I think SpamBayes works inconsistently with Outlook 2007. It worked
perfectly for me when I upgraded from Outlook 2003, and when I had to
reinstall my system on a new hard drive it worked perfectly there. But then
I had to reinstall the system again, and it hasn't worked since. I had the
problem with Outlook crashing, but most of the time I could use the Spam and
Not Spam buttons, but no matter what I did, SpamBayes simply would do no
filtering on its own. I disabled and reenabled filtering. I trained it
manually and on the fly. I uninstalled and reinstalled. It kept track of the
training I was doing, but when it came to automatic filtering, it just sat
there. For months, actually. I asked the list for help several times but
didn't receive a single response. So I finally gave up, which was a shame,
because when it worked, it was the best spam-defeating system I'd
encountered, certainly better than the badly designed Outlook Junk E-mail
Filter I'm using now.




Behalf Of David Reichard


I switched to Outlook 2007 a few weeks ago and am running SpamBayes with no
problem. So it appears SpamBayes is compatible with Outlook 2007. Not sure
what may be the problem with your installation.


I had a similar problem with a different plug in, and that software
publisher admits  that they don't work with Outlook 2007 yet.


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