
Was trying it out now, compiling some osm-dbs with primary key generated 
with this morton encoding from lat,lon and the performance is even 
Debugging with the sqlite-tool shows, that the page counts for specific 
queries are almost double then before.

Seems like, from the sqlite-side the only options is to have page size 
as big as possible and line-data in the blob-field as much compressed as 

------ Originalnachricht ------
Von: "Simon Slavin" <slav...@bigfraud.org>
An: "SQLite mailing list" <sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org>
Gesendet: 31.08.2018 19:07:36
Betreff: Re: [sqlite] Strategies to reduce page-loads?

>On 31 Aug 2018, at 2:46pm, J Decker <d3c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>There was a voxel engine that was claiming they were going to move to 
>>morton encoding; and I was working with a different engine, so I built 
>>simulator to test averge lookup distances; it was far more efficient 
>>keep sectors of voxels (32x32x32) in flat indexing, which made the 
>>distance 1025
>I can confirm that SatNav units do not keep their maps in Morton code 
>order.  It's not a no-brainer go-to solution for mapping.  However, the 
>analysis done to figure out a good storage order is rather complicated 
>and off-topic for this list.
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