[LincolnTalk] babysitting/dogwalking

2024-05-18 Thread maureen dubouloz
Hello everyone!

My name is Maureen and i’m a freshman at NYU. I am back from school and
spending the summer in Lincoln. I babysat throughout high school and also
some NYU faculty’s children this past year. I also love all animals but
especially dog. I dogsat two frenchies throughout high school and missed
them a lot this past year at college. If you are interested in babysitting
or dog walking please reach out to me. My phone number is 617 682 5271.

Maureen Dubouloz
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] FW: My Turn

2023-12-12 Thread Maureen Malin
Totally agree

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 12, 2023, at 8:35 AM, June L Matthews  wrote:
> Friends and neighbors:  Following the Dec. 2 Town Meeting I wrote a piece 
> which I hoped would appear in the “My Turn” section of the Lincoln Squirrel.  
> Due to an oversight it did not, although an excerpt just appeared in an 
> Addendum to the collection of comments from other residents (Thank you, 
> Alice).  FYI, I include my complete submission below.
> June Matthews
> My Turn:  Please think further about HCA Options C and E
> While I was patiently waiting in line at Town Meeting to speak on the HCA 
> question in support of Option E I looked through my notes to decide what I 
> might try to fit into my two minutes.  I never got a chance to speak, but the 
> item that I was going to mention first was CARS!  If the allowed number of 
> housing units were built in the Mall area, we could have 1,000 more cars!  
> That number boggles my mind.  It is disingenuous to think that people would 
> move there in order to live without a car.  Sure, you wouldn’t need one to go 
> to the Post Office or buy groceries, or to commute by rail to 
> Waltham/Cambridge/Boston if that is where your job is, but what about other 
> destinations, e.g. the Library, the Schools (to pick up children)?  Or … the 
> new Community Center, which our town in its infinite wisdom has decided to 
> build at a location accessible only by car?  No, singles will have one car, 
> most couples will have two.  In addition to congestion and traffic, which 
> have not been adequately studied, there will be more impact on town 
> infrastructure, noise and light pollution, more pavement (driveways and 
> parking), fewer trees, and possible impact on wildlife movement.  Lincoln 
> Station is already the most densely populated area of Town:  is it fair to 
> ask those residents to assume the entire burden of additional housing?  Also, 
> it is the most diverse:  if one stands on Lincoln Road at the entrance to the 
> Mall, one can see the Lincoln Woods apartments, Ryan Estate (62+), the Ridge 
> Court (“Flying Nun”) apartments, and at a slightly farther distance, the 
> Greenridge (where I live) and Todd Pond condominiums. Each of these 
> properties has its own architectural style, but somehow they all fit together 
> into the character and ethos of Lincoln.  (And none of the buildings are 
> taller than the trees!)  They serve a diverse range of ages and income 
> levels, a diversity which I believe that the town embraces. Although I 
> realize that only a small fraction of Lincoln’s land area is being considered 
> for rezoning, this is an important area – not only to those of us who live 
> nearby but to everyone who passes through en route to or from their 
> residences.
> When I moved to Lincoln 30+ years ago I did so on account of its semi-rural, 
> small-town nature, its open space, farmland, conservation land, and trails.  
> Let’s not compromise these aspects by granting carte blanche to a developer 
> to build by right whatever he chooses.  Any fraction of Lincoln’s unique 
> character that we cede will be lost; we cannot, nor can future generations, 
> get it back. 
> June Matthews
> 35 Greenridge Lane
> -- 
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Re: [LincolnTalk] politicization in town, path forward

2023-12-05 Thread Maureen Malin
I totally agree with Misra Bijoy.
Maureen Malin

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 4, 2023, at 9:45 PM, Bijoy Misra  wrote:
> Friends,
> One of the early discoveries of Neil Armstrong in 1969 was how beautiful
> blue the earth looked as he stepped on the Moon.  The color now may look 
> slightly different but it will still look blue to our eyes.  The earth tries 
> to refurbish itself in order to preserve, but it can get tired.  We have 
> begun to feel the earth's exhaustion.
> Through the foresight of the early settlers, the town of Lincoln has 
> maintained itself as a green town.  Distributed housing, land maintenance, 
> environmental awareness and respect to natural life have been helpful to 
> accomplish the look and feel of the town.  Some of us have been attracted
> to make the town our home.
> It appears that Saturday's discussion has deeply divided the town.  I wish
> to appeal to all to discuss further on the pros and cons of the proposed 
> paths.There should be reasoned discussion by the townspeople on the following 
> questions.
> 1. Do we try our best to maintain the town's look and feel or do we resign
> to let it decay?
> 2. Can development be achieved in a distributed manner and still be  
> affordable?
> 3. If distributed housing is chosen, how must we modify the bylaws to 
> accomplish new housing? 
> 4. Is town center development a public concern or a private concern?
> If it is public, what process do we institute to let the public 
> participate?. 
> Best regards,
> Bijoy Misra 
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Don’t box out yourself, Lincoln.

2023-12-01 Thread maureen
My husband and I absolutely agree with Sara and plan to vote option E on 
Maureen Malin and Chuck Kaman

> On 12/01/2023 12:21 PM EST ٍSarah Postlethwait  wrote:
> The main reason Civico is insisting the village center be included in the HCA 
> rezoning is so they can’t be required to have more than 10% affordable 
> housing… so how will that add equitable diverse housing in Lincoln? If they 
> had intentions to actually add real affordable housing, they would have no 
> issue with separating the village center rezoning from the very unrestrictive 
> HCA rezoning. 
> By having the village center rezoning be a different warrant article, the 
> town can require affordable housing for families who earn less than ~$120k a 
> year/ 80% of the median income; and we can ensure more than 10% of the units 
> are reserved as affordable. Plus we save a significant amount of our limited 
> “affordable housing trust” funds by doing that, so truly affordable housing 
> can be built with it.
> It’s a win, win, win scenario. 
> Separating the village center rezoning from the HCA won’t even require a 
> supermajority at town meeting. Even rezoning outside of the HCA near the MBTA 
> only needs a simple majority 51% now. That's a pretty easy hurdle to pass if 
> the village center is presented with a reasonable UPA/ affordable housing 
> requirement and percentage.
> The RLF has done some great things for Lincoln- but they can’t promise the 
> next owner(s) will have the same purpose. The RLF have stated multiple times 
> in public meetings they plan to sell to a developer in the near future. And 
> that developer will likely sell within a couple years once construction is 
> finished. Why wouldn’t we have it set in stone, rather than just crossing our 
> fingers and hoping they have good intentions?
> The only way to truly ensure affordable housing will be built is to separate 
> the “village center” into a separate rezoning warrant at March Town meeting. 
> The only way to do that is to vote for Option E. 
> Sarah Postlethwait 
> Lewis St
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 8:36 AM David Cuetos  mailto:davidcue...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The current draft of the bylaws for the Village Center District is tailored 
> > to meet a developer’s (Civico) wishes rather than the Town’s general 
> > interest. A majority of the Planning Board has so far supported that 
> > approach. There is no reason to believe that the imbalance of power will 
> > change after Saturday. If options C-D are chosen, the Town would be forced 
> > to decide between approving a set of disagreeable Village Center bylaws or 
> > reject HCA rezoning altogether. It is obvious in that scenario we would be 
> > dosed with a heavy ration of “approve this or the State will sue us” like 
> > we have seen so far in public presentations from the HCAWG. HCA and Mall 
> > rezoning need not be coupled. Vote E to retain control. Vote E if you are 
> > unsure what is the best approach and you want more time to consider.
> > 
> > To recap, these are the concerning bylaws:
> > 
> > * If the Mall is not developed under HCA, more than 10% affordable units 
> > could be required, as Lincoln has historically done. It gets even worse. 
> > There is a clause in the planned bylaws that would allow developers to 
> > skirt the 10% HCA affordable housing requirement by making a donation to 
> > the Town’s Affordable Housing Trust. No units would be reserved for 
> > households with an income lower than 80% of the median (~$120k for a family 
> > of four).
> > * There are minimal requirements for commercial space. The requirements 
> > discussed could be easily gamed by a developer. The RLF Chair admitted at 
> > the Community Forum of Nov. 8 that commercial space would likely decrease.
> > * Under HCA there is no possible requirement for commercial parking space. 
> > Residents could not be able to visit the Mall like they do today.
> > * There are no floor area or lot coverage ratios. This means lots can be 
> > clear-cut to maximize build-out, increasing the amount of impervious 
> > surface and reducing tree-cover .
> > * The draft bylaw discussed on the 20th allows a maximum 4 stories and 
> > height of 48' for buildings located 100 ft or more from the road. This is 
> > inconsistent with all public communications from the HCAWG, which set the 
> > limit at 3 stories and a height of 42’.
> > * Most concerning of all, the Planning Board would reserve the right to 
> > provide height, story, and density variances through a special permit. This 
> > would essentially render moot the discussion the Town is ex

Re: [LincolnTalk] Something Specials Ad in discover Concord

2023-11-18 Thread Maureen Malin
My husband and I agree!  We are stopping by today to get presents for our 
grandnephew for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It’s our go place for all gifts 
and kitchen/dining room daily items. 
Never disappointed!! Susan and Seth always go the extra mile in helping us find 
the perfect gifts !!
Maureen Malin and Chuck Kaman
10 Oak Meadow Road 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 17, 2023, at 8:54 PM, Scott Clary  wrote:
> Could not agree more Sara. Always bail me out last minute with Mother's Day, 
> anniversary, birthdays, dresses, earrings, Etc and the balloons...
> Kind Regards,
> Scott Clary
> 617-968-5769
> Sent from a mobile device - please excuse typos and errors   
>> On Fri, Nov 17, 2023, 7:34 PM Sara Mattes  wrote:
>> Love this shop-great gifts and also really useful stuff for me.
>> I love your quirky  book selection, candles, kitchen stuff, advent 
>> calendars, and that wonderful ukulele playing in the background. 
>> And, of course the temptation of those gorgeous Simon Pearce pieces….
>> --
>> Sara Mattes
>>> On Nov 17, 2023, at 11:37 AM, s m via Lincoln  
>>> wrote:
>>> See our Ad in Discover concord. Please Support us and shop local this 
>>> season. ❤️
>>> -- 
>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
>> -- 
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
>> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
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> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Another gift from past planning and public investments

2023-11-03 Thread Maureen Malin
Totally agree.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 3, 2023, at 10:43 AM, Sara Mattes  wrote:
> Here is another gift left to us by past and current generations…and not just 
> for us, but for all who come to use our trials for generations to come…if we 
> are mindful.
> npr.org
> --
> Sara Mattes
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Wildlife Will Be Indebted to You

2023-10-26 Thread Maureen Malin
Totally agree with Sara about rezoning being too abrupt a change and should not 
be first steps.  How about impact studies of various options.  Weston has right 
idea. Delay. Delay.  Once rezoning occurs there is no going back. Lincoln will 
be changed irretrievably in key way.  At the same time the goal for increased 
affordable housing will be much less. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2023, at 2:06 PM, Sara Mattes  wrote:
> I would argue that the radical change occurred when zoning was 
> introduced-that was a critical first step.
> --
> Sara Mattes
>> On Oct 26, 2023, at 2:00 PM, Rich Rosenbaum  wrote:
>> This will, potentially, be the most radical change Lincoln has faced since 
>> the inception of doing in the 1930s…and, even then, that was very slow and 
>> incremental change.
>> Some would say that #1 below was pretty significant.
>> June 6, 1955
>> (Approved by Attorney General August 1, 1955)
>> By-law amended. 
>> Principal changes were: 
>> (1) Change in area requirements in single residence districts from 40,000 
>> square feet to 80,000 square feet; 
>> (2) Change in frontage requirement from 80 feet to 120 feet; 
>> (3) Distance through structure from 160 feet to 250 feet; 
>> (4) Change in front yard requirement from 40 feet to 50 feet; 
>> (5) Change in side or rear yard requirement from 30 feet to 50 feet.
>> On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 1:11 PM Sara Mattes  wrote:
>>> As you know, how that ballot is crafted will have the potential for 
>>> influencing outcomes.
>>> I would hope draft ballots might age shared, with appropriate lead time, so 
>>> that those drafting the ballot might hear concerns.
>>> This is too important and we have already spent a fortune on consultants.
>>> This will, potentially, be the most radical change Lincoln has faced since 
>>> the inception of doing in the 1930s…and, even then, that was very slow and 
>>> incremental change.
>>> This may not be, this may be overnight, and cannot be undone.
>>> --
>>> Sara Mattes
>> -- 
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
>> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
>> Change your subscription settings at 
>> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] HCA & Codman Road

2023-10-25 Thread maureen
I agree with including "Not Comply" as an option to vote on.  What do we gain 
by rushing to comply with the state's guidelines?  Has anyone done a real 
cost-benefit analysis for Lincoln residents if we increase census to these 
numbers--including increased costs for services such as fire,  police, 
ambulance, and roads?  What do we lose from the state regarding funding if we 
do not comply or delay compliance at this time?  
What will be the costs of increased taxes to an already burdened town?  What do 
we lose in property values if we destroy what makes Lincoln special--the 
conservation land, hiking trails, wildlife, farmlands, less traffic, and lower 
housing density?  We still will not gain from affordable housing.
My husband and I would vote "No Comply"!!
Maureen Malin and Chuck Kaman

> On 10/25/2023 9:08 AM EDT Robert Ahlert  wrote:
> Thanks Carl, as always your intentions are noble.
> And I think this is fundamentally what people need to decide for themselves 
> and not have the HCAWG making decisions for the people.  I have been and am 
> still advocating for 5-7 options at the Dec 'Sense of the Town'.  
> Here is how I personally would lay out the options (feel free to disagree, 
> anyone, please) ...
> 1. Full S. Lincoln - current Option C
> 2. 80/20 S. Lincoln + other current Multi-family area
> 3. 50/50 S. Lincoln + other current Multi-family area
> 4. 20/80 S. Lincoln + other current Multi-family areas (what i have been 
> proposing, not yet included in any Options by HCAWG including the "Ds")
> 5. Full other current Multi-family areas
> 6. No Comply
> I ask everyone to write to the Selects and discuss with their neighbors and 
> friends to open this process back up and to let some other voices into the 
> Also please start paying attention to the Max Units calculations as show in 
> our town's submission to the State using Option C.  Once developer's get 
> control 'by right', I'm not sure own town is prepared to defend itself.  More 
> to come ...
> Rob
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 8:33 AM Carl Angiolillo  mailto:carlangioli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Rob, I'm glad we're in alignment about focusing on areas of existing 
> > density and infrastructure. Several of the options you and the group 
> > proposed seem promising. One remaining point of disagreement is how much to 
> > value walkability and proximity to transit when comparing options. I don't 
> > think we need to become Switzerland or turn back the clock 100 years or for 
> > anyone to live an environmentally-friendly car-free life for that to be 
> > worth prioritizing.
> >  
> > > the Route 2 corridor by far makes the most sense
> >  
> > Route 2 can certainly support much higher volumes of car traffic than 
> > Lincoln road but it's not an infinite traffic sink. Regional traffic 
> > including on Route 2 is increasing and Boston apparently now number four in 
> > the world for congestion ref https://inrix.com/scorecard/. Especially if 
> > neighboring towns similarly zone for car-dependent developments then 
> > driving commutes will continue to get worse -- not just on Lincoln Road but 
> > on Route 2 and elsewhere. I'm definitely not opposed to analyzing the 
> > impact on specific hotspots like five corners, just pointing out that if 
> > your goal is to minimize the inevitable increase in rush-hour car traffic 
> > that accompanies new housing then it seems paradoxical to support housing 
> > where people have no choice but to drive for every trip.
> >  
> > In the short term, putting housing units in places that allow residents to 
> > walk to stores and take a bus or train to work reduces traffic even if it 
> > only starts off displacing 10% of car trips compared to a similar quantity 
> > of housing along Route 2. And in the longer term, even if you believe that 
> > the displacement will be negligible today, this provides a safety release 
> > valve that allows additional trips to shift to alternate modes as regional 
> > traffic gets worse (likely) or walkability/transit gets better (maybe).
> >  
> > That's why resigning ourselves to car-dependent development in an attempt 
> > to minimize traffic in a specific neighborhood or intersection seems penny 
> > wise and pound foolish to me. Even if it makes the local impact less acute 
> > it makes the broader problem more entrenched and when we repeatedly apply 
> > this logic across towns and generations we end up in a tragedy of the 
> > commons with traffic backing up at five corners anyway. Avoiding that fate 
> > requires a coordinated long-term respon

Re: [LincolnTalk] Wildlife Corridor and Option C (Map Included)

2023-10-22 Thread Maureen Malin
Very important consideration. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 21, 2023, at 6:35 PM, Barbara Peskin  wrote:
> (Map included)
> Dear Lincoln,
> The Housing Choice Act Working Group (HCAWG) has endorsed a rezoning plan for 
> the Lincoln Station area called Option C. The vote for rezoning will happen 
> at the March town meeting. Option C will have a significant negative impact 
> on wildlife. Those of us who care about wildlife can propose and explore 
> better options.
> Below is a map of the wildlife corridor that would be affected by 
> redevelopment in the Lincoln Station area. This corridor is one of the most 
> extensive in the region, connecting Great Meadows north of Concord (and 
> beyond) to Walden Pond Conservation, Lincoln Woods, Codman Farm, Drumlin, 
> Weston Woods, and the Sudbury River. The importance of the corridor is 
> underscored by the fact that an underpass was constructed below Route 2 to 
> facilitate animal migration. There is already a pinch point at the 
> intersection of Codman and Lincoln Rd. The construction of three-story condos 
> at Doherty's, across the street on Lincoln Rd and down Codman Road, will 
> negatively affect the movement and survival of numerous species. Those of us 
> who walk through this corridor, cherish it.
> With the rezoning and development proposed by the HCAWG committee, Codman 
> Farm will be surrounded by condos. It will become more of an urban courtyard 
> than a farmyard. With condos on Lincoln Roads between Codman Rd and the mall, 
> an area of proposed rezoning included in option C presented at the State of 
> the Town meeting, our view of the fields of Codman farm would be vastly 
> obfuscated from the road. This proposal does not conserve Lincoln's rural 
> identity.
> There are alternative options other than those proposed at the SOTT that 
> would comply with HCA, increase affordable housing in Lincoln, and be less 
> damaging to nature. It is essential that Lincoln reviews all possibilities 
> and evaluates the pros and cons openly.
> Many of us moved to Lincoln because it is a uniquely agricultural and 
> conservation-minded community. The proposed development will urbanize Lincoln 
> and make it look like any other town or even worse. Many other towns offer a 
> vibrant town center and a city-like feel, but you can't find another Lincoln. 
> We must realize the extreme costs of bringing high-density housing to Lincoln 
> station - it is not an unmitigated good. Let your voice be heard by asking 
> for a more modest option than one with 100% of new development concentrated 
> in the Lincoln Station area.
> With thanks for your consideration,
> Louise Bergeron,  Barbara Peskin and the wildlife who make a home on this land
> If you need more information about Option C and alternatives please email: 
> i...@lincolnresidentsforhousingalternatives.org
> ~
> Barbara Peskin
> My Moments in Nature Photo Gallery: barbarapeskin.com
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] HCA, High rent and related issues of roadblocks to homeownership

2023-10-21 Thread Maureen Malin
Very well said, Carolyn.  Totally agree. I would not support any of the current 
proposals under the present law. Would also stand pat on the protection of 
wildlife and Lincoln’s current 100 foot buffer.  Otherwise the only people who 
win are the developers and their ilk.  


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 21, 2023, at 11:57 AM, cmontie montie.net  wrote:
> While I’m chiming in regarding the HCA, I feel the need to separately address 
> the issue of affordability:
> I understand the Act as written limits affordable units to 10% of the housing 
> built.  This really gets me steamed.  The housing challenge in the greater 
> Boston area isn’t simply a lack of housing units, it's also the lack of 
> affordable housing units.  I just looked on Zillow and saw that in Boston, 
> Cambridge, Arlington, Newton, and Brookline combined right now, there are 
> almost 7000 rental listings (some of which have multiple units per building 
> open)—empty and wanting residents.  Another search in Wayland finds 21 vacant 
> market rate units in the big development on Boston Post Rd.If these were 
> affordable, they would be occupied. 
> I attended an event at the Stone House in Roxbury this week and spoke with 
> their housing coordinators about the challenges they face in trying to 
> rehouse the people they serve: survivors of domestic abuse who need safe 
> shelter away from their abusers.  Their story is the same:  it’s not a lack 
> of housing—it’s a lack of affordable housing.  The housing coordinators are 
> veterans and experts in networking and navigating Massachusetts‘ affordable 
> and transitional housing resources and private landlords—but the reality is 
> that there aren’t enough options that are affordable and stable to meet the 
> need.  (And here, I’ll also put in a plug about the amazing wraparound 
> services being provided by The Stone House for survivors of trauma—both 
> adults and children. October is Domestic Violence  Awareness and Prevention 
> Month: please consider a donation to the Stone House to support their 
> critical work! https://www.stonehouseinc.org/ ).
> Adding potentially 635 units of high density housing here--of which 90% is at 
> market rate--will not solve the greater Boston area’s housing problem.  
> Anyone spinning it this way is being disingenuous. 571 units at around 
> $4000/month? This act will line the pockets of developers.  If we’re 
> concerned about social issues related to housing, we would demand that the 
> 10% limit be raised.  Not only that, but we would be in active conversations 
> with the HCAWG’s of surrounding towns to push back en masse on this poorly 
> written act.
> Another way I look at it is this:  if I were willing to pay $4000/month on my 
> housing, I could conceivably purchase a home for roughly around $500,000.00 
> (with no downpayment) and still cover my taxes and insurance. This is based 
> on a quick calculation using an online mortgage calculator—it’s an imprecise 
> sketch and I realize that a minimum of 20% down is more realistic, but it’s 
> something to base a conversation on. My main point is:  Instead of kissing 
> goodbye to $4000 in rent every month, I’d be building capital. Homeownership 
> is a catalyst for building wealth. Average people caught in a cycle of paying 
> exorbitant rent have less ability to build wealth and savings over time. How 
> can one save for that 20% down when rents are so high?  Google “homeownership 
> and social justice“ and you’ll see plenty of articles that address the 
> connection between property ownership, systemic racism, and the growing 
> wealth gap.  This Act does nothing to address these issues—and it could be 
> said that it perpetuates them by mandating 90% of the units be available at 
> market rate.  
> It’s all well and good to talk about supply and demand, but the fact remains 
> that there are plenty (thousands) of vacant rentals in the Boston area right 
> now, and they appear to be immune to market pressures. I’m not against 
> increasing housing in Lincoln, but this blanket mandate seems really poorly 
> conceived by limiting affordable units to 10%. 
> I hope that just as this act was changed in August to include commercial 
> areas within the building zone (and I commend those who saw that refinements 
> were necessary!), there is still time to refine the act further with regard 
> to an increase in the percentage of allowable affordable housing.  In fact it 
> should incentivize more affordable housing.  I hope a coalition of towns with 
> similar concerns can collaborate and push for  improvements in this act.  It 
> may have been conceived with good intentions, but—well, we all know where 
> that road can go ;)
> Best
> C

Re: [LincolnTalk] Lincoln does it's part - RLF can propose something modest - Option C is not modest

2023-10-19 Thread Maureen Malin
Agree with need for modest refining.  Need to maintain character of Lincoln 
that brought us here. Also need at least 15% affordable. Would not rush to make 
changes esp in rezoning. Let’s see how challenges to HCA work out. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 19, 2023, at 3:22 PM, Bijoy Misra  wrote:
> That's the point!  We rezone as we like and we put our own zoning rules.
>> On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 10:51 AM Sara Mattes  wrote:
>> That is why if we rezone OUTSIDE of the HCA, going through our normal 
>> channels, we can have 15%… or more.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Oct 19, 2023, at 4:47 PM, Margaret Olson  wrote:
>>> The proposed HCA zoning includes a 10% affordable units requirement. Our 
>>> existing zoning has a 15% affordable requirement; the town was  not able to 
>>> prove that this is economically feasible. The HCA does permit us to have 
>>> 10% without an economic feasibility study and we will have a 10% affordable 
>>> requirement in the zoning.
>>>> On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 10:38 AM Barbara Peskin  
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Lincoln, 
>>>> I'm sorry I don't know how to reply to a thread on Lincoln Talk directly - 
>>>> but I wanted to reply to the one that started as you see below. 
>>>> It is misleading to say being against Option C is being against new 
>>>> development. None of the people I have talked to dislike Option C because 
>>>> they don't want any new development. In fact they all support reasonable 
>>>> development. The Option C rezoning proposal is not reasonable for Lincoln.
>>>> I hope all of us considering Option C first explore the Lincoln Station 
>>>> area to see the variety of multi-family zoning that exists there now. Go 
>>>> check out the Flying Nun apartments, Lincoln Woods, Ryan Estates and more. 
>>>> This housing came through 2/3 votes at Town Meeting over many years. You 
>>>> won't see the same level of housing in Carlisle, Weston or other similar 
>>>> towns that also provide home to wildlife and let people live in and around 
>>>> nature. 
>>>> Solution: Eighty five -100 units could be added at Lincoln Mall with a 
>>>> separate proposal from RLF at Town Meeting. In this climate, a modest 
>>>> proposal of 85-100 units would most certainly pass by 2/3 vote. More than 
>>>> likely RLF would have 15% of the units be affordable.
>>>> Option C is not that modest proposal. With Option C we would be rezoning 
>>>> the small section of Codman Rd between 117 and Lincoln Rd to allow 180 
>>>> units of housing instead of 11. With Option C HCAWG proposed rezoning to 
>>>> allow an estimated 454 additional housing units and estimated 900 cars. 
>>>> Under HCA rezoning guidelines there can be no affordability requirements. 
>>>> Add to the picture multiple new traffic lights, cars going down Tower Rd 
>>>> via Waze, and buildings and nightlights impacting the wildlife corridor. 
>>>> Rezoning to meet HCA state level guidelines needs to be very thoughtful, 
>>>> and Lincoln can do better than Option C, if it chooses.
>>>> Housing advocates, who also care about Lincoln's wildlife corridors, 
>>>> affordable housing and aren't blind to all the housing we already have in 
>>>> the Lincoln Station area, can vote against Option C and still have pride 
>>>> in themselves and Lincoln. Lincoln's leaders can propose an HCA rezoning 
>>>> option focused on the Commons that wants to expand anyway. RLF can propose 
>>>> 85-100 units at the Mall. We do not need to completely change Lincoln for 
>>>> us, the new residents and our wildlife if we rezone and add housing 
>>>> thoughtfully.
>>>> I am replying to the post that started this way
>>>> Hello LincolnTalkers,
>>>> I do not wish to rub salt in anybody’s wounds, and I certainly understand 
>>>> the anxiety around the possibility of change, but I’d like to remind 
>>>> everyone why the Housing Choice Act was enacted, not in the first place, 
>>>> but as a last resort.  
>>>> In many of Boston’s surrounding suburbs, there have been decades of 
>>>> resistance to providing more housing using techniques such as local zoning 
>>>> restrictions, concerns about traffic counts, burgeoning school 
>>>> populations, declining property values, and increased taxes to support 
>>>> addit

Re: [LincolnTalk] Option C and Our 1 Mile

2023-10-16 Thread Maureen Malin
Totally agree with Barbara 
Maureen Malin

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 16, 2023, at 8:56 AM, Barbara Peskin  wrote:
> Dear Lincoln,
> If Option C is approved, Codman Rd and Lincoln Rd will be zoned for 18 units 
> per acre, so some 2 acre lots could have up to 36 residences. The village 
> center will be zoned for 25 units per acre. The new Lincoln residents, here 
> because of good intention to contribute to housing development, may be able 
> to walk to Donelan’s (after the reconstruction of the mall) but surely will 
> likely want to drive to the local CVS, Transfer Station, Lincoln Library or 
> Town Hall. The new residents will need cars.
> The HCAWG has estimated 169 additional units could be built on Codman Rd 
> alone. Option C as a whole implies that 454 incremental new units could be 
> built all in the Lincoln Station area. At 1-2 cars per unit that could result 
> in up to 900 new cars. The generous transfer of land from residents and the 
> town to an HCA compliant developer would result in a very different Lincoln 
> than we know now. That is why I am opposed to the inconceivable rush to 
> approve Option C.
> Surely a traffic light will need to be added at one or more intersections. I 
> live about a mile from Lincoln Station. While I enjoy an occasional walk or 
> bike ride to Doherty's or my garden at Codman, most of the time I drive there 
> or through there on my way to 126 or Route 2. Should Option C pass, putting 
> hundreds of new cars driving on Codman and Lincoln Rd daily, surely I will 
> now be stopping and driving through traffic lights on my 1 mile journey. 
> All of this is unknown because we are being asked to vote on Option C without 
> a current traffic study and/or maximum potential numbers of new cars and 
> residential units Option C would allow.
> For these reasons, should Option C pass at Town Meeting in March, the dozens 
> of new residents living on rezoned lots might not have the same happy walk to 
> shopping and enjoying Lincoln in the way that inspired our initial 
> generosity. I hope as a town we can come up with a better option that 
> preserves the character of our town that so many have worked for.
> *Below is a screenshot of a slide presented by HCAWG, the notes added in red 
> are mine.
> ~
> Barbara Peskin
> My Moments in Nature Photo Gallery: barbarapeskin.com
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] speculation about HCA

2023-10-15 Thread Maureen Malin
I totally agree with Colleen 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 15, 2023, at 12:28 PM, Colleen Katsuki  
> wrote:
> I think there is a lot of speculation about HCA . It is important to know 
> what is clear and not speculative. Once Lincoln rezones any land it is by 
> rights changed forever ( "in perpetuity" ) and can be developed to a great 
> density. Once we have given that away, we can no longer get it back. Once it 
> is given away, any building permits for those areas can not be brought before 
> town meeting to decide or not to decide. We need to proceed with great care 
> and caution with lot of discussion and respect for all.
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
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> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.

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Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center- size considerations

2023-09-27 Thread Maureen E Devlin

On Sep 27, 2023, at 12:06 PM, Michael Dembowski  wrote:


On Sep 27, 2023, at 11:47 AM, Laura Crosby  wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 27, 2023, at 10:59 AM, John Mendelson  wrote:

You write as if everyone agrees the school has too much space.  I, for one, 

In my view, if there are lessons to be learned from the school building 
project, it is wise to examine the reasons why the town voted down the project 
in 2012, thereby rejecting $20.9 million in state funding.  Hubris, perhaps 
well-intentioned but overly wrought disagreements about site and design, 
concerns about cost?  Likely, all of the above.

To my ear, this dialogue sounds very similar, and I cannot help but believe 
that if we kick this down the road, costs are only going to increase and the 
impact of the project diminished.

I trust the work the CCBC has done and will very likely support their 


On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 7:22 AM Peter Buchthal 
mailto:pbucht...@gmail.com>> wrote:

People of course are allowed to have their own opinions, but I don't believe 
this building project is about accepting our responsibility for taking care of 
our elders.  As I have mentioned before, my father lived to 97 and was a big 
user of his local Council on Aging.  You apparently believe that if one does 
not support the CCBC's decisions, you don't support our Council on Aging and 
its mission.  This is far from the truth.

Many on Lincoln Talk  and others in town simply question the Council on Aging 
Hartwell generous building space requirements.   Residents simply do not want 
to build a building that is bigger than our needs like we did with the school. 
There is also a healthy debate on whether it makes sense to build a 
COA/Community Center on the Hartwell Campus without sufficient parking and 
limited hours to protect the pre-school Magic Gardens and school age (5+)  
dropoff/Pickup from automobile running child parking lot mishaps.  I am also 
not aware of any community center anywhere that  intentionally colocates a 
senior center and  daycare using a small shared parking lot.

Many on Lincoln Talk and the town would hate to see the town build a huge 
building that is underutilized and repeats the lack of parking at Bemis Hall.

As a small community with limited resources and the highest per capita debt in 
the commonwealth, we need to look at large projects with many eyes and many 
voices.  It is a shame that up to now, the CCBC really hasn't listened to the 
public's concerns.

In an effort to lower the cost and save between 3 and 4 million, I have 
previously asked why Leap can't be relocated into the school where it belongs.  
Almost all other school districts have extended day offerings within the school 
as the hours of a school and after school program dovetail perfectly.  Maybe we 
should ask our new Superintendent if he could house Leap within the school?

Does anyone know where Leap is going to run while the Hartwell Project is under 

Peter Buchthal
71 Weston Rd

On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 6:03 PM john gregg via Lincoln 
mailto:lincoln@lincolntalk.org>> wrote:
I am so surprised that a community that encourages acceptance and tolerance 
would further not doing the right thing like providing a place for kids, adults 
and elders should be able to congregate.

It is about space, about money, about having to be held accountable for past 
neglect like providing a school for children. A place where the kids would be 
provided safe care at LEAP for parents who work. A place where adults could 
allow care for the ones who actually took care of them if they move back home.

This is the same discussion when deciding about a new school, a bunch of 
intellectuals debating why things should not be provided to others like was 
provided to them.

Best Regards,
John Gregg
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Last Night's Community Center Forum

2023-09-15 Thread Maureen E Devlin
Hi LT,

I’ve been perusing the US Surgeon General’s recent report, Our Epidemic of 
Loneliness and 
 for a client, want to add it to the mix here.

The final chapter of the report is “A National Strategy to Advance Social 
Connection.” The first of six pillars of the Surgeon General’s strategy is to 
strengthen social infrastructure in local communities.

I encourage you to take a look at the report—and to support the good work of 
the CCBC and funding for a community center.

Maureen Devlin

From: Lincoln  on behalf of Laura Crosby 

Date: Friday, September 15, 2023 at 1:05 PM
To: Susan Stason 
Cc: lincoln@lincolntalk.org 
Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Last Night's Community Center Forum
I agree 100%!
Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 15, 2023, at 1:01 PM, Susan Stason  wrote:

I fully support Linda McMillan’s advocacy for a comfortable, informal gathering 
spot for seniors (with all the details she noted) as an essential part of a new 
Community Center.
Sue Stason
Sandy Pond Rd

On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 11:34 AM K Mierz via Lincoln 
mailto:lincoln@lincolntalk.org>> wrote:
when people have been mentioning the pierce house
for a community center
i think of all the land in the adjacent park.

has anyone considered building there?

katherine mierzwa

On Friday, September 15, 2023, 08:50:02 AM EDT, V Saleme 
mailto:bmwkbi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

The Pierce house?
I seem to recall tennis star, John McEnroe, having an expression for this ;)

I can’t imagine all the families whose kids participate in town events 
throughout the year coexisting in the same location - setting aside the traffic 
congestion and no doubt, everyone’s favorite proposed speed ‘humps’.


On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 8:04 PM Peter Buchthal 
mailto:pbucht...@gmail.com>> wrote:
My late father lived till he was 97 and was a big user of his local Council on 
Aging.  They were fantastic and helped us out is innumerable ways as my late 
mother suffered from dementia.  My father enjoyed his weekly senior lunch 
followed by a competitive game of scrabble with a local policeman.

I support all Council on Aging programs, period.

What I think the Community Center's committee hasn't yet made the case for is 
the following:

1) Without real average and mean numbers to COA's programs,  I can not get 
behind the size of program rooms requested to provide all ongoing programs. The 
COA has only provided min and max numbers with huge variations that make over 
building very likely.  Lincoln has a tendency to over build, that is why our 
school is much, much larger than we really needed by any standard.

2) The town has yet to disclose other competing capital expenditures in the 
pipeline for the town's tax resources.  I have heard rumors that we soon will 
need to replace the drinking water pipes along many parts of the town.  I have 
heard other rumors on lincoln talk, that our repaving and roadside path/bicycle 
safety  wishes may also require additional town borrowings.

3) The arguments for the Hartwell Community Center being made to the town is a 
bit of a False Choice.  We need to separate building or renovating a Senior 
Center of the correct size with "If you don't support this project, the town 
will never get a community center/ senior center that meets its needs."

I want to build a new or renovated facility that is the correct size for our 
Senior Community. I have continuing doubts that it should be on the Hartwell 
campus.  My late father was a terrible driver and I can't imagine purposefully 
placing our young children near senior drivers navigating parking lots.  I keep 
reading in the newspapers that seniors drivers often have unintended accidents  
driving into buildings that involve putting their foot down on the gas pedal 
instead of the brake.   Why are we unnecessarily setting ourselves up for a 
potential tragedy.

Let's stop this rush to build and build a newly renovated Council on Aging 
somewhere else in town like the Pierce House.

Peter Buchthal
71 Weston

On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 12:12 PM sally kindleberger 
mailto:skindleber...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thank you John Gregg for your thoughtful ideas about the Community Center.  We 
desperately need a Community Center that meets the needs of the whole 
community.  This Build is a long time coming!  If the town votes on a 50% or 
even 75% reduction in size from the original proposed 100%
it will be a huge mistake.  Programs won't be possible in the smaller spaces.  
Why build something that does not meet the needs of the town?  And prices will 
only increase over time.  If we continue to quibble and bring up the same 
arguments and the same suggestions over and over, again we will never have a 
Community Center.  Prices will never come down.  We need to bite the bullet and 
build a useful space that works for the community.
Visit community cente

Re: [LincolnTalk] Septic tank cleaning company

2023-06-28 Thread maureen
we have done well by Wind River, as well.
Maureen Malin

> On 06/28/2023 9:54 AM EDT Dan Paul  wrote:
> I agree. Good people, good service. 
> On Jun 28, 2023, at 8:46 AM, ddowning09  wrote:
> Recommend Wind River Environmental
> 8004991682
> ...Dan
>  Original message 
> From: Risa Lavelle 
> Date: 6/28/23 6:07 AM (GMT-05:00)
> To: lincoln@lincolntalk.org
> Subject: [LincolnTalk] Septic tank cleaning company
> Hi,
> I’m looking for recommendations for a local septic tank cleaning company.
> Thanks!
> Risa Lavelle 
> --
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
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> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
> --
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Reminder for Tonight's CCBC Public Forum

2023-04-25 Thread Maureen E Devlin
Hi—can someone please send out a Zoom link to the CCBC public forum happening 
now? The town website has just a Zoom link to the regular CCBC meeting tomorrow 

Thank you, and apologies in advance if I’m just overlooking it!

Maureen Devlin

From: Lincoln  on behalf of Krystal Wood 

Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 8:21 AM
To: Lincoln Talk 
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Reminder for Tonight's CCBC Public Forum

The Community Center Building Committee (CCBC) will host a public forum from 
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. this evening, in person in the Hartwell Multipurpose Room or 
remotely via Zoom. This forum will provide opportunities to hear a report from 
the design team, to offer public comments, and to see the results of the CCBC 
Values Survey.  593 people completed the survey — the CCBC is grateful to all 
those who took the time to share their thoughts.

The CCBC will hold its regular meeting the following evening (April 26) in the 
Donaldson Room at the Town Offices, at 7:00 p.m. (with a Zoom link available on 
the town website for those who wish to participate remotely).
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] MBTA Vision

2023-04-21 Thread maureen
Exactly why we moved here and do not want to see it destroyed..

> On 04/20/2023 10:04 AM EDT judyta frodyma  wrote:
> "Bronxville is 1 mile square. Lincoln (again according to Google) is 15 
> square miles, of which something like 35% of the land in town is held in 
> conservation."
> That's the whole point. We moved to Lincoln because we valued the land, the 
> conservation, the rural timeless feel, and the space. We have something 
> extremely rare here, within a short driving distance to a major city. We need 
> to protect it. Building more housing will take that away, and will tax the 
> ecological ecosystems we have in place that are already struggling. We are 
> not the only ones who use and need the land, and the belief that housing is 
> somehow of greater value than untouched, overgrown, "wild" land is a false, 
> human-centric premise that has led our society to the climate crisis we're in 
> now. 
> More housing in Lincoln will take away from Lincoln's character and endanger 
> the broader, non-human community we live in. I personally don't want a town 
> centre, or a community centre for that matter. I want trees and fields and 
> ponds and salamanders and turtles that don't die crossing the road. I want my 
> children to grow up in a town where they understand that people care about 
> the land as much as they do about each other. The land can't speak for 
> itself, we are all it has. 
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 8:06 AM Lis Herbert  mailto:lisherb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I agree.
> >  
> > I'd like to push back on the idea that you can't live in Lincoln without a 
> > car. We moved here in June 2016 with two young kids, and I didn't know how 
> > to drive. I got them around town using a bike trailer -- to camps, to 
> > school, to playdates, etc. It wasn't ideal, and I would have much preferred 
> > an electric cargo bike, but I had to get myself to and from Cambridge via 
> > Porter Square and inbound trains involve stairs. (It would have been too 
> > heavy for me to lift onto the train, and I couldn't leave it in Lincoln at 
> > the station for days on end.)
> >  
> > All of that is to say that you can probably manage most, if not all, 
> > erranding around town with an electric or regular old bicycle, and that 
> > includes transporting other people, but for that I'd recommend the 
> > electric. 
> >  
> > If, on top of an electric or regular bicycle, people living without cars in 
> > Lincoln had access to a number of Zipcars, located at the train station, I 
> > think they could forgo owning a car altogether. (If you are wondering how 
> > much I drive now that I have a license, I can tell you that I have put 168 
> > miles on my car since January 1.)
> >  
> > I'd also like to push back on the idea that Lincoln can't support more 
> > housing. I grew up in New York City, and moved to a very small town in 
> > Westchester County called Bronxville when I was in 7th grade. Bronxville, 
> > like Lincoln, is a very desirable place to live, with a much-admired school 
> > system, in close proximity to the city, and served by the commuter rail. 
> >  
> > Unlike Lincoln, Bronxville has, like virtually all towns along the train 
> > tracks in Westchester County, a terrific commercial center 
> > https://www.bronxvillechamber.org with an impressive number of shops, 
> > restaurants, and services. Within walking distance of the train station, 
> > there are several hundred apartments, many of which are by and large much 
> > less expensive on a per square foot basis than single family houses in 
> > town. Metro-North is relied upon by most people to commute or go into the 
> > city since street parking is a nightmare, garages are expensive, and Grand 
> > Central is a treat. And (a different conversation but worth mentioning) the 
> > bustling commercial center and greater housing density both help pay for 
> > things like the school and community services.
> >  
> > According to Google, Bronxville and Lincoln have a near identical 
> > population of a little more than 6,000 people. Bronxville is 1 mile square. 
> > Lincoln (again according to Google) is 15 square miles, of which something 
> > like 35% of the land in town is held in conservation. My point is that 
> > Lincoln, unlike Bronxville, is rural, and it is going to stay rural, 
> > whether we allow 10 units of housing to be built near the train station, or 
> > 100. And Lincoln could, I think, support -- with its similar population, 
> > both size-wise and socioeconomically -- at least half a dozen more of 
> > something (anything!) near the train station.
> >  
> > I draw this comparison between two very desirable and familiar-to-me towns 
> > with similar populations and demographics to say that Bronxville's mayor 
> > sort of, maybe, has a leg to stand on when she says 
> > https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/22/opinion/new-york-housing-crisis-kathy-hochul.html
> >  that the state housing mandate is going to 

Re: [LincolnTalk] MBTA Vision

2023-04-18 Thread Maureen Malin
Totally agree

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 18, 2023, at 9:53 PM, Sara Mattes  wrote:
> Amen
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 18, 2023, at 9:19 PM, Robert Ahlert  wrote:
>> If this vision came to pass, especially 10 to 30 minute electrified service 
>> into and through Boston to other regional locations, then we would have a 
>> modern system which could coax folks out of their cars.  
>> https://commonwealthmagazine.org/transportation/moultons-ambitious-expensive-and-enthralling-transportation-vision/
>> Until then, I think it is really unfair to be forced to build housing when 
>> the current MBTA service does not make it possible to live in Lincoln 
>> without a car. We will just end up with more cars and same train service. 
>> Maybe it will be worth it by 2050?
>> Rob A
>> -- 
>> Robert Ahlert | 781.738.1069 | robahl...@gmail.com
>> -- 
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
>> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
>> Change your subscription settings at 
>> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
> Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
> Change your subscription settings at 
> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Sledding hill in Lincoln

2023-03-16 Thread Maureen At Beede
Thank you!

On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 11:50 PM Scott Clary  wrote:

> DeNormandie Hill is the go-to. Good thing it is cold tonight but better
> hurry...
> Kind Regards,
> Scott Clary
> 617-968-5769
> Sent from a mobile device - please excuse typos and errors
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2023, 11:28 PM Maureen At Beede <
> maureensbeedeem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a good sledding hill while the snow lasts?  --
>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
>> Browse the archives at
>> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
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>> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
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[LincolnTalk] Sledding hill in Lincoln

2023-03-15 Thread Maureen At Beede
Can anyone recommend a good sledding hill while the snow lasts?
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[LincolnTalk] SonyTV delivered to wrong house

2023-02-27 Thread Maureen At Beede
Did anyone accidentally receive a Sony tv from Best Buy today - Monday Feb
27? I was expecting a delivery and got an email confirmation that it was
delivered and signed for around 2:15. However it was not delivered to or
signed for by me.

Best Buy is investigating and will replace it in a few days. I’m just
wondering if someone else in Lincoln got it by mistake.  You can DM me if
so.  Thank you. Maureen
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2022-12-02 Thread maureen
Hi All,
We have four rescue Shetland Sheepdogs (varying sizes, ages, health issues) who 
need mobile groomer.  Has anyone had any experience with some of the local 
mobile dog groomers, especially those grooming shelties.
Please let us know.
Many thanks.
Maureen Malin-- 
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2022-12-02 Thread maureen
 Hi All,   we are looking for a positive reinforcement dog trainer for 1.5 yo 
traumatized Shetland sheepdog.  No training.  Minimal socialization.  Fearful, 
especially of men (my husband, a real sweetheart and true gentle man is 
developing a complex).  Needs basics and some remedial training but all with 
gentle hand.   Has anyone had experiences with such a trainer.  Please let us 
know.   Many thanks.   Maureen Malin-- 
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Re: [LincolnTalk] community center

2022-10-26 Thread Maureen At Beede
Lots of Lincoln seniors use beede center in concord.  Full access for
$199/year if over 80.

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 7:52 AM Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln <
lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:

> Just out of curiosity, I wonder if our Lincoln seniors could ever be
> granted *certain* access to any of the phenomenal health and fitness
> facilities at Hanscom?
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 7:41 AM, Elaine Hawkes <
> elainehaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Seth and others for bringing up the community center. It’s
> something I have been discussing with other youngish seniors (LSRHS class
> of 1971)and have a number of concerns.  Although I don’t yet use the senior
> senior, and do think one with an elevator is important, I’m not sure how
> many older adults in town use it regularly. In my cohort, there is a
> greater worry about high property taxes and whether we can afford to
> continue to pay them if a community center is built.
> “If you build it they will come” (
> https://www.lincolntown.org/documentcenter/view/35385) Is this true,
> particularly with ongoing concerns about covid and availability of
> classes and meetings on Zoom?
> There are few offerings for adults through the Rec Department. Is that
> from lack of space or lack of interest? Most people I know go out of town
> for programs.
> I’m not happy with the design which appears to have a lot of wasted space
> in its “open concept”. With heating prices going up, how much will it cost
> to heat this big building?
> I also think the world has changed since 2017 when this community center
> was first discussed.  I would rather the town spend its money on mixed
> income housing, for example, which it needs. And, Lincoln’s older homebound
> adults could stay in their homes if they had more services paid for by the
> town. This would be a good use of money for seniors.
> Lastly, if an expensive community center must be built, can we at the same
> time look at allowing more Lincoln homes to build accessory apartments and
> backyard cottages? This would help seniors pay their higher taxes, and stay
> in their large homes while benefiting non-high income folks looking for
> Lincoln housing.
> Elaine
> --
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2022-08-12 Thread maureen
feeding tube in his neck. He needs a bath and grooming but feeding tube area 
needs special care and attention so that it does not get dislodged or wet. Does 
anyone know a groomer associated with a vet practice or who has the experience, 
patience and gentleness to work with our timid pup. He does not have double 
coat and is frequently brushed by us. Many thanks for your help with this. We 
are at a loss. Money and distance less the object that the specialized, patient 
and gentle care.-- 
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Circus Smirkus A MUST SEE!

2022-07-31 Thread Maureen At Beede
All ages from maybe preschool up. Infants/ toddlers may be overwhelmed with
having to stay in their seat for 2 hours.  There is a 30-minute

On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 8:52 AM Diane Clapp  wrote:

> What age is best to see this?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 29, 2022, at 9:47 PM, "jennifer.z...@gmail.com" <
> jennifer.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I second this. An exuberant, joyful show!
> Jen
> On Jul 29, 2022, at 6:02 PM, Maureen At Beede <
> maureensbeedeem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I sat ringside last night with other Linconites and LPS friends at one of
> Circus Smirkus's  awe-inspiring shows. The performers, all kids between the
> ages of 11 and 18, were having as much fun as the audience. Though the
> "troupers" are young, their acts are sophisticated, choreographed by
> award-winning Broadway choreographer Grady McLeod Bowman
> <https://www.gradymcleodbowman.com>The dazzling costumes, too, were
> created by NYC professional costume designers  Julie Michael,
> <http://www.juliemichaelnewyork.com/about-1> and Estefania Zambrano
> <https://www.estefaniazambrano.com/costumedesignnyc>.
> CS is definitely an excellent family friendly event you won't want to
> miss. Through Aug. 1, CS is just a few miles down the road at Gore Place in
> Waltham. Parking is easy and you'll be home by 9:15.
> Click here  <https://www.smirkus.org/about-big-top-tour/>If you have not
> already secured your tickets to Circus Smirkus featuring our very own
> Athena Montori!
> --
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[LincolnTalk] Circus Smirkus A MUST SEE!

2022-07-29 Thread Maureen At Beede
I sat ringside last night with other Linconites and LPS friends at one of
Circus Smirkus's  awe-inspiring shows. The performers, all kids between the
ages of 11 and 18, were having as much fun as the audience. Though the
"troupers" are young, their acts are sophisticated, choreographed by
award-winning Broadway choreographer Grady McLeod Bowman
The dazzling costumes, too, were created
by NYC professional costume designers  Julie Michael,
 and Estefania Zambrano

CS is definitely an excellent family friendly event you won't want to miss.
Through Aug. 1, CS is just a few miles down the road at Gore Place in
Waltham. Parking is easy and you'll be home by 9:15.

Click here  If you have not
already secured your tickets to Circus Smirkus featuring our very own
Athena Montori!
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[LincolnTalk] recommending a contractor/handyman

2022-07-24 Thread Maureen At Beede
Hello LT community,

Licensed General Contractor David Reece of Dovetail Design/Renovation just
completed a small carpentry job for me and I am very pleased.

He stayed within the schedule and budget we worked out together. The
finished project shows David's pride in his work and his commitment to

A former Lincolnite, David is now based out of Lancaster.  He has done a
lot of work in Lincoln and surrounding towns. He has insurance and
references. You may reach David at 781-962-1007.

Thank you, Maureen Belt
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[LincolnTalk] ISO someone to fix grout in tiled shower

2022-07-22 Thread Maureen E Devlin
Hi—can anyone recommend a tile person who can fix/restore the grout in our 
tiled shower? The tiles are in great shape, but the grout needs work.

Thanks in advance for leads!

Maureen Devlin
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[LincolnTalk] Bonnie Raitt tix are gone

2022-06-15 Thread Maureen At Beede
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[LincolnTalk] Bonnie Raitt tix June 21

2022-06-15 Thread Maureen At Beede
At Beacon Theater,

 Loge 4 Row J, 2 seats

asking $180 each.
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[LincolnTalk] All set for crib mattress

2022-06-11 Thread Maureen E Devlin
Many thanks for your generous responses!!
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[LincolnTalk] ISO crib mattress and swing set

2022-06-10 Thread Maureen E Devlin
Hi—posting this for a friend in Lincoln who’s not on Talks. Her two young 
grandchildren (and their parents btw) are relocating to the Boston area and are 
going to stay in her home in Lincoln starting July 1 for at least a couple 
months. You can imagine the preparations! She’s looking for a crib mattress 
and—this one’s a long shot—a swing set. Willing to pay fair price.

Please reply directly to me, and thank you in advance!

Maureen Devlin
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[LincolnTalk] Tent is taken

2022-06-08 Thread Maureen At Beede
Thank you to everyone who was interested.  
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[LincolnTalk] All set with high chair!

2022-05-01 Thread Maureen At Beede
I was all set to pick one up - shout out to Lynne- when we learned the kids
ordered one this morning to be delivered here.

Thank you everyone 
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[LincolnTalk] High chair for toddler

2022-05-01 Thread Maureen At Beede
A recent 1-year-old is visiting this Tuesday thru Friday.  Does anyone have
a high chair we can borrow for this short time?   DM me.  Thank you.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Not trusting your fellow residents? | RE: Town meeting Article 40/31

2022-03-29 Thread Maureen At Beede
I agree. I was finding the dialogue very informative.

On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 12:37 PM Pat Gray  wrote:

> Paul,
> Why? What’s the problem? I was learning a lot from reading the emails.
>  I read what I like on LincolnTalk and I delete the rest. We are adults
> and can figure out how to do that.
> Pat Gray
> On Mar 28, 2022, at 11:23 AM, Paul Shorb  wrote:
> FYI, the LT moderators have asked Dennis & me to take any further
> colloquy on this offline.
> - Paul
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 3:14 AM Dennis Liu 
> wrote:
>> *Paul Shorb wrote:  > You misunderstand the proposal if you think its
>> main motivation or justification is to benefit the builders or residents in
>> future new buildings. It should be clear from the slides we shared in our
>> two webinars and at Town Meeting that the main motivation is to take one
>> small, initial step out of many that we need to take to slow down climate
>> change. It just happens, so it was worth mentioning, that this small
>> initial step has some cost advantages for builders and owners albeit. But
>> as I mentioned elsewhere today on LT, I don't trust all builders to respond
>> immediately to the modest cost delta, so a mandate is warranted. It's ECON
>> 101 that the free market fails to produce the best result, and government
>> controls layered on top of free market mechanisms produce a better result,
>> in the case of major "negative externalities" associated with
>> self-interested decisions - right?*
>> I apologize if I misunderstood the *intent* behind the proposal, perhaps
>> giving your argument too much credit by reading into what you wrote below
>> as making the point that builders/homeowners **WILL** benefit.  I am
>> glad that you have clarified your point that your/the committee’s main
>> motivation is to force Lincoln residents to take a symbolic stand against
>> climate change, and that any financial benefits are a mere side effect.
>> It is telling that you use the phrase, “*I don’t* *trust* all builders
>> to respond immediately to the modest cost delta, so a mandate is
>> warranted.”  So, Paul, are you making the concession that there is a HIGHER
>> cost associated with this proposed law?  And that any benefits would be
>> down the road / over time, since it will take years to recoup the
>> additional initial expense?
>> At the risk of invoking shouts of Godwin’s law, your phrasing is
>> precisely what troubles classical liberals/libertarians like me.  History
>> is replete with technocrats/socialists who think that the elite, the more
>> highly educated, the ones who deserve to govern have a moral responsibility
>> to SAVE ignorant folks from the consequences of their own, foolish
>> decisions.  You are literally saying that you don’t TRUST folks to make
>> decisions on their own, even when it’s to their benefit (in your opinion).
>> Does that not strike you as being perhaps . . . a touch arrogant?  That you
>> (and your fellow committee members??) think you know best for everyone, and
>> thus must force this change on everyone via passing a new law, because you
>> don’t TRUST folks to act in their own self-interest?
>> Again, I am just highlighting that one cannot have it *BOTH WAYS*.  If
>> all-electric construction IS more cost-effective in the long run, then why
>> would we need a law to mandate it?  Who needs to be forced to save money?
>> *UNLESS*. . . the change is actually NOT cost-effective over the long
>> run?  *OR* that there are additional, non-monetary expenses (say, a PITA
>> factor, or less reliability, or inability to heat to a target temperature
>> in cold weather, or any of another dozen PERSONAL preferences) that tip the
>> scale in the opposite direction?
>> Also,  it’s fascinating that you cite “ECON 101” when you mention that “*the
>> free market fails to produce the best result, and government controls
>> layered on top of free market mechanisms produce a better result, in the
>> case of major "negative externalities" associated with self-interested
>> decisions.*”
>> I am certainly not an economist, nor do I play one on TV, but I am
>> nevertheless confident that ECON 101 teaches us that when the price of
>> something INCREASES, demand DECREASES, and vice versa.  The simple law of
>> supply and demand is what’s taught on day 1 of any introduction to (micro)
>> economics (
>> https://medium.com/impact-economics/economics-101-supply-e35bcaabe11f).
>> The takeaway here is that:
>>1. if this law INCREASES the cost of housing in Lincoln, then demand
>>will DECREASE, meaning fewer folks will want to / be able to afford to 
>> live
>>in Lincoln; and
>>2. if this law somehow decreases the cost of housing in Lincoln by
>>making things more affordable, then demand will increase – but then one
>>WOULD NOT NEED a law in the first place, because rational homeowners will
>>want it.
>> To your point about *externalities*, I will 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Gas leaks

2022-01-29 Thread Maureen At Beede
Hi Margaret,

I, too, have had the bathrobe-sleeve-in-the-flame Experience. It was at
least 25 years ago making French toast, but the memory rushes back EVERY
time I light the stove.   Always good to have the sink nearby.  Glad you
also had a good outcome.

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 8:48 AM Margaret Olson 

> I am also a huge fan of induction cooktops. In listing their many
> advantages Dennis omitted two:
> - you can’t accidentally dip your bathrobe sleeve in the flame and light
> yourself on fire (yes, sleeve under kitchen faucet put the fire out and no
> one was hurt, but still…)
> - no methane or other pollutants in your house for you to breathe.
> Faster and much more control are far more convenient than you can imagine.
> The cooktops tend to have more range than the single burners: their “boost”
> is higher and their low settings lower.
> I would also recommend replacing your gas with induction if you can
> afford it.
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 2:25 AM Dennis Liu 
> wrote:
>> Fascinating, thanks for sharing.  This small research study has certainly
>> made headlines across the country, as many media outlets have picked up on
>> it.  I admit to some curiosity, as the news hit the big points, but without
>> much context.  So decided to do some simple arithmetic.
>> From the cited study (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.1c04707)
>> itself:  "For our methane emission measurements, we scaled our measurements
>> to calculate the total amount of methane emitted from stoves overall,
>> employing the usage patterns reported by Chan et al. and Zhao et al.
>> (18,28) (see the Materials and Methods section). We estimated that an
>> average stove (burners plus oven) emitted 649 [95% CI: 427, 949] g CH4
>> year–1"
>> *So, 649 grams (or 1.43 pounds) of methane emitted by a stove per year
>> (from both in use and when not in use).  Is that . . . a lot?  Is that . .
>> . dangerous?  One would think all of these news stories would provide this
>> context, right??*
>> *Google tells me that a single cow produces 220 pounds of methane per
>> year.  That means that a gas stove produces about 0.65% of the methane a
>> cow does.*
>> There are about 94.8 million cows in the US, and 43.4 million gas
>> stoves/cooktops/ovens.  Which means, overall in the United States per year,
>> all gas appliances produce about 0.3% of the methane that cows do.
>> Which is not intended to diminish the fact that, yes, anything that uses
>> natural gas will generate methane - including those natural gas plants that
>> generate the electricity used for electric appliances.  Also, we should
>> keep in mind, "According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), about 40
>> percent of total
>> global methane emissions occur naturally from sources such as wetlands,
>> geologic seepage, permafrost, and animal secretions.  The remaining 60
>> percent of global methane emissions are anthropogenic (man-made), and the
>> largest portion of these come from agricultural production such as raising
>> livestock and rice production. Fossil fuel production, transportation,
>> and use account for approximately 20 percent (~113 million metric tons) of
>> total global methane emissions, and emissions attributable to gas power are
>> about 3% (17 million metric tons) of the global total."
>> Having said all of this, I cannot emphasize enough how much of a fan of
>> induction cooktops I am.  I will never use conventional electric cooktops
>> again, and I would even switch from gas to induction when economically
>> appropriate.  Induction is that awesome -- its faster than gas, can be more
>> controllable, and WAY, WAY, WAY easier to keep clean.
>> HTH,
>> --Dennis
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Lincoln  On Behalf Of Belinda
>> Gingrich
>> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2022 8:50 PM
>> To: lincoln@lincolntalk.org
>> Subject: [LincolnTalk] Gas leaks
>> The induction stove top at the library is busy making rounds. I feel bad
>> promoting these stoves when its next to impossible to buy a full sized
>> range right now. Hopefully they will repopulate the stores with cars and
>> cat food this spring!
>> This article was in the NYT yesterday about a study which found gas lines
>> and stoves inside the house were leaking methane even when the appliances
>> were off. I shouldn’t have been surprised since we know there are huge
>> numbers of leaks in the natural gas network leading to our houses but I
>> hadn’t imagined they are in our houses as well.
>> https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/27/climate/gas-stoves-methane-emissions.html
>> Enjoy the snow!
>> Belinda
>> --
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>> Change 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Massachusetts will punish suburbs that don't allow apartments near transit.

2022-01-24 Thread maureen
would agree given pressure to build inordinate amount of multi units. We are 
not Newton which can absorb more multi unit housing.
Maureen Malin

> On January 24, 2022 5:49 PM Debra Daugherty  wrote:
> Can we eliminate our MBTA stop? Is that an option? (I'm not saying it's 
> the right choice. Just wondering whether it is a choice.)
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 5:29 PM Lynne Smith < ly...@smith.net 
> mailto:ly...@smith.net > wrote:
> > > An interesting article for Lincoln.
> > 
> > 
> > https://slate.com/business/2022/01/massachusetts-zoning-apartments-housing-transit.html
> > 
> > 
> > Lynne Smith
> > 5 Tabor Hill Road
> > Lincoln, MA 01773
> > 781-258-1175
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > --
> > The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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> > https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
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> > 
> > > --
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Donelans

2022-01-18 Thread Maureen At Beede
Closed today according to its website

On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 9:35 AM Rosamond Delori  wrote:

> Does anyone have any information about Donelans? The phone line is busy
> all the time and it was closed yesterday. Wondering whether it’s going to
> be closed for a long time?
> Rosamond
> Please excuse likely errors due to autospell!
> --
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[LincolnTalk] Immersive Van Gogh tickets taken

2021-12-25 Thread Maureen E Devlin
Thanks for all your interest!


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[LincolnTalk] $20 Van Gogh immersive tickets--5 for Mon 12/27 @ 7:30pm

2021-12-25 Thread Maureen E Devlin
Merry Christmas! We’ve got 5 adult tickets for Van Gogh Immersive at SoWa for 
Monday Dec 27 that we can’t use.  Timed admission is 7:30pm.

Cost $35 each, asking $20 each.  Easy to email you the mobile tix and/or PDF to 

Please email me directly at mdev...@mit.edu<mailto:mdev...@mit.edu> or call my 
cell 781 910-7433.

Maureen Devlin

The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] mechanic - recommendation

2021-11-26 Thread Maureen Malin
T Motors excellent. On rte 126 Lincoln

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 26, 2021, at 3:16 PM, Veronica Greenbaum 
>  wrote:
> Looking for recommendations for mechanic in area.  If it makes a difference 
> on recommendations, cars are mazda and subaru, 8+ y/o and we tend to drive 
> our cars into the dirt.  
> Thanks LT,
> Veronica Greenbaum
> -- 
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
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The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
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Re: [LincolnTalk] garden conultant

2021-09-17 Thread maureen
i am interested in the same type of person.Maureen

> On September 16, 2021 9:09 AM Debra Daugherty  
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Any recommendations for a garden/landscape consultant? My garden is small 
> (just the perimeter of my condo) and it's tricky (shady and highly variable 
> conditions). Large scale landscapers wouldn't be interested. What I'm looking 
> for is someone who can help me develop a garden plan that I can execute 
> myself. They should be seriously familiar with design and the behavior of 
> plants under various conditions.
> Thank you!
> Debra
> --
> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
> Search the archives at http://lincoln.2330058.n4.nabble.com/.
> Browse the archives at 
> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/.
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> https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
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