Hi Alex!

On Tue, 6 Sep 2016 23:03:00 -0400
pid...@alexoren.com wrote:

> On 06-09-2016 04:04, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > I disagree. "Sod off" means that the pidgin devs are not interested in this
> > functionality and that it won't be supported or accepted. "Patches welcome"
> > implies that this functionality is desirable, but not a high priority to the
> > core developers, but who may still support making it a part of pidgin.  
> Shlomi, when I started sending out the "suggestion for discussion" emails I
> stated that the intent was to solicit opinions and discussion on the merits
> of the ideas.
> I am not familiar with the vernacular, so I'll trust your interpretation.


> > The Pidgin project does not have infinite resources and cannot implement all
> > the features that people want. One option for you would be to set up a
> > bounty or a kickstarter/indiegogo/etc. campaign or whatever for that.  
> Or maybe even trying to write a plugin.

True, that's what "Patches welcome" may imply.
> Unfortunately Pidgin development seems to be very Windows unfriendly.  But
> that's a topic for another discussion.

Well, recently I've come to feel that the problem is that Windows is development
unfriendly when it comes to using FOSS libraries and APIs. :-) That put aside,
if you feel this is a problem, you can try setting up a VM running GNU/Linux
using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualBox or a different hypervisor. We
used this approach in a previous workplace and it worked well.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/

Fortran - there isn’t a way to do it... oh wait! Now there is.
    — http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/ways_to_do_it.html

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