Hi Christophe,

On 6/4/08, Christophe Leske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ..............
> AND (latitude_DDS BETWEEN 44.261771 and 44.424779)

You might want to check if you can somehow store this data *without*
the decimal point (with the point implied - counting six digits from
right to left) and use *integer* mathematical operators to do the

> someone suggested to divide up the tables - something which led me to
> the idea to create different views for each class_dds value:
> create view Level1 as Select * from cities where class_dds=1
> ..................
> So i could do select statements like:
> select * from Level1
> Union
> select * from Level2
> .......................

Perhaps he meant "partitioning" when he said "dividing" and he was
coming from an Oracle background or something ??? This is because
UNIONs are ALWAYS slow unless you are using a higher end RDBMS such as
Oracle where you can take special measures to speed up union using the
Oracle provided facilities.

Best regards,

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