This wiki page (
talks about
SQLite's loadable extension functionality.

If you can tell me what platform you're compiling for (processor, O/S
version, etc.), and what build tools
(cygwin/gcc, mingw, MSVC, etc.) you're using, I will try and walk you
through the steps for building the
RTree module as a separate DLL.


On 6/4/08, Christophe Leske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > To compile the R-Tree extension, you only need rtree.c and rtree.h,
> > which you can pull directly from the website without having to use
> > CVS.  (OK, you'll probably also need sqlite3.h and sqlite3ext.h, but I
> > assumed you already have those.)
> >
> Hi,
> thank you for this, i got the files. Is there any document that would show
> some steps on how to compile the source for Windows in order to create an
> extension?
> I am sorry, but i am complete newbie to Sqlite's source.
> But SQLite rocks!
> --
> Christophe Leske
> Lessingstr. 5 - 40227 Duesseldorf - Germany
> 0211 261 32 12 - 0177 249 70 31
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