On 11/21/17, 9:59 AM, "sqlite-users on behalf of Keith Medcalf" 
<sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org on behalf of kmedc...@dessus.com> 
> If you run an RFC complaint MTA then there is really very little problem with 
> SPAM at all -- I have many connections per second rejected for RFC 
> non-compliance -- and get maybe 3 SPAM messages per day, all of which 
> originate from the crappy Johhny-cum-lately freemail systems

So. taronga.com is a high profile spam target thanks to my using it for Usenet 
posts for years. Like, at one point in the ‘90s I got so much spam that it blew 
out my bandwidth limit and I got charged an overage, just for receiving 
handshakes and dropping spam on the ground.

I tried being aggressively OCD about RFC compliance and found I was missing 
mail I actually needed. Like, from lawyers and similar stuff that had real 
world consequences.

So I went back to using a combination of multiple layers of filters and a 
greylist front end. Oh, and blocking all of China and Argentina.

Still get a lot of spam that Apple Mail’s Bayesian filter takes care of. Mostly.

Still too many false positives. I switched to gmail for mail I actually really 
needed to get. I was spending too much lifetime dealing with mail issues.

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