>(3) Consider deliberating choosing INTEGER PRIMARY KEY values based on
>a "Morton code" or "Z-Order curve" of the coordinates.
>(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-order_curve)  That will cause
>features that are close together geographically to tend to be close
>together within the file.

My primary key is actually the Id of the specific object in the 
OpenStreetMap-database, and we also need this osm-id in the app.
I was trying just to order all rows by the "Z-Order curve"-value first 
before inserting them.

for each (line in lines.ordered.by.zvalue)
     insert line  into lines
     insert line  into lines_rtree

But this doesn't seem to work.
At least, I don't see any improvements in page-usage.

So is it just the value of the primary key controlling in which page the 
row is stored?

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