on 2/28/01 11:55 AM, "David Ramsey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a way that I can disable the ID broker entirely?

>From the database.dtd:

<!ELEMENT table (column+,foreign-key*,index*,unique*,id-method-parameter*)>
<!ATTLIST table 
  idMethod (idbroker|autoincrement|sequence|none) "none"


Seems pretty clear to me.

> Torque is nice if you are starting from scratch and can control the
> structure of the database. Often though I work with medium and large
> scale companies that have existing databases and they are not going to
> reorganize them, change sequencers, etc., just for one new app. So far
> I've burned 3 days on a 10 day cycle screwing around with Torque and
> Torque issues. I'll end up eating the time this weekend to make it all
> work but I think I am going to shy away from Torque in the future until
> perhaps it improves. That means alot more raw JDBC code to write but at
> least I know that will work.

No offense, but it won't improve if people don't use it and give us
feedback. Also, the problems that you seem to be having are a result of your
own lack of education. Once you get more familiar with it, then things will
become easier. Whenever, working with a new product, it is often a good idea
to allocate time to actually learning it. :-)



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