Re: Ruedecita de los ratones de Logitech

1999-12-03 Thread Juan Luis Martinez
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 On lun, nov 22, 1999 at 11:58:23 +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote:
  ¿Alguien sabe si existe algo para aprovechar la ruedecita del medio de los
  ratones Logitech (de esos netmouse o como se llamen)?
 Bájate el imwheel_noseque.deb o si quieres la última y/o compilártelo tu (yo
 hice eso) búscatelo en

También puedes ir a la página del imwheel que está en:

Aunque no está en .deb pero tienes alli las fuentes y algo más de

Saludos CubikIce | Linux Debian 2.1 (slink)
LUG Comunidad Valenciana | Kernel 2.2.13 | KDE 1.1.2

Club Conectados

1999-12-03 Thread Club Conectados
Estimados amigos: 
Este es el ultimo mail que les mando en forma masiva.
Les pido disculpas por el mail anterior. Tienen razon
los que decian que no deben porque desuscribirse de una lista de la cual no 
ser parte.
Por esa razon le pido que los que esten interesados en recibir informacion 
de las actividades del Club
Conectados, visiten nuestra pagina, y dejen su mail 
en el list boot para formar una base de datos de socios y simpatizantes del 
Aprovecho para decirles que muy pronto empezaremos los campeonatos de juegos 
en red!!! y como siempre seguimos con las fiestas y encuentros de chateros.
Chau y perdon

Re: Modem mosqueado con el chat 2 y 1/3

1999-12-03 Thread Blu
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 06:49:58PM +0100, Ismael Canales wrote:
 No tengo manual hayes, sabe alguien alguna una cadena de inicialización
 infalible, algun truco como sacar la config inicial y configurar el modem
 igual, alguna dirección donde pillar los comandos hayes...

Hola Ismael,

En mi caso yo tenia un problema parecido al tuyo. El modem recien encendido
funcionaba bien, pero en las llamadas posteriores hacia cosas raras, como
marcar e inmediatamente mandar un ATZ.

Lo solucione poniendo antes que nada un ATF, que segun el manualcito que
trae mi modem sirve para resetear el modem a suss valores de fabrica.

El chatscript completo que estoy usando es:

lady-armanoid:/etc/chatscripts# cat provider
OK ATDTxxx-xx-xxx-xxx-

Ahora tengo el problema que a veces se conecta y a veces no, pero estoy 
probando el asunto de las pausas y, al menos en las primeras pruebas,
parece que funciona. Nunca he sabido si hecharle la culpa a mi ISP en
todo caso.

Felipe Sanchez.


1999-12-03 Thread Blu

Estoy buceando en la documentacion de smail pero no doy con lo que quiero.

Si alguien pudiera me podria explicar cuales son las variables que hay
que setear para que smail haga ciertas transacciones via smarthost y
no directamente con la maquina receptora?. Por ahora he llegado a la
conclusion de que algo hay que hacer en el archivo routers, pero de
ahi no he pasado.

Gracias de antemano y les cuento si encuentro la solucion solo.

Felipe Sanchez

RE: Modem mosqueado con el chat 2 y 1/3

1999-12-03 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Ismael Canales [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   jueves 2 de diciembre de 1999 18:50
 Asunto:   Modem mosqueado con el chat 2 y 1/3
 El Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 08:59:21AM +0100, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio dijo:
¿Y has probado a meterle esperas cuando marcas? ...
 No, no lo habia probado y rula... Muchas tenkius... :)
De ná, ha sido pura potra X, y suerte que Daniel ha puesto el
signo correcto (no es el guión, sino la coma O;) ).
Lo raro es lo otro de que se queda groggy con el ATZ, pero ya veo
que te dicen en otro mensaje que restaures los valores de fábrica con ATF.
Por cierto, creo que en cualquier BBS encontrarás el manual de comandos
hayes. Busca por inet hayes.txt (con el ftpsearch) y lo encontrarás.

 Fdo: Ismael Canales de Luis
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

RE: [OFF-TOPIC]: Librería para programar en modo texto

1999-12-03 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   viernes 19 de noviembre de 1999 21:54
 Asunto:   [OFF-TOPIC]: Librería para programar en modo texto
 Probablemente este no sea el lugar para preguntar esto, pero...
 ¿Hay alguna librería para programar en modo texto? (algo como Gtk que
 tenga botones y cuadros de edición...). Pero para modo texto.
A mí siempre me gustó mucho Turbovision (el de Borland), son muy
potentes. Hay un port para linux y C++ (lo usa el rhide, por ejemplo), pero
no sé cómo es de estable. Busca en freshmeat:

 Gracias por adelantado.
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

a ver si vamos recortando los quotes, leches

1999-12-03 Thread Paco Brufal

Por favor, cuando contesteis a un mensaje, recortad los quotes del
mensaje. Es increible ver un mensaje de 3 páginas todo quoteado, y al final
una simple frase yo tambien, pues a mi no me pasa, etc...

Solo os pido un poco de respeto, para contestaciones vanales, no
useis la lista. Solo teneis que pensar que los que solo nos bajamos el
correo cuando nos conectamos a Inet, no es lo mismo bajarse 40 mensajes de
1K, que 40 mensajes de 5k cada uno.

Si lo haceis bien, todos saldremos ganando, en el plano ECONOMICO, y
en el de nivel del correo. Solo pido respeto, por favor.

El que quiera decirme algo, que lo haga a mi e-mail, no responderé a
mensajes puestos en la lista.

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Totally Computerized. Ectomorph. 1996
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: No puedo con tar

1999-12-03 Thread jvicente
Te fijaste en en los manuales?
Yo me baje el de tar y el de emacs, y, aunque no lo pude leer todavía,
parece que están bastante interesantes.

Asunto:   Re: No puedo con tar

Xose Manoel Ramos decía:
 El Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 06:25:10PM +0100, Barbwired contaba:

 ¿Alguien ha visto algún tutorial sencillito para empezar a hacer cositas
 más avanzadas que empaquetar y desmpaquetar?

 En 'info tar' se incluye un tutoríal cojonundo. Aunque ya sé que te
 asquea el 'info'. No sabes lo que te pierdes ;-)
No es que asquee exactamente. Pero me resignaré a usarlo si te me pones
He mirado el tutorial, pero es difícil llegar directamente a lo que quiero
hacer. De todas formas, imagino que el tiempo que invierta en llegar ahí
redundará en un conocimiento más profundo de la herramienta.
Así que refrenaré mis impulsos taricidas y leeré con detenimiento la
información que proporciona el info, sin perjuicio de seguir buscando un
manualillo facilón. Gracias a todos.
Un saludo (resignado)!


1999-12-03 Thread G . Segre
BRASIL : Coloque un pie, sin meter la pata !
Libro totalmente práctico, que incluye un CD Rom intercativo y de información 
actualizable via Internet

Adquiéralo a través del 0-800-22-0013 o en el web site

Si desea recibir periodicamente información sobre Brasil, enviénos su cuenta 
de e-mail al [EMAIL PROTECTED] colocando en el asunto la frase : Incluir 
en el mailing

Muchas gracias por su tiempo !

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

apt-mini-COMO, esta si se ve bien :-)

1999-12-03 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos otra vez.

El apt-mini-COMO que mandé ayer lo hice deprisa y corriendo así que con las
correciones que me habeis mandado he mejorado el formato y quitado los
errores del formato text que mandé.

Saludos y ya sabeis, dadme el coñazo :-)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Description: Binary data

Turbo Vision !!!

1999-12-03 Thread Ismael Canales
El Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 03:53:30PM -0500, ADnoctum dijo:
 ¿Hay alguna librería para programar en modo texto? (algo como Gtk que
 tenga botones y cuadros de edición...). Pero para modo texto.

¿ Recuerdas/conoces las Turbo Vision para dos, que incorporaban los
compiladores de borland  tp, tc, bcc ? Bueno pues estan portandose a linux
por un particular, son de uso libre, estan en desarrollo avanzado diría yo.
No es GPL pero pueden usase sin problemas...

¿ Que donde las pillas ? la Suse 6.2 la trae en uno de sus 6 CDs. ¿ En la red ?
Pues ni idea, estuve buscando un dia para bajarme los src pero no llegué a
ningun sitio.

Dame el toque si das con algun site oficial.



Fdo: Ismael Canales de Luis

Re: smarthost

1999-12-03 Thread Barbwired
Blu decía:
 Si alguien pudiera me podria explicar cuales son las variables que hay
 que setear para que smail haga ciertas transacciones via smarthost y
 no directamente con la maquina receptora?. Por ahora he llegado a la
 conclusion de que algo hay que hacer en el archivo routers, pero de
 ahi no he pasado.

O sea que quieres que el que reparta los mensajes sea un smtp y no tu máquina.
Mira a ver si con smailconfig lo logras, pero si quieres ir al grano:
en /etc/smail/routers pones algo así:
driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;
Cambia por el nombre de la máquina que va a repartirlo.
Un saludo!
  Cursing and abuse only make people less willing to help when you need it.
- The USENET Primer - by Gene Spafford
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.13) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: smarthost

1999-12-03 Thread Blu
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 02:02:35PM +0100, Barbwired wrote:
 O sea que quieres que el que reparta los mensajes sea un smtp y no tu máquina.
 Mira a ver si con smailconfig lo logras, pero si quieres ir al grano:
 en /etc/smail/routers pones algo así:
 driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;


Si eso ya lo tengo en mi /etc/smail/routers. Mi /etc/smai/routersa es:

driver=gethostbyaddr, transport=smtp;
check_for_local, fail_if_error

driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;

driver=bind, transport=smtp;
defer_no_connect, -local_mx_okay, defnames,

Con esta configuracion smail por defecto despacha directamente los emilios
comunicandose con los hosts adecuados, lo que en realidad no me ha dado 
mayores problemas, excepto cuando algun host o servidor de nombres esta caido,
caso en que la cola se queda pegada un buen rato.

Principalmente el motivo por el que quiero cambiar a smarthost es economico.
La comunicacion con mi isp es mas rapida que con otro host y tengo la linea
menos rato activa (ni esperanzas de tarifa plana por aca en chile).

Se que el smailconfig pregunta en algun momento por el smarthost, pero
me da un poco de temor usarlo porque ya tengo varios archivos de configuracion
customizados y no quiero que el smailconfig venga y me enrede las cosas, 
ademas prefiero aprender a hacerlo a pelo.

En fin, les contare cuando lo logre a mano.

Felipe Sanchez.

Ayuda de ISO

1999-12-03 Thread Giovanni Ramirez

Hola amigo del linux, encontre tu email cuando me encontraba buscando respuesta 
a una de mis preguntas.

Soy Giovanni Ramirez, vivo en Colombia, y hace poco ne he interesado en Linux.  
Bajé la version de Corel-Linux (325 MB), este archivo tiene una extension ISO, 
en la ayuda que esta en la web dice que hay que quemarlo en un CD para ser 
ejecutable.. bueno eso ya lo hice con Direct CD, pero igual mi CD sigue 
quedando con esa extensión... que debo hacer para obtener el CD para la 

Agradezco me respondas,  Chao

Giovanni Ramirez

Encuéntralo en Tu buscador latino

Qt 2.0, KDE 2.0

1999-12-03 Thread Ricardo Villalba
Hay un nuevo lector de news para el KDE llamado knode que está bastante
bien aunque todavía es una versión alpha (pero ya supera al krn). He hecho
un paquete deb para Slink que he puesto en (les recomiendo a los amantes del
KDE que lo prueben), también he traducido los mensajes al castellano y se
los he enviado al autor.

¿Y que tiene esto que ver con el subject? os estareis preguntando. Pues
bien, resulta que el autor del knode me ha comentado que tiene previsto
portarlo al KDE 2.0 antes de finales de año, y por tanto para seguir
usándolo necesitaría actualizarme.

Y mi pregunta es ¿no estará por alguno de esos ftps que os sabeis (y que yo
nunca me acuerdo de apuntar) el KDE 2.0 y las Qt 2.0 en paquetes deb
compilados para Slink? Sé que el KDE 2.0 aún no ha salido, pero alguna beta
habrá, pero me temo que será para Potato.

BTW, ¿han puesto ya las QT 2.0 en potato? ¿en Main? Ahora ya son Open
Source ¿no?

Ricardo Villalba

RE: Freeze de Potato

1999-12-03 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
Para: Llista Debian
Fecha: miércoles 24 de noviembre de 1999 1:16
Asunto: Re: Freeze de Potato

Ricardo Villalba decía:
 De: Barbwired [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 No sé, después de lo del SIMO, ahora esto. Voy a perder la fé.

 ¿Qué pasó en el SIMO?

Lo de siempre: Mucho Windows. Y muy poco Linux. Yo pensé que iba a
el cambio en el ambiente. Pero me topé con lo de siempre. Y no me hagáis
recordarlo, que me vuelvo a encabronar :-)

Bueno, pero es que hay que reconocer que para el usuario normal linux
todavía está muy inmaduro, y mientras sea así pues es bastante lógico que
no se le preste mucha atención a linux.

Con lo de inmaduro para un usuario normal, lo que quiero decir es que un
usuario normal (procedente de windows, y probablemente con pocos
conocimientos de informática) lo que busca es algo sencillo de usar, tipo
windows. Lo más parecido son el KDE y Gnome pero están todavía muy
verdes y no abundan muchas aplicaciones para ellos y además las que hay
comparadas con las de windows son flojillas.

Ricardo Villalba

Me ha vuelto ha pasar

1999-12-03 Thread Ricardo Villalba
Esta mañana al arrancar linux me ha vuelto ha ocurrir lo que ya os comenté
hace unos meses. El init no ha cargado absolutamente ningún servicio y me
ha pedido el login antes de lo normal.

Voy a explicarlo paso a paso:
Enciendo el ordenador, tecleo linux y espero mientras arranca. No presto
mucha atención, pero me doy cuenta de que ha cargado antes de lo normal y
me está pidiendo el login, pero en lugar de poner me pone
none.none o algo así.
Intento ver los últimos mensajes que han aparecido en pantalla pero como
resulta que puse el /etc/issue ese que se comentó aquí que borra la
pantalla y saca un línea azul, no los puedo ver todos.
Pero viendo las líneas que aparecían al pulsar Mayús-RePag y luego
comparandolas con las de dmesg creo que el kernel se cargó correctamente y
que la última línea debió ser la de Starting Init.

Precisamente por lo del /etc/issue deduzco que el disco duro se montó
correctamente y que el init pudo leer ese fichero, pero por alguna
circunstancia no siguió con la carga del resto de demonios o lo que sean.
Quizás por alguna razón no leyera su fichero de configuración.

Como no me hacía caso a lo que tecleaba en el login pulsé ctrl-alt-supr
para reiniciar, y en ese momento me pide la contraseña de root para
mantenimiento o que pulse ctr-d para iniciar normalmente pero hiciera lo
que hiciera no me lo aceptaba y al final tuve que apagar a lo bestia.

Al volver a encender, arrancó perfectamente cargando todo lo que tenía que

La anterior vez me dijeron que podía ser un fallo del disco duro, pero no
sé..., yo pienso que si el kernel tuviese problemas para acceder el disco
duro mostraría algún mensaje de error, digo yo, por lo que me inclino a
pensar que pudiera ser un bug del init o de alguno de los programas que
Además sería mucha casualidad de que el disco duro fallase dos veces
precisamente cuando va a leer el fichero de configuración del init (o
script o lo que sea que lea). Y tampoco he notado nada raro en el disco
duro ¿cómo podría saber que está empezando a fallar?

Windows me arranca bien, me funciona bien (hasta casi ni se cuelga, toco
madera), el scandisk tampoco detecta ningún error, y las comprobaciones que
hace linux tampoco me dan nada raro.

Alguna vez al apagar el ordenador he visto que aparecía un mensaje de
error, pero no daba tiempo a leerlo porque era el último mensaje e
inmediatamente se apagaba (y no se guarda en el log porque la partición ya
estaba desmontada).
Luego al encender me decía que el /dev/hda3 era un filesystem with
errors, me hacía el chequeo pero no me detectaba nada raro ni aparecía
nada en el /lost+found. Pero yo creo que estas pequeños fallos en el
filesystem deben ser normales y que a todo el mundo le pasará de vez en
cuando ¿no?

Una vez me salió este mensaje que quedó grabado en el /var/log/messages:
kernel: free_one_pmd: bad directory entry 0400.

Tengo la debian 2.1 y el kernel 2.2.1 ¿debería actualizarlo?

El lilo que tenía instalado era el de la hamm (junto con el smail era el
único que no había actualizado todavía), pero acabo de instalar el de slink
por si fuera eso, pero lo dudo.

¿Alguien tiene alguna pista de lo que puede estar pasando?

¿Fallo mío? ¿del disco? ¿de la debian? o ¿del kernel? ¿Lo sabrá Mulder?

¿Llegará este mensaje enviado por la cuenta de arrakis si en realidad estoy
apuntado a esta lista con la cuenta de jazzfree? Todas estas preguntas y
muchas más se responderán en el próximo capítulo de...

Ricardo Villalba

RE: X-Window (Antes: Freeze de Potato)

1999-12-03 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Antonio Beamud Montero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: martes 30 de noviembre de 1999 21:16
Asunto: Re: X-Window (Antes: Freeze de Potato)

Creo que hay que puntualizar que capa del GUI es la que va lenta,
Xwindows o KDE.
Xwindows tiene una arquitectura muy bien pensada, lo que pasa es que
en entornos domésticos con un solo ordenador no se le saca provecho,
pero aun asi no creo que sea ni mucho menos más lenta que Win.

Otra cosa es discutir sobre KDE (por que creo que todo el hilo de
discusión surgió por KDE ¿no?), KDE es lento por naturaleza, utiliza
MICO como base corba, que es un ORB morrosko, y lento, si a todo eso
le añades el uso y abuso de las plantillas y del polimorfismo en C++ y
el numero de capas que incorporan las aplicaciones, el resultado es
que todo se ralentiza en demasía...(¿Se nota mucho que Gnome es la niña
de mis ojos? ;-)

Yo soy uno de los que empezaron esta discusión diciendo que el KDE era
lento, pero he de decir que lo que me parece lento es el KDE y no Xwindows.

Todos los window-managers que he probado (icewm, afterstep, window-maker,
hasta el mismo wm del kde) van bastante bien en cuanto a velocidad, no me
quejo. Bueno realmente el gnome iba extremadamente lento pero sólo si
cargaba el esd, por tanto no es culpa de Xwindows.

De lo que yo hablaba es que en determinados momentos se nota una cierta
lentitud en las aplicaciones del KDE. Por ejemplo ¿habeis probado el editor
de iconos? ¡Es insoportable el tiempo que tarda en abrirse el diálogo para
escoger el icono que quieres cargar o grabar! Y así con algunas otras
cosas, no es que sea excesivamente lento, pero comparándolo con windows sí
que se nota bastante la diferencia.

Yo también pienso que parte de la culpa puede ser por estar hecho
integramente en C++.
C++ está bien para realizar aplicaciones, pero para realizar todo un gestor
de escritorio que debe ser rápido y no debe entretener demasiado al usuario
creo que es demasiado.

Ah, a mi me gusta más el KDE que el Gnome, pero eso no quita para que vea
que tiene bastantes defectos. Por ejemplo ¿alguien ha intentado usar el
navegador web del KDE con el wwwoffle como proxy? Al principio parece que
va bien pero al intentar acceder a un página que no está en la caché en
lugar de aparecer la página del wwwoffle para establecer las opciones para
que la cargue más adelante, aparece una ventana del KDE preguntando por el
programa que deseas utilizar para no sé qué.

Ricardo Villalba

Re: No puedo con tar

1999-12-03 Thread Gorka Olaizola
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 08:55:21PM +0100, Barbwired wrote:
  En 'info tar' se incluye un tutoríal cojonundo. Aunque ya sé que te
  asquea el 'info'. No sabes lo que te pierdes ;-)
 No es que asquee exactamente. Pero me resignaré a usarlo si te me pones así.
 He mirado el tutorial, pero es difícil llegar directamente a lo que quiero 
 hacer. De todas formas, imagino que el tiempo que invierta en llegar ahí 
 redundará en un conocimiento más profundo de la herramienta. 
 Así que refrenaré mis impulsos taricidas y leeré con detenimiento la 
 información que proporciona el info, sin perjuicio de seguir buscando un 
 manualillo facilón. Gracias a todos.
puedes buscar pinfo ( o algo así, no lo he usado) debe ser un navegador de
info pero con las teclas y el lookfeel de lynx.

(- -)
|   Smile... tomorrow will be worse. Murphy  |
| |
|  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: dpkg-dev: slink-to-potato bug?

1999-12-03 Thread Brian May
 Svante == Svante Signell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Note: the potato version is unstable, and you are more likely
to encounter problems with it rather then slink.

However, if you are willing to submit bug reports, I am
sure that most developers will be grateful.

Svante Hello, Since I'm new to Debian I don't know where to
Svante report (possible) bugs yet I'm posting it here. Please
Svante advise me to the correct list next time.  The lists
Svante subscribed to so far are: debian-announce, debian-news,
Svante debian-change, debian-user.

debian-devel might be better suited for potato (aka unstable) specific
issues. However, if you are unsure, then post in debian-user.

Svante Upgrading from slink emacs or xemacs resulted in an
Svante unfinished configure phase. This was solved by: ln -s
Svante /usr/share/dpkg/site-lisp/debian-changelog-mode.el
Svante /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dpkg-dev/

This is what I would do:

1. lookup

to check the bug hasn't already been reported.

2. install the bug package.

3. type bug emacs or bug xemacs to file a bug report.

Re: Partion sizes - recommendations pls

1999-12-03 Thread David Z. Maze
M Any suggestions on how large to create my partitions based on the
M following usage:
M I'm concerned about root.
M On my first test installation under Red Hat 6 months ago I only had X,
M KDE and Netscape and whatever Red Hat insatlls by default with the
M following partitions: / 100MB, /home 100 MB,/user 250,swap 50MB.

With that setup (Netscape, KDE/GNOME, X, WordPerfect, ...) you'll
almost definitely need a decent bit more than 500MB for your system.
If you're that limited on space, one big partition might be the way to

My recommendations:

Swap: Big enough.  You probably want memory+swap to be *at least*
64MB, but more doesn't hurt.

/var (could combine with /): At least 100MB, 200MB is a good minimum
if you have the space.  More space is good, especially if you're going
to track the unstable branch; Debian packages you download will wind
up here, along with some local state and your Apache root.

/home: As much as you need, probably at least 50-100MB.  I tend to
keep ~80MB of mail around, plus some personal stuff.  If you're the
only user on your system, you can get away with skimping on /home and
putting your stuff elsewhere.

/usr: Yeah, as much as you can get.  Given your list of stuff, I'd say
500+ MB.

/: If you've split off all three of /var, /home, and /usr, then / can
be small (like 32MB).  You'll probably want to symlink /tmp to
somewhere, though.

I also have /usr/local on a separate partition.  If I wanted to, I
could mount /usr read-only for a small feeling of extra security.
Also, this is spread out over 2 disks (used to be 3).  Having /home on
its own partition is really useful if you ever want to reinstall or
use two different Linuces side by side.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Python

1999-12-03 Thread W. Paul Mills
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dwayne C . Litzenberger) writes:

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 05:26:06PM +0100, Blazej Sawionek wrote:
  I installed:
  When trying to execute scripts (eg. `') I get the message: ImportEr=
 ror: No module named stdwin.
  How can I deal with that? Anything else should be installed?
 `stdwin' looks like `Standard Windows', meaning your very dumb Python
 script requires the Windows Python interpreter (so much for
 cross-platform).  See if you can port it, or if there are options in the
 script to make it work on *n[iu]x. is one of several python scripts distributed in the debs
that requires stdwin!

I just installed the stdwin package to test this, got same result.
Hummm ...

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Clipboard-like software?

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any software that can serve as
a clipboard. I'm looking for something that can just run and recieve
selected/highlighted text through some key combination. I'm looking at
xclipboard right now, but unless I'm not getting it, it just seems to
serve as a place to paste text into that can be used in another app.

Does anyone know of anything else?

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Humble Request Re: New release over due

1999-12-03 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I appreciate the fine quality of the debian distribution and the work
that goes into it.  Thanks very much!  It is my preferred linux
distribution.  However, I have three systems that are at slink level,
and have been waiting for a long time for a 2.2.* kernel, gnome
(available outside official debian), etc.  Some earlier discussions
about the true instability of the potato release have prevented me
from starting the upgrade path yet.  Perhaps I am getting old and

Hmm. How about this for a practical suggestion:

After Potato, *please* limit the scope of the feature changes that
will take place before a new release.  A 3-4 month cycle seems more
appropriate to this kind of development. Make your goals more modest!
Debian is already the best linux distro I have seen, with the only
drawback that is is *many* months behind the newest features (if you
stick with a stable version - if anyone on the newsgroup whines that
they have hosed their system via an unstable upgrade attempt, they
are admonished what do you expect? ).

Thanks for your work and your listening time.


Matthew Dalton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 George Bonser wrote:
  On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Tim Webster wrote:
   I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown 
   extremely out date.
   However failing to release a mini potato at this time, has forced me to 
  Huh? I have not used stable Debian in a production system in a long time.
  The closest I have are some slink installs with some of the newer apps and
  libs needed to do what it does. On these systems I did not completely
  upgrade to potato ... just upgraded what needed to be upgraded to get the
  verison of tools I needed.

N a t h a n   O .  S i e m e r s
Division of Applied Genomics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Hopewell Building 3B, P.O. Box 5400, Princeton, NJ 08543-5400
609 818-6568

Re: Humble Request Re: New release over due

1999-12-03 Thread Carl Fink
 After Potato, *please* limit the scope of the feature changes that
 will take place before a new release.  A 3-4 month cycle seems more
 appropriate to this kind of development. Make your goals more modest!
 Debian is already the best linux distro I have seen, with the only
 drawback that is is *many* months behind the newest features (if you
 stick with a stable version - if anyone on the newsgroup whines that
 they have hosed their system via an unstable upgrade attempt, they
 are admonished what do you expect? ).

I agree with everything you write here.  However, I suspect it'll have
more impact if posted to debian-policy, not debian-user.

FWIW, I've been using Potato for a couple of months now and the only
problem I've had is a weirdness in slrn that I can't actually be sure
has anything to do with Debian at all.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

slrn only scores some groups?

1999-12-03 Thread Carl Fink
This is odd.  Since I upgraded to potato, slrn (now at only
applies the scorefile to some groups.  It's properly defined in
.slrnrc, and works normally on the groups it works on at all.  If I
use the K command from an unscored group, it does open the correct
scorefile (~/News/Score).  If I K from the group listing, it lets me
set score options for the group, then ignores them if it's a group
that isn't being scored.

I posted to and got no help or Me, too!, so
I'm assuming it's a potato-specific problem.

Any suggestions?  Anything I can do to debug this?  I'm running
bleeding-edge potato (I ran apt-get upgrade yesterday).
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

grub - help needed

1999-12-03 Thread Lindsay Allen

After reading several times I am none the wiser.  To me it is a
classic case of experts not being able to get down to my level.

My spare box has this setup:


Is anyone willing to help me get it running?  Perhaps give me a menu which
will do the job.  Or point me to a more suitable doc.


Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 248632.0125S 115.8445E  Debian Linux

animated gifs w/squid

1999-12-03 Thread aphro
I was wondering if anyone knew what i could do to make animated gifs work
right with squid proxy/webcaching package.  I am using 2.1.2-1 ..animated
gifs render once then stop.  only when i turn off using squid as my proxy
does it re animate endlessly.(tried it on netscape/linux netscape/win

is there no way around this ?



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
6:19pm up 105 days, 6:00, 1 user, load average: 1.31, 1.48, 1.56

Re: Window manager switcher

1999-12-03 Thread aphro
I used this one for  awhile, it seems it hasnt been updated since i used
it(~2 years?)

worked ok at the time.


On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Carl Fink wrote:

carlf Achim Bohnet wrote:
carlf  Slink and potato use the
carlf  /etc/X11/window-mangers file to determine the default window
carlf  manager . . . [etc.]
carlf I *know* that.  I asked specifically about an automated tool so one
carlf wouldn't have to edit config files.
carlf -- 
carlf Carl Fink[EMAIL PROTECTED]
carlf Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum
carlf -- 
carlf Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
6:19pm up 105 days, 6:00, 1 user, load average: 1.31, 1.48, 1.56

Re: animated gifs w/squid

1999-12-03 Thread Brian May
 aphro == aphro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

aphro I was wondering if anyone knew what i could do to make
aphro animated gifs work right with squid proxy/webcaching
aphro package.  I am using 2.1.2-1 ..animated gifs render once
aphro then stop.  only when i turn off using squid as my proxy
aphro does it re animate endlessly.(tried it on netscape/linux
aphro netscape/win opera/beos)

Squid shouldn't alter the data in any way.

However, I have heard similar problems before: my web page
is different when I load it from my harddisk instead of via http.
I can't remember the exact details now.

Perhaps the web browser is buggy? Still, it seems strange.

If you find out why, please tell me ;-)

ppp hangups...

1999-12-03 Thread Jonathan Lupa
I've been getting dropped from my ISP unexpectedly from time to time
and I'm not sure how to go about debugging it.  There is nothing
unusual in syslog or messages, but I noticed this in ppp.log. (kernel
2.2.12 pppd 2.3p5).  Any debugging tips would be greatly appreciated!

Dec  2 23:38:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xbf
Dec  2 23:38:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc0
Dec  2 23:39:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc1
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: No response to 4 echo-requests
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: Serial link appears to be
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Peer not
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Modem hangup
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Connection terminated.
Dec  2 23:39:41 Sith pppd[22741]: Exit.

Is it just because things are hairy on the ISP end?  As soon as I dial
back in, everything works fine again (and there is no apparent time
interval for which this happens).

I know about the lcp-echo options and will play around with them, but
I'm hoping someone can tell me whats going on behind the curtain here.

Thanks All!
GPG public key available from

Description: PGP signature

Re: ppp hangups...

1999-12-03 Thread Shao Zhang

I think it is just the remote isp is a bit misconfigured, or the link is
extremely slow.

Try modify lcp-echo-failure to a bigger number in /etc/ppp/options to
prevent the drop of the link


Jonathan Lupa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been getting dropped from my ISP unexpectedly from time to time
 and I'm not sure how to go about debugging it.  There is nothing
 unusual in syslog or messages, but I noticed this in ppp.log. (kernel
 2.2.12 pppd 2.3p5).  Any debugging tips would be greatly appreciated!
 Dec  2 23:38:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xbf
 Dec  2 23:38:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc0
 Dec  2 23:39:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc1
 Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: No response to 4 echo-requests
 Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: Serial link appears to be
 Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Peer not
 Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Modem hangup
 Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Connection terminated.
 Dec  2 23:39:41 Sith pppd[22741]: Exit.
 Is it just because things are hairy on the ISP end?  As soon as I dial
 back in, everything works fine again (and there is no apparent time
 interval for which this happens).
 I know about the lcp-echo options and will play around with them, but
 I'm hoping someone can tell me whats going on behind the curtain here.
 Thanks All!
 GPG public key available from


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Description: PGP signature

Having apt-get mount -o remount,rw/ro /usr

1999-12-03 Thread Shaul Karl
It seems to me that the mount -o remount,rw/ro /usr feature of apt-get is not 
Am I correct? Can someone who have managed to do it can tell me how it is done?

Re: Thanks Re:looking for right ISP

1999-12-03 Thread Daniel Yang

Thank all of you for the response and 

Atari ST as Dumb Terminal

1999-12-03 Thread David Purton
Hi all,

I wish to connect my old Atari ST to my linux box running slink with a serial
cable and use it basically as a dumb terminal.

Could someone please point me in the direction of some useful documentation as
to how to do this.  Also does anyone know what software would be required on
the Atari to be able to do this


David Purton


RE: WHAT THE F**K!!! (Was: Re: Looking for right ISP)

1999-12-03 Thread Paul McHale

 So, lots of reasons not to use Outlook.  I'm curious, why do you
 find it to be the
 best available?  What does it offer that, say, Netscape can't do
 with a good IMAP

Thanks for the reply !

The best part of Outlook is it's integration.  It works with my Pilot, has a
PIM which is descent.  My only complaint is it can't be minimized to the
system tray.  For me to try to switch at this point would be very
unpleasant.  It's lack of configurability is annoying.  Otherwise it does a
decent job.  Overall, it is the best bang for the buck.  I have looked at
Goldmine and ACT!.  Outlook has the best one stop application.  Another
complaint, as I type this email I check the performance monitor and see
Outlook is using just under 10MB of RAM.  A little steep for a program that
must stay open ...


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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Atari ST as Dumb Terminal

1999-12-03 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Hi all,
 I wish to connect my old Atari ST to my linux box running slink with a serial
 cable and use it basically as a dumb terminal.

Fair enough.

 Could someone please point me in the direction of some useful documentation as
 to how to do this.

This is the relevant portion of /etc/inittab on my workstation:

T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
T1:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS1 9600 vt100

Dont forget to restart init ('kill -1 1', or just reboot if that's less
harrowing) when you're done.  It won't work otherwise.

 Also does anyone know what software would be required on the Atari to
 be able to do this

On the Atari, all you need is a program that speaks VT100 (or ANSI or VT52
or VT220 or...) over the serial port.  Something that can use the modem
will work just fine; I like to user kermit (don't know if it's available
on an Atari).  Just make sure that the terminal program is set for:

 * 8 bits
 * no parity
 * 1 stop bit
 * the baud rate matches what you have in /etc/inittab.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Having apt-get mount -o remount,rw/ro /usr

1999-12-03 Thread Ethan Benson

On 3/12/99 Shaul Karl wrote:

It seems to me that the mount -o remount,rw/ro /usr feature of apt-get is not
Am I correct?

from my experience no.

Can someone who have managed to do it can tell me how it is done?

my /etc/apt/apt.conf:

// Auto remount readonly /usr
Pre-Invoke {mount -o remount,rw /usr;};
Post-Invoke {mount -o remount,ro /usr;};

works for me (TM)

note that as someone pointed out to me, if a package overwrites a 
file that is in use you will not be able to remount /usr readonly 
again until the file is closed.  so remounting read write always 
works but remounting read only again after the install/update may 

I use latest potato YMMV.

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: WHAT THE F**K!!! (Was: Re: Looking for right ISP)

1999-12-03 Thread Matthew Dalton
Paul McHale wrote:

 The best part of Outlook is it's integration.  It works with my Pilot, has a
 PIM which is descent.

Descent was a great game. Alas, it is no PIM.

 Outlook has [sic] the best one stop application.

Thems fightin' words. Prepare for ample flame-age, dude.

Re: firewalls and bsd

1999-12-03 Thread Sprovski Bozidar
This is truly interesting. Since I wish to make an experimental firewall at 
work, I
was wondering whether anyone can point me in the right direction. Where can I
find/download a FreeBSD??

Arcady Genkin wrote:

 Kenneth Scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  If there are any debian-bsd people here maybe they can
  answer this.  I have been doing some reading and have
  heard that some of the BSD variants are considered a
  better canidate os for a firewall system than linux
  (herertic!).  OpenBSD in particular was highly
  regarded  in this (though it was said to be a RPITA to
  install).  Any thoughts on this out there?

 Reportedly, *BSD's have the fastest TCI/IP stack in the industry. They
 are also pretty secure, out of the box. For example, while Linux
 mounts disk partitions asynchronously, my FreeBSD installation mounts
 syncronously by default.

 I run Debian on my main workstation, and FreeBSD on my
 NAT/Firewall/www-server/cvs-server box. That one is a P133/32M, and
 copes beautifully with the load (well, the load is not *that* great).

 Also, I cannot help but admire FreeBSD's mechanisms for
 updates/upgrades. IMHO the ports collection system is remarkable.

 It was very easy to install and configure.
 Arcady Genkin
 'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
 loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: [off-topic] MS Outlook

1999-12-03 Thread Paul McHale

 How do you configure MS-Outlook to add the References header, so
 that threads will work properly? Or is this a feature of a newer
 version of outlook that wasn't in earlier versions?

 While I don't use outlook myself, I find it annoying to receive
 messages from people who do use it, when it doesn't add the
 References header. Especially when using Gnus, which makes it
 possible to instantly retrieve the parent article by pressing ^.

I am not sure there is a way to configure it in Outlook98, which is the
specific version I have.  The RE: has always worked for me.  I do know there
were significant changes from Outlook97 to Outlook98.  You suggestion may be
one of them.


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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-12-03 Thread Sprovski Bozidar

I was pondering an idea to make a cluster using two Debian machines. What would 
I need
(both hardware and software) to achieve this???


Re: I have decided to give Sawmill a try, but............

1999-12-03 Thread Arcady Genkin
Tam Than Ma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As of right now, I have decided to give Sawmill a try since many people
 recommended it. But my Debian Box doesn't have internet access so I can't
 download or use apt-get to get sawmill online. So how do I go about doing
 this? Can I download the Sawmill package and all its dependant packages on
 floopies from my brother's machine(which uses window 98 :(  )and use apt-get
 to install those packages from floopies on my Debian box?. I wonder if this
 is a good idea because my brother's box is a win98 machine and don't know if
 a apt-get would recognize the files(maybe it could, I don't know, I am kinda
 new to linux). Help me out one more time here guys...And thanx for all your
 recommendations, I appreciate it.

Once you get the debs, you don't need apt. Just copy the debs from a
floppy into anywhere on your linux box's disk, and use dpkg to install

Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

exim and procmail, and how to stop spammers?

1999-12-03 Thread ferret

I'd like to make exim use procmail to deliver incoming messages by
default, using the ~/.procmailrc file. I haven't been able to make much
headway through the documentation, however. I know sendmail will do this
by default, but sendmail seems to be (with default configurations) more
open to use by spammers. (I just got a spam from localhost relayed TO me
aparantly from the spammer's ISP) and I haven't made much headway with
sendmail, even with having ORA's sendmail book.

This is what I got out of my syslog.
Dec  2 19:12:28 playdough sendmail[29527]: TAA29527:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1252, class=0, pri=31252, nrcpts=1,
msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=SMTP, []

Dec  2 19:12:28 playdough sendmail[29530]: TAA29527:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:09, xdelay=00:00:00,
mailer=local, stat=Sent
And here's the message headers

Received: from (
by (8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian/GNU) with SMTP id
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 2 Dec 1999 19:12:19 -0800
Subject: Real Time CC Processing...$39.95/mo
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 21:54:07 -0500

Could someone help me get my MTA (whichever one) working more to what I'm

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Outlook and HTML

1999-12-03 Thread Arcady Genkin
Paul McHale [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I hunted down the problem with previous post(s) being in HTML.  If you are
 an outlook user and are interested in the resolution, please e-mail.  Most
 people apparently have this set correctly and know how to detect HTML.
 Thanks to everyone for the constructive comments regarding replying styles.

Well, if you *really* want to clean up your act, there is still some
room for improvement:

1. Standard signature separator is -- with a blank following it.
2. Your sig should not exceed 4 lines.
3. Wrap your lines at 72 characters.

So, there:
Double E Solutions Attn: Paul McHale
4912 Effingham Dayton, Ohio 45431
Work:   937-253-7610
Mobile: 937-371-2828
Home:   937-253-6260 (anytime)

Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

error installing emacs?

1999-12-03 Thread Alan Su
i just did an update for my potato box, and the only error that didn't
correct itself with several Install passes was emacs.  here's the
error, as far as i can tell:

install/dpkg-dev: Byte-compiling for emacs20
cp: debian-changelog-mode.el: No such file or directory
emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/emacsen-common-install 
emacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.
dpkg: error processing emacs20 (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29

does anyone know what's going on?  any ideas on how to fix it?


Re: Clipboard-like software?

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 12/02/99 05:00PM, Christopher S. Swingley wrote:
 Don't know how well gpm does this in a console, but X provides this
 automatically with the left (copy) and middle (paste) mouse buttons.
 Works like magic, and is far better IMHO than the key commands you
 have to use in Windows.
 Just select a bunch of text, an url, etc. with the left mouse button,
 move the cursor where you want it (like the location window in Netscape)
 and press the middle mouse button.  Magic!

Yeah, I really like that feature too. Sometimes when using MS Windows
I reallly miss it. What I was looking for was something that did
function a little like the ctrl-c | v | x that MS Windows apps have.
The best of both worlds.

Sometimes I have a bunch of xterms and other apps running, I select
some text, find the one I want to paste into, but somewhere along the
way I double click and lose the selection.

Do you think that's more of a window manager/X thing, or could a util
be written to handle that automagically? If I could program, that
would be something that I'd look into.

Oh well, the search continues...

thanks again
 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: exim and procmail, and how to stop spammers?

1999-12-03 Thread J C Lawrence
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 22:28:12 -0800 (PST) 
ferret  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to make exim use procmail to deliver incoming messages by
 default, using the ~/.procmailrc file. 


driver = pipe
command = /usr/bin/procmail
user = ${local_part}


driver = localuser
require_files = ${local_part}:${home}/.procmailrc
transport = procmail_pipe

J C Lawrence Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--(*)  Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

Re: wake-on-ring

1999-12-03 Thread John Leget
Im not 100% sure on this but don't you need an external modem for that feature 
work ?. You dont mention what type you have, i may be wrong wont be the first 
and possibly not the last grin


luis wrote:


 i continue interested in making my box to power-on-ring

 i have enabled the option in my BIOS setup: and they say wake-on-ring
 and assigned the irq to the modem

 but (as usual) things dont work

 i have a GA 7IX motherboard, an external acer modem

 i read in the motherboard manual that there is a jumper (jp 9) that
 has 2 lines: signal and ground, i have this jumper isolated, i mean,
 without any conexion

 has somebody experience in the harware wiring aspect of this topic?
 how must i wire the jumpers in the motherborad so i could have the
 parameters of the BIOS working?

 thanks a lot

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Re: LPRng Printing Problem

1999-12-03 Thread Giacomo Mulas
Also check /etc/lpd.perms. It has stricter defaults in the potato
version, it seems. I had to work a bit with that to get it to work, but
now it definitely does. It is not broken (for me) in potato.



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Tel.: +39 070 71180 216 Fax : +39 070 71180 222

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend
 Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read...
  (Groucho Marx)

Re: WHAT THE F**K!!! (Was: Re: Looking for right ISP)

1999-12-03 Thread Steve Lamb
Thursday, December 02, 1999, 2:03:33 PM, Adam wrote:
 In one standard (I don't know which), = is a special character used for
 end-of-line and otherwise as an escape character


 But you're right, Outlook can be made to send in plain text, and your (Paul)
 emails have been good about this.

I disagree considering the email that I replied to of Paul's was HTML.

 Many other clients seem to have adopted this as well. (Actually, I'm not
 sure whether NS started this, it's so widespread that it's probably not just

I'd toss that back on the unix clients, maybe even Pine considering it
handles both email and newsgroups and References is definitely part of the

 Quoting the wrong way.  Feel free to expand on this one ...

 I'm not sure what this is referring to.

Adam is quoting the right way.  I am quoting the right way.  Paul and
Daniel were replying with everything at the end.  That is the wrong way.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: debiandoc-sgml: slink-to-potato bug?

1999-12-03 Thread Martin Fluch

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Svante Signell wrote:

 Since I'm new to Debian I don't know where to report (possible) bugs
 yet I'm posting it here. Please advise me to the correct list next
 time.  The lists subscribed to so far are: debian-announce,
 debian-news, debian-change, debian-user.
 Output when installing debiandoc-sgml:
 Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at 
 No solution found yet.
 Liking Debian more and more, even though
 installing/configuring/upgrading is not easy compared to other

There are some debian packages for that: bug and reportbug

If you use the first one to file a bug report, you simply execute the
program 'bug' and follow the instructions given.

But befor that have a look at and try to figure
out, if not some body else has already reported the same bug.

And btw, this is the only way to asure, that the reported bug reaches the
maintainer, so you should file the above bug report (if nobody else has
done it already) again...


- -- 
Where do you want to go today? - As far from Redmond as possible!

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Cluster

1999-12-03 Thread Josep Llauradó Selvas

Hi Sprovski, I don't know more about it, but I can give you a few
interesting adresses to find out more information.

First, the Debian Beowulf:
Second, the Beowulf (the original):
The MPI Homepage  
The PVM Homepage

I think you have two models of parallel processing in a cluster: MPI and
PVM, you'll find more information into the web pages. 
You don't need any special hard, but you need parallel processing soft:
MPI or PVM. 

  Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 07:12:38 +0100
  From: Sprovski Bozidar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Cluster
  I was pondering an idea to make a cluster using two Debian machines. What 
would I need
  (both hardware and software) to achieve this???
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Josep Llaurado Selvas   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Registered User #153481

Re: File permissions when copying CD's?

1999-12-03 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 01:12:23AM +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
 When copying a CD to a writable CD the source file gets mounted
 read-only, i.e. all files do not have a write flag set. Writing this
 image to a new CD results in a corrupt copy. How to change this
 behaviour? I'm using gtoaster, cdrecord, ...
For data cd's I use cat /dev/cdrom  image.iso, and for audiocd's I wrote a
perl script that uses cdparanoia and cdrdao.



Static routes

1999-12-03 Thread Denis J. Cirulis
Hello !

Is there any built in mechanisms for static routing in Debian or i should write 
my own script for up static routing
every time my system is rebooted ?

| Denis J. Cirulis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Phone : +371-50-48023|
| Cellular : +371-9131801  |

help about XLL

1999-12-03 Thread eran . benichou

I have to develop an .xll program at work and I don't really know how this does
really work.
Do you think you can help me a little with that ?
Maybe you can give me the name of books, former example or whatever.



Re: Window manager switcher

1999-12-03 Thread Achim Bohnet
Carl Fink wrote:
  Achim Bohnet wrote:
   Slink and potato use the
   /etc/X11/window-mangers file to determine the default window
   manager . . . [etc.]
  I *know* that.  I asked specifically about an automated tool so one
  wouldn't have to edit config files.

I hope you don't refuse to use the shell at all :)


register-window-manager --default $default-win-manager


echo $my-default-win-manager  ~/.wmrc

Writing a GUI tools for these commands is left as an exercise for the
reader :)

  Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: LPRng Printing Problem

1999-12-03 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 04:53:18PM -0500, David Wilson wrote:

 thanks for the advice.  changing (fixing) permissions did not work.  what
 is the difference between chown lp files and chown lp.lp files? i
 tried it both ways.

In potato current lprng (3.6.12-1) uses daemon.lp uid/gid.


RE: WHAT THE F**K!!! (Was: Re: Looking for right ISP)

1999-12-03 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
Paul McHale writes:
   So, lots of reasons not to use Outlook.  I'm curious, why do you
   find it to be the
   best available?  What does it offer that, say, Netscape can't do
   with a good IMAP
  Thanks for the reply !
  The best part of Outlook is it's integration.  It works with my Pilot, has a
  PIM which is descent.  My only complaint is it can't be minimized to the
  system tray.  For me to try to switch at this point would be very
  unpleasant.  It's lack of configurability is annoying.  Otherwise it does a
  decent job.  Overall, it is the best bang for the buck.  I have looked at
  Goldmine and ACT!.  Outlook has the best one stop application.  Another
  complaint, as I type this email I check the performance monitor and see
  Outlook is using just under 10MB of RAM.  A little steep for a program that
  must stay open ...

Real men use VM under XEmacs. That's integration. ( This is declared
war i think ;-) )


Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tel. 09.874.60.17  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Potenciado por Ql/Linux

acorp 10/100Mbps PCMCIA Fast Ethernet Adapter.

1999-12-03 Thread Mirek Kwasniak

How to configure Acorp 10/100 PCMCIA ethernet card ?


cfdisk table: unusable space??

1999-12-03 Thread J Horacio MG

Looking at the cfsdisk table, I've just seen this (just look at the last
line of the table):

hda1   Boot Primary Linux ext2  78.45
hda2Primary Linux ext2  78.45
hda5Logical Linux ext2  1498.25
hda6Logical Linux ext2  353.00
hda7Logical Linux ext2  596.17
hda8Logical Linux ext2  698.14
hda9Logical Linux ext2  1098.20
hda10   Logical Linux ext2  1396.28
hda11   Logical Linux ext2  1396.28
hda12   Logical Linux ext2  376.53
hda13   Logical Linux ext2  266.71
hda3Primary Linux Swap  196.11

Unusable???  what does this mean?

fdisk reports at start:

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1046.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

but the fdisk table says nothing about unusable space:

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1046 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   Start  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *1   1080293+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda2   11   2080325   83  Linux native
/dev/hda3 1000 1024   200812+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda4   21  999  7863817+   5  Extended
/dev/hda5   21  211  1534176   83  Linux native
/dev/hda6  212  256   361431   83  Linux native
/dev/hda7  257  332   610438+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda8  333  421   714861   83  Linux native
/dev/hda9  422  561  1124518+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda10 562  739  1429753+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda11 740  917  1429753+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda12 918  965   385528+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda13 966  999   273073+  83  Linux native


Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

THNKS! (Was Re: Adding a lot of users in a single operation.)

1999-12-03 Thread Jose L Gomez Dans
Thanks for your help. In the end, I used mkpasswd (as included with
expect) to do this. It was only after the whole thing was up and running
that I found out about chpasswd.

I was thinking that since quite a number of people I know start
using Linux/Debian at home, and then fertilize their work environment, we
tend to find these problems. This could be a great question to put in FAQ.

Again, thanks for your help,

Jose L Gomez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

exim config probs

1999-12-03 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I'm having some troubles with exim configuration.
I had set a masquerade box, that will work as smtp server for
incoming and outgoing messages. 
I've (tried) to configure exim (w/ eximconfig) so that internal
machines (that use us as smart server) can send and receive e-mail with
To do this, I listed all ip's, domains of the internal machines as
allowed to relay, but when I try to send a e-mail using netscape and the
server as smtp, it refuses relaying to whom the message is being sent. 
I'm confused here: what should be necessary to do in order to have
internal machines sending email through the server (smtp)?
In case I couldn't be understood, I'll exemplify:

message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (outside, valid address)
from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (internal, valid address)

try to send; message from netscape:

An error occurred sending mail.
The mail server responded:
 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by administrator
Please check the message recipients and try again.

client:  (internal machine)

What should I do?

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

PDF wont work with Potato and Acrobat... Anyone?

1999-12-03 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
Has anyone gotten Acrobat to work on Potato?  I have often if not
always gotten a message that Acrobat on this system of mine (Potato)
cannot grok\footnote{understand} the file, because it's a
compressed(?)  format .pdf.

Is anyone using TeX/LaTeX to produce PDF?  Can the PDF be understood
by commonly available PDF readers?  I run TeXLive, up to date, so My
Milage May VaryTM).  I cannot get anywhere.  I have waited for a
library chance (I have noticed with Debian over the past four years
(+) that if I wait long enough, some bugs disappear with a package


An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent.---Lord Raleigh


Advice on good rock and roll: I have discovered Joe Satriani---on
slow down blues, on the Album, _Joe Satriani_, he rocks.

Re: Static routes

1999-12-03 Thread Marc Mongeon

Static routes are configured by /etc/init.d/network.


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It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 Denis J. Cirulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/03 3:28 AM 
Hello !

Is there any built in mechanisms for static routing in Debian or i should write 
my own script for up static routing
every time my system is rebooted ?

| Denis J. Cirulis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Phone : +371-50-48023|
| Cellular : +371-9131801  |

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Re: LPRng Printing Problem

1999-12-03 Thread Petru NOTINGHER

Try to use the stable version (3.5.xx). It fixed my problem.
Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 04:53:18PM -0500, David Wilson
> thanks for the advice. changing (fixing) permissions did not
work. what
> is the difference between "chown lp files>" and "chown lp.lp
files>"? i
> tried it both ways.
In potato current lprng (3.6.12-1) uses daemon.lp uid/gid.
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Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique de MONTPELLIER (LEM)
Universit MONTPELLIER 2 (Sciences Techniques du Languedoc)
Case Courier 079/ Place Eugne BATAILLON

Phone + (33)(0)
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Licq 0.71

1999-12-03 Thread Bruno Goncalves Russo
What's happening with the latest version o Licq? I've just upgraded to it
and I'm getting the following error:

russo:~$ licq
16:38:50: [ERR] Unable to load plugin (/usr/lib/licq/
/usr/lib/licq/ undefined symbol:



[Fwd: where does come from ?]

1999-12-03 Thread Robert J. Alexander
Sorry ... my EXIM has gone awry !!---BeginMessage---
I am unable to perform a kernel make xconfig since it abend when
invoking the wish command stating that it does not find

This is an unstable install .

Thank you. Bob
---End Message---

where does come from ?

1999-12-03 Thread Robert J. Alexander
I am unable to perform a kernel make xconfig since it abend when
invoking the wish command stating that it does not find

This is an unstable install .

Thank you. Bob

Re: Atari ST as Dumb Terminal

1999-12-03 Thread John Miskinis

Hello David,

I wish to connect my old Atari ST to my linux box running slink with a 

cable and use it basically as a dumb terminal.

Could someone please point me in the direction of some useful documentation 
to how to do this.  Also does anyone know what software would be required 

the Atari to be able to do this

As far as software, there is a package called uniterm that was
written by a fellow employee at DIGITAL many moons ago.  At the
time it was free to employees, but I believe he released it into
the public domain, a few years later.  It has full VT100, and
even VT102 emulation, and can be configured in a multitude of
ways.  I used it all the time when telecommuting back then (in
the good 'ole days).

In any case, if a web search does not turn up anything, I'm sure
I can scrounge up a copy.  I would prefer to make sure it's OK
to distribute first, but I'm pretty sure it is out there on the
web in a few places.  If my memory serves me correct, .19 was
the final version.

Keep us posted,  I've got some STs laying around, and I know at
least one works, so I will probably be getting to this task myself
soon.  I'm not sure if a NULL modem will be necessary, I forget all
that stuff.  I believe the serial port on the ST is a MODEM port,
which may have 2 signals switched from what a standard serial port
on a linux box expects.  I'm sure others can elaborate.  I'd
wait until someome confirms this.  I do not believe it can cause any
damage, it just won't work.  But these days, I tend to take the
safer route when experimenting with my hardware.

Also, somewhat off topic, there is an ST emulator called STONX
(ST on X) which I also want to check out soon.  I once wrote a
small window system and Motif-like widget set layered on top of
LINEA, and custom device drivers for the MIDI, mouse, and keyboard.
It would be quite amazing if this could actually run on a linux box!


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: ppp hangups...

1999-12-03 Thread John Hasler
Jonathan Lupa writes:
 Is it just because things are hairy on the ISP end?

Yes.  This is your pppd discovering that the ISP has gone away.  That's
what LCP echo requests are for.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Supported video chip-sets

1999-12-03 Thread Egbert Bouwman
I am going to buy a new computer, but which video adapter/chip-set ?
Many powerful new computers come with things like
Matrox G400 or NVidia Riva TNT2.
I am still using Slink with XFree 3.3.2, where these chips are not
supported. However they are supported in potatoe with XFree86 3.3.5.

Does this mean that I _have _ to upgrade in order to use them,
or  can i use them in Slink without their extra functionality ?
For upgrading I prefer to wait for a stable potatoe, 
or at least for potato-cdroms.

There are some completely new chip-set brands in 3.3.5, such as
3dfx  with Voodoo Banshee and Voodoo3,
3DLabs with GLINT and Permedia chips.
I don't even dare to ask.

And some Diamond cards come with a 'Savage 4', which I cannot find 
in any XFree86 documentation. What is it ? 

Egbert Bouwman - Keizersgracht 197 II - 1016 DS  Amsterdam - 020 6257991

Re: LPRng Printing Problem

1999-12-03 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 02:24:24PM +0100, Petru NOTINGHER wrote:
 Try to use the stable version (3.5.xx). It fixed my problem.

I don't have any problem with lprng :)

 Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
  On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 04:53:18PM -0500, David Wilson wrote:
   thanks for the advice.  changing (fixing) permissions did not work.  what
   is the difference between chown lp files and chown lp.lp files? i
   tried it both ways.
  In potato current lprng (3.6.12-1) uses daemon.lp uid/gid.

Re: LPRng Printing Problem (no remote printing)

1999-12-03 Thread Bruno Boettcher

i use this thread since it is alive to report my own problem, having problems
with remote printing and standard lpd (the jobs were stored on the server with
a uid/gid that the lpd daemon couldn't retreive, filling my var completely up
blocking other services as mail etc...) i tryyed to switch to this new type of

i thought having configured it correctly, putting on the local side 

on the server making abstraction of all the comments i have in /etc/lpd.perms:
ACCEPT SERVICE=C LPC=lpd,status,printcap

and in the printcap the same block as for standard lpd:
lp|hplj4l|HP Laserjet 4L:\
(BTW it is in fact a laserjet 5l but it works...)

printing directly from the server works perfectly, trying to print from a
client gives:
localhost:~$ lpr 1.doc.txt
Status Information:
 connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1
 connected to 'localhost'
 requesting printer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 error 'LINK_TRANSFER_FAIL' sending str '^Blp' to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

the client in this case is my laptop (thus the name is not defined.., but the
ip is)

i prepared a line REJECT SERVICE=X NOT REMOTEIP= to
reduce access to only our subcircuit, but at the moment apart from the server
nobody is able to print on it anyways. so what's wrong

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

dselect Install

1999-12-03 Thread Carmine Lucarelli

Hi all.  Searched the archives and checked out the dselect tutorial, but
couldn't find a satisfactory answer.  I installed Debian 2.1 a couple of days
ago, and now want to install the suggested development packages.  I get the
package list through apt just fine, and was able to download (through dselect)
80MB of the ~130MB I needed.  At this point, the connection was reset and the
install stopped.  So if I run install again, will it re-download the 80 megs?
When I run configure, it only lasts a second or two and exits.  Does that mean
all packages in the 80 megs are now installed and configured?  Where do the .deb
files get downloaded to?  How about the executables?

Alot of questions, so thanks in advance...


1999-12-03 Thread Tobias Rundström


Anyone knows if you can run SMP on a system with one Pentium II 233mhz and one
Pentium II 366mhz or if this will mean problem?

   -- Tobias Rundström [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- -- 
Antingen lever man eller så är man död. Lever man så är väl livet i sig
 inget större problem. Är man död är det inte så mycket att göra åt saken.

What video card do I use?

1999-12-03 Thread Rick Dunnivan
I just laoded Debian for the first time.  When I run
XF86Setup, I dont see my video card listed and am not
sure how to go about using the advanced options.  I
have a 16MB nVidia RIVA TNT AGP.  Can anyone help me?

Do You Yahoo!?
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ISO-8859-15: setfont and default font

1999-12-03 Thread J Horacio MG

I have defined iso-8859-15 charset in my $HOME/.bash_profile, and it
works as such if I set a proper font for it, eg.:

# setfont lat9u-16.psf

lat9u-16.psf is a font I copied into /usr/share/consolefonts/.  I use
/etc/kbd/ for getting characters specific of iso-8859-15,
just binding keys to them.  I even added the lat9u-16.psf font map to


so that it would load at bootup, but it won't, I have to `setfont'
everytime I reboot.

How can I have a font map loaded as default?  Also, where could I find
more font maps and information about the character names?


Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

Re: dselect Install

1999-12-03 Thread Evan Moore
well as far as i know dselect will start out where it last left off and
finish intalling the rest of the 130 Megs, i'm not sure if it has
installed these packages yet or not, i would guess not. if you are using
apt mehtod of getting your debs then they will be downloaded to
/var/cache/apt/archives/ the executables will be installed i various
places on your system as well as the config files. look in /bin /sbin
/usr/bin /usr/sbin and more

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Carmine Lucarelli wrote:

 Hi all.  Searched the archives and checked out the dselect tutorial, but
 couldn't find a satisfactory answer.  I installed Debian 2.1 a couple of days
 ago, and now want to install the suggested development packages.  I get the
 package list through apt just fine, and was able to download (through dselect)
 80MB of the ~130MB I needed.  At this point, the connection was reset and the
 install stopped.  So if I run install again, will it re-download the 80 megs?
 When I run configure, it only lasts a second or two and exits.  Does that mean
 all packages in the 80 megs are now installed and configured?  Where do the 
 files get downloaded to?  How about the executables?
 Alot of questions, so thanks in advance...
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Supported video chip-sets

1999-12-03 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  3 Dec, Egbert Bouwman wrote about Supported video chip-sets
 I am going to buy a new computer, but which video adapter/chip-set ?
 Many powerful new computers come with things like
 Matrox G400 or NVidia Riva TNT2.
 I am still using Slink with XFree 3.3.2, where these chips are not
 supported. However they are supported in potatoe with XFree86 3.3.5.
 Does this mean that I _have _ to upgrade in order to use them,
 or  can i use them in Slink without their extra functionality ?
 For upgrading I prefer to wait for a stable potatoe, 
 or at least for potato-cdroms.

A developer has compiled 3.3.5 for slink. See

So you are not forced to upgrade to potato, although it is really quite
stable now.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: What video card do I use?

1999-12-03 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  3 Dec, Rick Dunnivan wrote about What video card do I use?
 I just laoded Debian for the first time.  When I run
 XF86Setup, I dont see my video card listed and am not
 sure how to go about using the advanced options.  I
 have a 16MB nVidia RIVA TNT AGP.  Can anyone help me?

Slink comes with XFree86 3.3.2, you need to upgrade to XFree86 3.3.5
which can be found at
Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

apt-get on local filesystem

1999-12-03 Thread Robert J. Alexander
I have a copy of debian/dists/unstable on my hard disk 
I am too dumb to understand how to specify the correct string in
/etc/apt/sources.list so that apt will use this source instead of the
HTTP sites (to which I have no connectivity).

BTW I tried setting the $http_proxy environment var but also this task
is too daunting for me 8-

Tried export $http_proxy=   

Thank you. Bob

Re: Clipboard-like software?

1999-12-03 Thread Phillip Rulon
   Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 22:50:21 -0800
   From: Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Mime-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   User-Agent: Mutt/1.0i
   X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/74110
   Precedence: list
   Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just select a bunch of text, an url, etc. with the left mouse button,
move the cursor where you want it (like the location window in Netscape)
and press the middle mouse button.  Magic!

   Yeah, I really like that feature too. Sometimes when using MS Windows
   I reallly miss it. What I was looking for was something that did
   function a little like the ctrl-c | v | x that MS Windows apps have.
   The best of both worlds.

Afterstep does this.


Re: LPRng Printing Problem (no remote printing)

1999-12-03 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
Hi, I use lprng but maybe I help you

On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 03:29:25PM +0100, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
 i use this thread since it is alive to report my own problem, having problems
 with remote printing and standard lpd (the jobs were stored on the server with
 a uid/gid that the lpd daemon couldn't retreive, filling my var completely up
 blocking other services as mail etc...) i tryyed to switch to this new type of
 i thought having configured it correctly, putting on the local side 
 on the server making abstraction of all the comments i have in /etc/lpd.perms:
 ACCEPT SERVICE=C LPC=lpd,status,printcap
I think, this is in a separate line?


My /etc/lpd.perms is identical, but when I try your printcap entry I get

$ lpq -v -Plpx
 Error:  - no spool directory for printer 'lpx'
$ checkpc
Warning - lpx: Bad printcap entry - missing 'sd' or 'client' entry?
My working printcap on client is:

ljt|toshiba|Toshiba PageLaser8:\


Re: NNTP server.

1999-12-03 Thread Peter Schuller
 I want to install an NNTP server and news reader so that I can read some
 news groups I am interested in. The machine I have runs on Hamm, and has
 very little free disk space (about 145 M in /usr and 20 M in /var).
 However, I am interested only in a few newsgroups, mainly comp.text.tex.
 Could anyone provide a few hints on how to proceed, and on possible
 security problems?

You should try Leafnode. It's a small-scale news server intended for dial-up
connections and the like. It's perfect for off-line news reading.

(I don't have the URL handy at the moment... but if a search on
doesn't yield any results, I'd be happy to dig it up)

/ Peter Schuller

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller'
Key retrival: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
E-Mail: Web:

Re: What video card do I use?

1999-12-03 Thread Rick Dunnivan
I have a winmodem and thus have not configured ppp
yet. How do I go about doing this without being on the

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Re: exim config probs

1999-12-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 12/03/99 10:23AM, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
   I'm having some troubles with exim configuration.
   I had set a masquerade box, that will work as smtp server for
 incoming and outgoing messages. 
   I've (tried) to configure exim (w/ eximconfig) so that internal
 machines (that use us as smart server) can send and receive e-mail with
   To do this, I listed all ip's, domains of the internal machines as
 allowed to relay, but when I try to send a e-mail using netscape and the
 server as smtp, it refuses relaying to whom the message is being sent. 
   I'm confused here: what should be necessary to do in order to have
 internal machines sending email through the server (smtp)?
   In case I couldn't be understood, I'll exemplify:
   message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (outside, valid address)
   from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (internal, valid address)
   try to send; message from netscape:
   An error occurred sending mail.
   The mail server responded:
relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by administrator
   Please check the message recipients and try again.
   client:  (internal machine)

Did you make sure that you have set up exim to do relaying for your
internal network? You neet to put the network address when eximconf
asks you about relaying local networks. I 've never set this up
before, but you can take a look at a Linux Gazette article that's
really helpful.

You probably already have all the preliminary stuff set up, such as
filtering/forward mail into separate email folders, but I think that
if you address the relaying for your local net, that you'll be on the
right træck. Sometime like answering when prompted for
additional local machines you want to relay mail for. I don't know
what the '/16' does though.

There are a bunch of more knowledgeable people on this list who
(hopefully) will chime in to clear up any of [my] misconceptions.

Hope I was helpful and good luck

Rereading your message, I'm not sure how much help I was. Take a look
that article for some pointers. The author is trying to do the same
thing only with a windows client...

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: apt-get on local filesystem

1999-12-03 Thread Adam C Powell IV
Robert J. Alexander wrote:

 I have a copy of debian/dists/unstable on my hard disk 
 I am too dumb to understand how to specify the correct string in
 /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt will use this source instead of the
 HTTP sites (to which I have no connectivity).

Use file:/whatever/debian


-Adam P.

Re: ppp hangups...

1999-12-03 Thread Raphael Clancy
Could be noise on the phone line, though there's not too much to be done about 
it.  If stability is your main concern you could connect at a lower speed 
(YUK!).  Or if it's really bad, (ie you can hear noise when talking on the 
phone) you can call your phone company. I'd recommend against that option 
though... If your phone company is anything like ours, not only will they 
charge you for the visit, any line which can support a 2400bps conection is 
considered good, so they are more than likley going to tell you that the line 
is fine (Yay USWorst!)


 Jonathan Lupa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/02/99 09:51PM 
I've been getting dropped from my ISP unexpectedly from time to time
and I'm not sure how to go about debugging it.  There is nothing
unusual in syslog or messages, but I noticed this in ppp.log. (kernel
2.2.12 pppd 2.3p5).  Any debugging tips would be greatly appreciated!

Dec  2 23:38:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xbf
Dec  2 23:38:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc0
Dec  2 23:39:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc1
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: No response to 4 echo-requests
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: Serial link appears to be
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Peer not
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Modem hangup
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Connection terminated.
Dec  2 23:39:41 Sith pppd[22741]: Exit.

Is it just because things are hairy on the ISP end?  As soon as I dial
back in, everything works fine again (and there is no apparent time
interval for which this happens).

I know about the lcp-echo options and will play around with them, but
I'm hoping someone can tell me whats going on behind the curtain here.

Thanks All!
GPG public key available from 

NIS and groups

1999-12-03 Thread Adam C Powell IV

To get Netscape movemail working on my NIS server, I did:

adduser hazelsct mail

so NS could write a lock file to /var/spool/mail.  However, when I try
to do this on the NIS clients, I get

# adduser hazelsct mail
Adding user hazelsct to group mail...
usermod: hazelsct not found in /etc/passwd
adduser: `usermod -G mail hazelsct' returned error code 6.  Aborting.
Cleaning up.

Of course hazelsct isn't in /etc/passwd, because hazelsct isn't a local

Same goes for group floppy, to write to the floppy disk, and numerous

How do I set things up so that either it will recognize group
memberships on the NIS server, or else allow me to add NIS users to
local groups?  Do I need to eliminate local groups like floppy, mail,

System info: latest potato on x86.


-Adam P.

Re: firewalls and bsd

1999-12-03 Thread Arcady Genkin
Sprovski Bozidar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is truly interesting. Since I wish to make an experimental firewall at 
 work, I
 was wondering whether anyone can point me in the right direction. Where can I
 find/download a FreeBSD??

Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

Re: wake-on-ring

1999-12-03 Thread aphro
usually you need an internal modem with a wake on ring connector and a
wake on ring connector on the motherboard to take advantage of this.

*i* dont know of any other way to wake on ring..


On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, John Leget wrote:

johnjl Im not 100% sure on this but don't you need an external modem for that 
feature to
johnjl work ?. You dont mention what type you have, i may be wrong wont be the 
first time
johnjl and possibly not the last grin
johnjl Cheers
johnjl luis wrote:
johnjl  hello
johnjl  i continue interested in making my box to power-on-ring
johnjl  i have enabled the option in my BIOS setup: and they say wake-on-ring
johnjl  and assigned the irq to the modem
johnjl  but (as usual) things dont work
johnjl  i have a GA 7IX motherboard, an external acer modem
johnjl  i read in the motherboard manual that there is a jumper (jp 9) that
johnjl  has 2 lines: signal and ground, i have this jumper isolated, i mean,
johnjl  without any conexion
johnjl  has somebody experience in the harware wiring aspect of this topic?
johnjl  how must i wire the jumpers in the motherborad so i could have the
johnjl  parameters of the BIOS working?
johnjl  thanks a lot
johnjl  --
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1999-12-03 Thread aphro
On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, [iso-8859-1] Tobias Rundstr?m wrote:

tobi Anyone knows if you can run SMP on a system with one Pentium II 233mhz 
and one
tobi Pentium II 366mhz or if this will mean problem?

it quite possibly could cause problems depending on what the machine does
for a living, the cpus can easily get out of synch causing odd behavior or
even crashes/dataloss.(regaurdless of what SMP capable OS you use). try
underclocking the 366 or overclocking the 233 ..get the speeds as close as
possible..233 and 366 is a big difference.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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Re: What video card do I use?

1999-12-03 Thread aphro
On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Rick Dunnivan wrote:

rdunni I have a winmodem and thus have not configured ppp
rdunni yet. How do I go about doing this without being on the
rdunni net?

It's a multistep process to getting your problem solved.

1) take out modem
2) go to store, buy new modem (not winmodem
3) install new modem (reccomend USR, Diamond, or Zoomtel)
4) configure ppp with pppconfig
5) logon to the net



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:33am up 105 days, 19:15, 2 users, load average: 1.75, 1.76, 1.72

Re: error installing emacs?

1999-12-03 Thread Sven Esbjerg
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 10:46:06PM -0800, Alan Su wrote:
 i just did an update for my potato box, and the only error that didn't
 correct itself with several Install passes was emacs.  here's the
 error, as far as i can tell:
 install/dpkg-dev: Byte-compiling for emacs20
 cp: debian-changelog-mode.el: No such file or directory
 /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/emacsen-common-install emacs20 
 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.
 dpkg: error processing emacs20 (--configure):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29
 does anyone know what's going on?  any ideas on how to fix it?

The file debian-changelog-mode.el is located in a different directory than the
installscript expects. Do a 'locate filename' an move or copy the file to the
directory the installscripts looks in. On my machine it's:

Good luck.
Sven Esbjerg

Re: Clipboard-like software?

1999-12-03 Thread J C Lawrence
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 22:50:21 -0800 
Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sometimes I have a bunch of xterms and other apps running, I
 select some text, find the one I want to paste into, but somewhere
 along the way I double click and lose the selection.

XClipboard can help here in that it can keep a stack of preserved
clipboard buffers.  There's also the `cutview` utility which I've
mostly used on commercial Unixes, which will automatically maintain
a stack of the last N X clipboards (ie it automagically grabs things 
as you select them), but I'm not sure where source for that is.

J C Lawrence Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--(*)  Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

Re: Window manager switcher

1999-12-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
This may not be exactly what your looking for, but xsm (x session
manager) can sort of do something like that. You have to set up
sessions, and AFAIK you can't change sessions midstream. Some window
managers are session aware so changing your window manager will be
saved for the next session -- provided you also don't have an entry to
start a window manager in that particular session.

The problem with gnome and kde is they are finicky about their window
managers. However, you can set up both gnome and kde sessions as well as
bare bone fvwm. You chose your session after login. xsm is suggested by
gdm in potato and the set-up works very well. I have flwm,
Enlightenment and IceWm sessions managed by xsm, and then let gdm fire
up my gnome session using sawmill. 

It's easy to use, check it out.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Installing from boot disk and CD

1999-12-03 Thread Tim Ayers

I'm trying to install slink on a Compaq Deskpro 6000. This computer
has an Adaptec SCSI controller so I need to boot using the special
Rescue and Driver Floppies for Adaptec from But I would like to install
everything else from the CDs I ordered from Linuxmall.

I've tried several permutations without luck. I'm hoping a kind soul
will tell me the steps to take. :-) Thanks a lot!

Hope you have a very nice day, :-)
Norman, Oklahoma

booting from an ext2 HD when Linux is on a second HD

1999-12-03 Thread Loren King

I have two HD's, /dev/hda is the master, but Linux is installed on
/dev/hdb.  Originally, the master drive was DOS, and I used loadlin to
start Linux on the second HD.  Something fatal happened to my original
DOS HD, so now I've put a new HD in its place, made it ext2, and mounted
it as extra space.  I don't want to reinstall Linux, but I can't seem to
figure out how to get LILO to put the boot stuff on /dev/hda and then
start up Linux on /dev/hdb.  I've copied the boot directory to /dev/hda,
but when I specify root=/dev/hdb in lilo.conf, LILO gives me a warning:
hdb not on first drive.  It also seems to be writing the boot sector
to hdb instead of hda, and nothing I do seems to change this.  When I
restart, things freeze up right after the memory check, and instead I
have to boot off of a boot floppy.  Am I missing something really
obvious here?  Could someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks in
advance, L.

Re: exim config probs

1999-12-03 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Mark Wagnon wrote:

 Did you make sure that you have set up exim to do relaying for your
 internal network? You neet to put the network address when eximconf
 asks you about relaying local networks. I 've never set this up
 before, but you can take a look at a Linux Gazette article that's
 really helpful. 


I found the prob. I think that eximconfig ask for a comma or space
separated list of domains to relay for. Well, this doesn't work. You must
use a colon separated list of domains.  
Even the entry (host_accept_relay) wasn't added to exim.conf but a
carefully read at specs.txt solved the problem.
I added to lines:

relay_domains = *.my.domain
host_accept_relay = localhost:*.my.domain

Now exim is happy in accepting mail from my internal machines.


Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

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