On 2016-09-05 1:55 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
Most of the world views the internet on their phone now, I am told,
and websites are suppose to be "responsive", meaning that they
reformat themselves to be attractive and useful for the majority who
view them through a 320x480 pixel soda-straw.  In an effort to conform
to this trend, I have made some changes to the *draft* SQLite website
(http://sqlite.org/draft) Your feedback on these changes is
appreciated.  Please be sure to try out the new design both on a
narrow-screen phone and on a traditional desktop browser.  The goal is
to provide a more mobile-friendly website without reducing the
information content available to desktop users.

Superficially the altered site looks like an improvement. It uses the simple and standard "viewport" declaration to achieve the low-hanging fruit. Text is readable on my phone as with my computer at its default size while loading. Site still seems navigatable. I didn't go very far though. -- Darren Duncan

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