The OM/Peer model is able to to use autoincrement, sequence, idbroker,
and none as others have said.  I have not added support for the
situation you describe however.  The complex OM/Peer model assumes you
will have some way of retrieving the id during the insert.  So for
sequences it needs to query the sequence itself, before inserting the

That said you may still find the simple om model useful while setting
the idmethod to "none".  Note that the om model is set from torque.props
before generating the classes.  I think the current default may be
simple but at a later time it is likely to become "complex".  I would
like to give a warning regarding the addSaveMethod=true option in
torque.props.  It may or may not cause problems.

We welcome any improvements you may offer that would work generally with
the technique of triggering the sequence internally.  I hope you still
find torque/om/peer classes useful with these adjustments, so your time
is not wasted.

John McNally

David Ramsey wrote:
> The VARCHAR2 is being mapped to String, yes. And I did pull the
> parameters by hand, loaded a criteria, and called doUpdate(crit) with
> the same result.
> Also, double checking the inserts, they just blow up with an exception.
> I am not at all interested in using the ID Broker for these tables and I
> was under the impression, given the light documentation on Torque, that
> setting autoincrement="false" would disable this but apparently it has
> not. However, it is still attempting to access sequences that don't
> exist, resulting in exceptions.
> Is there a way that I can disable the ID broker entirely? Every single
> one of these tables at this company are covered with a before insert
> trigger that uses their own sequencer to set the ID field the way they
> want it. I don't need nor want the overhead of the ID broker but there
> is nothing terribly clear about how to disable this "feature" at all.
> Torque is nice if you are starting from scratch and can control the
> structure of the database. Often though I work with medium and large
> scale companies that have existing databases and they are not going to
> reorganize them, change sequencers, etc., just for one new app. So far
> I've burned 3 days on a 10 day cycle screwing around with Torque and
> Torque issues. I'll end up eating the time this weekend to make it all
> work but I think I am going to shy away from Torque in the future until
> perhaps it improves. That means alot more raw JDBC code to write but at
> least I know that will work.
> "Brekke, Jeff" wrote:
> >
> > I've noticed that turbine is silent when an update fails via save().  But
> > everytime I've found that
> > it is because I'm not setting a member properly.  Your sql looks
> > interesting, what is VARCHAR2 is this being mapped to a string?
> >
> > Also, try to read the members out of data.getParameters() by hand, throw
> > them into a Criteria, and call SlaTypePeer.doUpdate(crit)
> > and see if that works.
> >
> > For me 1.1a11 is working with sybase and mysql.
> >
> --
> David Ramsey -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- There is an old Vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.
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