralizing, popularized
version of McLuhan's 1960s theory of electronic mass media.

Still, I see the need for a renewed critical social media critique; one
that shifts its focus from the politics of algorithms to what I'd propose
to call the condition of civil disengagement. No matter the algorithms and
no matter whether we use mainstream or alternative social media (such as
diaspora, Mastodon or Nettime), social media's ubiquity and unavoidability
have created a toxic and often dangerous environment for any kind of
personal engagement. Anyone who is involved in social or political
activism, or even just blogging (as the current case of German blogger
Richard Gutjahr shows - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqZiwRk1yLQ), faces
severe personal risks, among others through trolling, doxxing and
cybermobbing. "Gamergate" set a precedent that has become the standard.
Most existing, available criminal justice systems have proven to provide
inadequate protection. (Both Zoe Quinn's and Gutjahr's cases are textbook
example; on Gutjahr, see his [German] writeup:

It means that no Chinese "social credit" algorithm is necessary to
discourage social engagement or political resistance. It is not even a
question of "better" algorithms - whether "better" algorithmic governance
within existing social networks or through the creation of
"different"/alternative social networks -, since the issue will remain,
being one of an 'apparatus' or an 'actor network' transcending binary
distinctions of machinic and human agency. (The question whether a troll is
a human or a bot, isn't very relevant.)

Articulation of positions [including artist's positions outside self-chosen
safe spaces] is rapidly becoming a privilege of those who can afford their


On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Alex Foti  wrote:

> so should facebook pay us basic income? i think some ft editorialist
> argued as much. but that would mean putting fb on a utility-like pedestal.
> i m no media theorist and so forgive me for intruding, but i wonder how the
> latest tweak to the fb algorithm (less news, more cousins) will affect
> participation to a platform which is only relevant for people that are
> millennial or older. as a creator of a movement medium in 2010 which listed
> news and events from and about social centers, i couldn't fail to notice
> how users and organizers migrated there to communicate events - today most
> of the traffic to MilanoX comes from facebook on mobile and this applies to
> anything the autonomist left communicates in milano. so we can't really
> afford to leave fb right now. However social media fatigue is apparent in
> its most enthusiastic users: teens. Instagram is no longer growing and
> Snapchat's failure to remain relevant shows that once you turn 15 you have
> something better to do with your life than snapping. They seem to
> understand that it generates social anxiety and superficial communication.
> i guess we should create a social medium that really addresses the needs of
> teens for self-emancipation from authority and conformism. times could be
> ripe for smartly political social media. i also wonder whether mass live
> streaming will become a thing in europe after it did in china.
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 9:36 AM, olivier auber 
> wrote:
>> Before leaving Facebook, here's the bill.
>> USD 350,000,000,000,000
>> Three hundred Fifty Thousand Billion Dollar
>> Open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.
>> Hi Mark!
>> Best wishes and congratulations on your good resolutions 2018!
>> 1) you tell us you have realized that "with the rise of a small number of
>> big tech companies — and governments using technology to watch their
>> citizens — many people now believe technology only centralizes power rather
>> than decentralizes it."
>> Only a belief? Isn't it a little real? And you're here for something,
>> aren't you?
>> On top of that, you tell us that you are "interested to go deeper and
>> study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies (of
>> decentralization)"
>> It's cool ! You should know that others have been working on
>> decentralization for a long time - already long before Facebook was created
>> - to create the conditions for a more equitable and healthy society. If
>> your awareness is real, you can probably help us. We lack developers!
>> 2) You also seem to have understood that your algorithms made people
>> crazy by flooding them with sponsored posts and 

Re: [ccp4bb] proxy settings for ccp4 package manager

2018-01-11 Thread Johannes Cramer
Thanks for this reply
I exported http_proxy... It is not like the ccp4um does not have a
It can determine that there are updates and downloads and installs small
updates (up to a handfull of MB) without a problem.
Larger updates start downloading at ridiculously low speeds, then suddenly
finish and generate a MD5 checksum error.
Is our proxy just weird?!?


2018-01-11 0:19 GMT+01:00 Takanori Nakane <tnak...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>:

> Hi Johannes,
> On RHEL 6.7, setting "http_proxy" was sufficient.
> Best regards,
> Takanori Nakane
> On 2018/01/09 13:18, Johannes Cramer wrote:
>> Dear CCP4bb,
>> does anyone know how I can make the ccp4 package manager use a proxy for
>> downloading in Linux 64bit versions?
>> This would make installing and updating a whole lot easier for me...
>> I exported http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy (and all their capital
>> letter
>> equivalents) and setup the system proxy in kde (although I think this only
>> matters for kde programs). I am using the 10.17 version of kubuntu, but
>> would also be interested in a solution that works for Mac.
>> Cheers,
>> Johannes

D1581: rust: implementation of `hg`

2018-01-10 Thread cramertj (Taylor Cramer)
cramertj added a comment.

  In https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D1581#31035, @indygreg wrote:
  > In https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D1581#31029, @cramertj wrote:
  > > There are a lot of uses of `unwrap`, `expect`, and `panic` that can (and 
probably should) be replaced with proper error handling using `Result` (and the 
`failure` crate).
  > I definitely agree. I still consider this just beyond proof-of-concept 
code. We'll definitely want to shore things up before we ship. Perfect is very 
much the enemy of good at this stage.
  > > There are also a couple of crates that provide safe bindings to Python 
interpreters-- I'm not sure what your external dependency situation is, but you 
might consider using something like https://crates.io/crates/pyo3 rather than 
writing your own `unsafe` calls to the python interpreter.
  > pyo3 requires non-stable Rust features last I checked. That makes it a 
non-starter for us at this time (since downstream packagers will insist on only 
using stable Rust).
  > If other external dependencies provide the interfaces we need, I'm open to 
taking those dependencies. But this crate is focused on embedding a Python 
interpreter. Most (all?) of the Rust+Python crates I found seemed to target the 
"implementing Python extensions with Rust" use case, not embedding Python. As 
such, their embedding API support is very lacking. I even had to fork 
rust-cpython because it didn't implement the proper APIs and is forcing its 
extension-centric religion on consumers. I've upstreamed most of my 
modifications though. So hopefully the fork doesn't live much longer...
  SGTM! Thanks for clarifying.

  rHG Mercurial


To: indygreg, #hg-reviewers, yuja
Cc: cramertj, yuja, quark, durin42, dlax, mercurial-devel
Mercurial-devel mailing list

D1581: rust: implementation of `hg`

2018-01-10 Thread cramertj (Taylor Cramer)
cramertj added a comment.

  Looks pretty good to me-- left a couple nits inline.
  There are a lot of uses of `unwrap`, `expect`, and `panic` that can (and 
probably should) be replaced with proper error handling using `Result` (and the 
`failure` crate).
  There are also a couple of crates that provide safe bindings to Python 
interpreters-- I'm not sure what your external dependency situation is, but you 
might consider using something like https://crates.io/crates/pyo3 rather than 
writing your own `unsafe` calls to the python interpreter.


> build.rs:12
> +#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
> +use std::path::PathBuf;
> +

Nit: if you move this import into `have_shared`, you'll only need one `cfg` and 
it'll be easier to validate that the proper deps are available for the proper 

> build.rs:88
> +
> +const REQUIRED_CONFIG_FLAGS: [&'static str; 2] = ["Py_USING_UNICODE", 
> +

Nit: not sure what version you're targeting, but `'static` is automatic for 
`const` vars, so you could write `[ 2]`

> main.rs:45
> +
> +let python_exe: &'static str = env!("PYTHON_INTERPRETER");
> +let python_exe = PathBuf::from(python_exe);

Nit: you can just write ``. Also, I'm not familiar with what you're trying 
to do here, but is the PYTHON_INTERPRETER always determined at compile-time? It 
seems like something you might want to switch on at runtime. Is that not the 

> main.rs:125
> +
> +// Set program name. The backing memory needs to live for the duration 
> of the
> +// interpreter.

If it needs to live for the whole time, consider storing it in a `static` or 
similar. There's a subtle unsafety here: if this program panics (due to 
`panic`, `unwrap`, or `expect`, `program_name` will be dropped (free'd) before 
the python interpreter is killed (when the process ends, that is-- `Finalize` 
won't ever be called in that case). I don't know how much of an issue this will 
be in practice, but it's something to think about.

  rHG Mercurial


To: indygreg, #hg-reviewers, yuja
Cc: cramertj, yuja, quark, durin42, dlax, mercurial-devel
Mercurial-devel mailing list

[ccp4bb] proxy settings for ccp4 package manager

2018-01-09 Thread Johannes Cramer
Dear CCP4bb,

does anyone know how I can make the ccp4 package manager use a proxy for
downloading in Linux 64bit versions?
This would make installing and updating a whole lot easier for me...

I exported http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy (and all their capital letter
equivalents) and setup the system proxy in kde (although I think this only
matters for kde programs). I am using the 10.17 version of kubuntu, but
would also be interested in a solution that works for Mac.


Lost AirPod

2018-01-08 Thread Tom Cramer
Good morning,

Does anyone know what one can do if they've definitely lost an AirPod?
 Do I have to buy a new set, or can I buy just one?  I'm bummed
because it's the airpod I use the most and I have no idea how or where
it could be now.  I'll bet it fell out of my pocket.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain

2017-12-30 Thread Florian Cramer
It's not either-or (technology and political agency), but both-and. The two
things aren't cleanly separable. And this isn't any new or revolutionary
insight, but exactly what McLuhan meant with "the medium is the message"
and Wiener with the "human use of human beings" (or Lenin with his equation
"communism = soviet power + electricity", for that matter), and what newer
philosophies have rebranded as "apparatus".

I thought that we no longer needed to discuss this on Nettime, of all
places. Hacker culture, too, has been aware of it since its beginnings, as
any annual Chaos Computer Club congress demonstrates. (Btw., the motto of
the ongoing 34C3, "Tuwat" ['Dosomething'], references the legendary
Tunix/Tuwat conferences that took place in West Berlin in 1978 and 1981 and
not involved early hackers like Wau Holland, but also Michel Foucault.)


On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 10:51 PM, Morlock Elloi 

> Let's assume, for the sake of argument, deep conspiracy and that Bitcoin
> creator(s) actually did bother to read "Austrian economics" (neither of
> which I think is probable - looks like a parallel construction), and chose
> a hard limit instead of exponential backoff or any other of dozen possible
> strategies. Let's also assume that there were no other (dozens) of
> competing ideas which simply could not get any traction at the time (and
> this is a patently false assumption.) Invention of Bitcoin was therefore
> not a random event, it was intentional dark design having roots in nearly
> hundred year old ideology, and there were no alternatives to it.
> Hapless adopters, unable to see Hayek's ghost in the algorithm, just
> continued to use it until it was too late.
> What does this mean?
> It means that technology has became effective carrier device for the
> ideology, amplifying it as everything else it touches, and if ordinary
> people cannot see through it ("out of the question") as they could see
> through Nazism and similar, well, then the ordinary people are going to get
> fu*ked in perpetuity, and there is absolutely nothing one can do about it
> (bitching notwithstanding.) All Dr. Evil has to do is carefully design a
> shiny object, and cretins will unconditionally descend on it. Easier than
> organizing rallies.
> It's a worldview that goes exactly nowhere. It doesn't even have afterlife.
> Try coding instead.
> You left out the most important design decision: to cap the number of
>> Bitcoins in circulation, therefore building deflation into the currency.
>> And that decision has nothing to do with crypto, science or technology,
>> but is purely political and based on a cyberlibertarian reading of
>> "Austrian economics".
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Re: Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain

2017-12-30 Thread Florian Cramer
On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 7:12 PM, Morlock Elloi 

But I want to get back to Bitcoin as a random mindless technology that
> found its receptors in the society, and use proof by negation: Bitcoin has
> three key components: asymmetric crypto (for signatures), Merkle tree (for
> chains) and virtual machine that executes code. Asymmetric crypto uses
> modular arithmetic in the finite field, Merkle tree uses one-way hash
> functions. Which of these technologies/inventions or combinations thereof
> start to present the moral failure? Should we blame Whit Diffie, Ralph
> Merkle or Von Neumann and their respective societies? Where do you draw the
> line, and how is that line not arbitrary?

You left out the most important design decision: to cap the number of
Bitcoins in circulation, therefore building deflation into the currency.
And that decision has nothing to do with crypto, science or technology, but
is purely political and based on a cyberlibertarian reading of "Austrian

- I'm phrasing it this way (instead of writing "based on Hayek") after
having read the fascinating blog article "Was Friedrich von Hayek a
Nihilist?" ("War Friedrich von Hayek ein Nihilist?") in Frankfurter
Allgemeine, a politically conservative, pro-free market newspaper. Written
by its financial markets editor, the article suggests by implication that a
lot of the Hayekianism in AnCap and cyberlibertarian subcultures is based
on a narrow reading of Hayek's earliest positions - positions that Hayek
himself later renounced: most of all, that interest rates shouldn't be
lowered (=money shouldn't be inflated) in times of economic crisis.
According to the article, Hayek had been - as a young economist -
overambitious with his model. Refuted by academic peers, he later accepted
that "deflation is no good" and shifted his work from financial market
theory to social theory.

Hayek is quoted in the article, in English, with the following statement:
"I probably ought to add a word of explanation: I have to admit that I took
a different attitude forty years ago, at the beginning of the Great
Depression. At that time I believed that a process of deflation of some
short duration might break the rigidity of wages which I thought was
incompatible with a functioning economy. Perhaps I should have even then
understood that this possibility no longer existed. . . . I would no longer
maintain, as I did in the early ‘30s, that for this reason, and for this
reason only, a short period of deflation might be desirable.“

Frankfurter Allgemeine's editor concludes his article with the sentence:
"The phenomenon that economists base their political recommendations on
their own world view, even when theoretical insights of the economic
sciences contradict them, may not have died out in our times".


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What does Time.MAX_VALUE actually represent?

2017-12-30 Thread Dave Cramer
We are having a discussion on the jdbc project about dealing with 24:00:00.


Dave Cramer

Re: Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain

2017-12-29 Thread Florian Cramer

> The *goal* of the Bitcoin proof of concept was 'an electronic payment
> system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two
> willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a
> trusted third party.' So when the author of this avid-reader essay
> complains 'but Visa... but FDIC... but NASDAQ,' one reasonable response is:
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The point of Bitcoin wasn't to succeed to the degree that it
> has, or in the way that it has.

Hi Ted,

If that had been Bitcoin's only goal, then it would have sufficed to create
a crypographic peer-to-peer payment system based on/supporting existing
currencies and their exchange rates.

Things got politically murky with the introduction of Bitcoin as its own
currency based on Hayek's and Mises' economic theory, i.e. with built-in
deflation and absence of political control except through owners.


I'm on diaspora*, a non-corporate social network:

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Re: psycopg2 and java gssapi questions

2017-12-21 Thread Dave Cramer
On 21 December 2017 at 05:27, Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Mike Feld <m...@aol.com> wrote:
>> Is it possible to authenticate with Postgres from a standalone
>> application using gssapi? In other words, I am able to authenticate with
>> Postgres when a human has logged in to either Windows or Linux and
>> generated a ticket, but is it possible for say a Django site or Java
>> application running on some server somewhere to authenticate with Postgres
>> using gssapi? I realize that psycopg2 has a connection parameter for
>> “krbsrvname”, but how does it generate a ticket? Is this the only
>> alternative to secure authentication since Postgres does not support secure
>> ldap (ldaps)?
> Sure it is.
> libpq won't generate the initial ticket, though. The way to do it is to
> have your django or whatever application run "kinit" for the user before it
> starts. This will request a TGT, and the ticket will be present in that
> users environment, and will be used by the libpq client. (it might look
> slightly different for a Java client, but the principle is the same)
JDBC docs on GSSAPI can be found

Dave Cramer


[CODE4LIB] call for participation: IIPC survey on web archive training needs

2017-12-14 Thread Tom Cramer
Do you (or your institution) archive the web? If so, how do you get training on 
the skills, tools and knowledge needed to do so effectively? What kind of 
training would you most like to have?

The goal of this effort is to give people the critical “how to” information and 
skills they need for practical, effective web archiving. This will lead to more 
and better archives, and a larger and stronger field.
We invite all individuals and institutions engaged in web archiving to respond 
to a brief, 16-question survey:
The survey will be available from now through the end of January 2018. The 
results will help us both shape the training and to prioritize needs to target 
first. If you are interested in helping in this endeavor, you can read more 
about us here: 
Many thanks,
The IIPC Training Working Group

Re: [ccp4bb] PyMol question

2017-12-13 Thread Johannes Cramer
you can try the 'hide cell' command. This should hide the unit cell box,
however, I don't know why it is not displayed in your 'unrendered' gui...


2017-12-11 23:47 GMT+01:00 Cygler, Miroslaw :

> Hi,
> When I loaded the ed map into PyMol v1.8.4.1 and used iso mesh around part
> of the protein all is well until I use the RAY command. In the ray traced
> image I see the unit cell box that does not show on the image in the normal
> view. How can I remove the box from the ray traced image?
> Thanks for your help,
> Mirek

Re: [docbook-apps] REST API description

2017-12-07 Thread David Cramer
I don't think DocBook is the right vocabulary for modeling a REST API. 
There's an XML schema, WADL (Web Application Description Language) that 
is designed for that: 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Application_Description_Language I 
would suggest putting the API specification in WADL and converting it to 
DocBook to combine it with your other content.

WADL includes features that let you reuse content, but all that reuse 
can make it difficult to parse. wadl-tools includes xslts that will 
flatten out the wadl. Do that first and converting it to DocBook will be 
much more straightforward:


You can see an example of that approach here:


If you need a proxy for your API, check out Repose: 
http://www.openrepose.org/ That wadl-tools stuff was developed in 
support of Repose. For more information, see this Balisage paper:


These days non-xml vocabularies for modeling REST apis are more popular. 
Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, depending on your needs.





On 12/5/17 2:23 PM, Jan Tosovsky wrote:

Dear All,

is there any recommended DocBook tag set for describing REST API?

My current structure is depicted in http://drifted.in/other/docbook/rest.png

I use common elements like sections, simplesects, tables, programlistings,
tips, but not sure what vocabulary use for URL fragments (1) or parameter
descriptions (3, 4).

(1) uri
(2) synopsis
(3, 4) informaltable

I especially don't like (3, 4) as tables are quite heavy/complex objects for
kind of variablelist with headers, which could be even auto-generated using
localized resources.

Any thoughts?



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To unsubscribe, e-mail: docbook-apps-unsubscr...@lists.oasis-open.org
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Re: [Scidb-users] Scidb fails to compile with Clang-5.0

2017-12-06 Thread Gregor Cramer
On Monday 13 November 2017 16:53:43 Bogdan Burlacu wrote:
> Of course, clang is probably not supported, but I thought it interesting to
> report it here anyway.

I've checked in r1449, now it should compile with clang-5.0. Unfortunately I 
don't have this compiler version, and momently I cannot install newer compiler 


Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Scidb-users mailing list

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D stereo and pymol

2017-11-28 Thread Johannes Cramer
Hi Christine,

as far as I know, it does not work at all with Geforce cards. The Nvidia
drivers do not support windowed quad buffered GL, which you need for
coot/pymol. It does not matter whether you use Windows or Linux.
But this is based on my personal experience from around Oct. 2016. Maybe
something changed quietly since then. Again, as far as I know, you need a
Quadro card.


2017-11-06 21:24 GMT+01:00 Christine Gee :

> Hi,
> I have looked in the archive for posts about this, but there hasn't been
> one for about a year. Can anyone comment on whether they have managed to
> get a linux flavor and GeForce cards to work with pymol and/or coot 3D
> stereo? Geforce cards supposedly support openGL, but posts from October
> last year on the BB suggests that it only works in windows unless you have
> a monitor with a built in emitter. I would appreciate any feedback.
> Regards
> Christine

Air Pods with I devices

2017-11-17 Thread Tom Cramer
Hello.  I bought some air pods that I really like using with my I
phone.  Now that I have the Apple watch, I was told they could be used
with it as well.  How can I go from one device to another?  They seem
to always go with the I Phone and not the watch.  Do I need to have
the phone off in order to use the air pods with the watch?
Thank you.

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Re: [HACKERS] PSA: don't be in a hurry to update to XCode 9.0

2017-11-12 Thread Dave Cramer

Did you ever find a solution to this without updating ?

Dave Cramer


On 21 September 2017 at 13:01, Dave Cramer <p...@fastcrypt.com> wrote:

> Too late I just stumbled over this as well!
> Dave Cramer
> da...@postgresintl.com
> www.postgresintl.com
> On 20 September 2017 at 14:34, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> It seems to install some libraries that depend on
>> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_darwin.dylib, which doesn't exist.
>> Googling suggests it will be there in macOS 10.13,
>> but on Sierra or earlier, you're outta luck.
>> It looks like the only directly-affected PG dependency is
>> libxml; if you leave out --with-libxml you can still build.
>> I found this out the hard way on longfin's host, so I've
>> temporarily removed --with-libxml from that animal's
>> configuration to restore it to service.  I trust I'll be
>> able to re-enable that after 10.13 comes out.
>> regards, tom lane
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org)
>> To make changes to your subscription:
>> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-hackers

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list

2017-11-01 Thread Tom Cramer
2 users forward, 1 user back?
see also “frog in the 
- Tom

On Nov 1, 2017, at 12:55 PM, Eric Lease Morgan 
> wrote:

I am happy to report that our mailing list continues to antidotally increase by 
two people per day, and decrease by about one every fourth day. We continue to 
grow. Nice. —Eric “Mailing List Monitor” Morgan

[sustainable_tompkins-l] 11/9: Winterizing Your Garden

2017-11-01 Thread Jennie Rebecca Cramer
Winterizing Your Garden

· Thursday, November 9, 2017, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

· The key to GREAT Spring gardening is good fall preparation!  Learn 
how to prepare and protect your soil from winter cold and spring rains, and how 
to ensure optimal nutrition and soil tilth for great gardening the rest of the 
year. Fee: $5-$10/person self-determined sliding scale, no one will be turned 
away. Register online or call 272-2292 to register by phone.


$5-$10/person self-determined sliding scale (no one will be turned away)

Learn More



Jennie Cramer<http://ccetompkins.org/staff/jennie-cramer>
Horticulture Program Manager
[tel://6072722292;ext=146](607) 272-2292 ext 146


Jennie Cramer
Horticulture Program Manager
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Tompkins County
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY 14850
(607)272-2292, extension 241

For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
visit:  http://www.sustainabletompkins.org/
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at t...@cornell.edu.

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