On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 10:05:58PM +0100, David Woolley wrote:
> Brian Morrison wrote:
>> I don't think you understand. Pidgin support is done via a mailing
>> list, there is no physical support department, everything is done by a
> You should probably says "public mailing list"!
> Whilst this is what any regular user of open source software, or even  
> commercial loss leader "free" software, would expect, a lot of people  
> seem to be making this mistake.
> Given the apparent market for Pidgin, which is not very aware of typical  
> open source support mechanisms, it might be worth reviewing the  
> documentation to make sure that it is made explicit that support  
> requests go immediately into the public domain (confidentiality sense).

Since 2.6.1 we include a message in Help->about saying just that.


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