> Is this how you expect the RTree tables to be used in a case like the OP 
> is interested in?
>      create table City (
>          id      integer primary key,
>          name    text,
>          lat     real,
>          long    real,
>          class   integer
>      );
>      create virtual table CityLoc using rtree (
>          id          integer referneces City,
>          lat_min     real,
>          lat_max     real,
>          long_min    real,
>          long_max    real
>      );

I would have expected the relationship to work the other way, e.g.

     create table City (
         id      integer primary key,
         loc     integer references CityLoc(id),
         name    text,
         lat     real,
         long    real,
         class   integer

     create virtual table CityLoc using rtree (
         id          integer primary key,
         lat_min     real,
         lat_max     real,
         long_min    real,
         long_max    real

Or perhaps a junction table between the two, if it was possible to have a city 
with more than one location, or if one location could be within two entities.

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