On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Marco Papadam<dinanbm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello ,
>  I had my screen name for a very long time.
>  i recently checked my currently registered email address. I find that the
> email under there is my ex girlfriends. I went to change it and it tells me
> that it is suppressed.
>  Two questions. Can you change it for me.
> And two. Is she able to log on or get my password to my account?
> This is very urgent. i use my password for my other accounts.
> I dont not want her having access.

We don't have any control over your accounts, Pidgin is just a client.
 You will have to follow the instructions on the website of the
relevant account's protocol (e.g. AIM,MSN, etc.) to make changes like
this to your account.


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